Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Medél, R.; 1846

Ramon Medél, «The Spanish Blazon or Heraldic Science, Coats of Arms of the Different Kingdoms into which Spain has been divided, and of the Noble Families thereof», work adorned with 40 lithographed plates, printer J. Guerrero, Conde del Asalto Street 73, Barcelona, 1846.

The author's name «Ramon Medél» is written as the author himself writes it and not «Ramón Medel» as it is written in other bibliographies.

  • The book first deals with the use of armories and the origin of the blazon, the shape of the coat of arms, the metals, colors, and linings, the partitions of the field and the honorable charges.
  • Ramon Medél continues writing about the figures and other heraldic terms, organizing them as a dictionary almost until the end of the book, interspersing within this dictionary chapters dedicated to specific topics. For example, within the letter «C», he intersperses chapters on crowns, the crest, the mantling, the collars of orders, the «vanderas», the supporters and the supporters, the motto, the «pavilion», all the above including examples of specific blazons, the arms of Spain, covering all these topics within the letter «C» from page 84, after the term «cordado», to page 167, which begins with the term «corriendo», this makes it a bit difficult to use this book as a dictionary, unless the reader uses bookmarks. Likewise, within the letter «O», he includes a long chapter dedicated to the military orders and the crosses of distinction.
  • After finishing the previous dictionary, in the final part of the book's text, he deals with the rules and the particular «exceptions» of blazon, the differences in armories, and the order in blazoning the coats of arms.
  • From page 281, until the end of the book, it includes lithographs in both black and white and color, starting with a small royal coat of arms of Spain, ending with the coat of arms of Guillermo Ignacio Cifré de Colonia, and going through theoretical explanatory illustrations of partitions, charges, etc., civil coats of arms, family coats of arms, and even imaginary coats of arms such as the arms of El Cid Campeador or those of the Suevi kings.

Bibliographical reference of century XIX.

Author: Medél, Ramon.

The following articles cite this bibliographic reference:

Internal resources: MedelR1846.BlasonEspañolCienciaHeraldica.pdf.

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Escudo de Castilla y León

Pinterest, heraldry and coats of arms

Pinterest, board of heraldry and coats of arms

I introduce my heraldic style and coats of arms in with the following description: «My style as a heraldic artist is clear, simbolic and methodic. Clear because my work searches pieces which transmit energy and vital force to the owner, I think that a coat of arms should be a source of light and joy and an expression of freedom. Symbolic because coats of arms must be a representation of its bearer, his/her ideals, motivations, history and anything he/she might want to display. Methodical because heraldic art is founded on a science, the so called science of heraldry».

The blazons in English are in the following Pinterest's board:

Categories: Technology and Social networks.

Root: Pinterest.

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Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Bécquer, G. A.; 1862

The Mount of the Souls de Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer

Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer (Gustavo Adolfo Domínguez Bastida), «The Mount of the Souls», published for the first time in the newspaper El Contemporáneo, along with 16 more legends, on November 7, 1862.

It was also edited a year after his death in his book titled «Rhymes and Legends», whose first edition of 1871 was prefaced by Rodríguez Correa and it was initially published in 2 volumes and later in 3 volumes.

The edition used in is the one titled «Legends», edited by Ediciones aContracorriente, ISBN 978-84-939129-0-1, Madrid, 2011.

Bibliographical reference of century XIX.

Author: Bécquer, Gustavo Adolfo.

External resource:

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Escudo de Castilla y León

Dr. Antonio Salmeron, artistic style

Dr. A. Salmerón, an heraldic style clear, simbolic and methodical

Five college degrees from four different universities and a long experience serving patrons from different cultures and traditions is the base of my heraldic practice. My wide range of knowledge and broad praxis are factors of my exuberant creativity. With a blend of strict adherence to tradition whilst hand drawing and an artistic combination of digital imaging procedures, I astoundingly «brings symbols to life».

My artistic style combines hand and digital process and could be drawn with 3 terms: clear, symbolic and methodical.

Clear because his creations transmit energy and vital force to the owner, he believe that a coat of arms should be a source of light and joy and an expression of freedom.

Symbolic because a coat of arms must be a representation of its bearer, his/her ideals, goals, motivations or history.

Finally, my heraldic creation methodology is founded on the science of heraldry and is a guarantee of a professional work.

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Escudo de Castilla y León

Contact data

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To advise you on the possibilities of creating your own coat of arms or for any other query you wish to make, you can contact me, without commitment, using the following contact information, you are welcome, and I will be happy to assist you.

The recommended way to contact is using my email address .

  • Dr. Antonio Salmeron.
  • Mobile phone: (+34) 690 855 320.
  • Telephone: (+34) 917 906 868.
  • email: .
  • Paseo de la Castellana 135, 7th floor, 28046 Madrid, Spain.

You can also contact me through my Facebook page or my Facebook Messenger or my LinkedIn page.

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Castellana 135, 7th floor, 28046 Madrid, Spain

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Escudo de Castilla y León

A coat of arms for your personal brand

SalesR 21 CoA FreeHand jpg

For some years the concept of «personal brand» has been expanded, a concept that, moreover, is powered by the internet.

The idea of personal branding is based on creating, developing, conveying, and protecting the image and impression you give of yourself to others, both in direct and indirect interaction—whether in person or, for instance, through social media. Your personal brand supports you as a professional when presenting your abilities, as a businessperson in your social relationships, and even in your job search.

This concept of personal branding tells you that you not only need to improve and strengthen yourself as a person or as a professional, but also that others should perceive and remember it. In this way, you can stand out and achieve greater success in your social, business, and professional relationships.

Your personal brand is built step by step; in it, the details matter, and you should also aim for the impression you make to be long-lasting.

For this reason, a personal coat of arms can be an ideal complement to your personal brand. When used wisely, it is, unlike other elements, enduring over time and can enhance and elevate your personal relationships.

The natural way to integrate your coat of arms into your personal brand is not to expect the coat of arms to provide it automatically, but rather to develop it through a cycle of positive feedback, in which your good conduct and professionalism dignify your arms, and your arms, in turn, reflect and communicate that worth continuously.

A coat of arms with its crest and 2 supporters
Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Freedom and legitimacy to adopt arms

In Spain we are all legitimated to adopt and have our own coat of arms, it is a privilege that we can give ourselves in a pure exercise of freedom, is a right that has been passed down to us throughout our history, and it is as beautiful and simple as it seems.

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Fernando Garcia-Mercadal and García-Loygorri is one of the experts who best described this idea when he writes: «It is the adoption itself... the original way of acquiring a personal blazon that consists of the intellectual of a new coat of arms by whom it intends to make it his own, having the capacity and intention to assume it and subject it to heraldic laws and customs...» and on the basis of it makes us notice that «it can be maintained that every person... has the right, nowadays, to take on new arms, with the exception of blazons owned by others or the acquisition of one which is contrary to law». According to the same author, the proper adoption of a coat of arms has 3 outstanding features [García-Mercadal y García-Loygorri, F.; 2012; page 281]:

  • «Is an act... that can have legal effects,... which implies an intellectual creation,... the mental invention of a certain form and contents that in Western culture are known as coat of arms or blazon»,
  • «Has an identifiable purpose, inasmuch as its object is to be represented by means of the same and, as the case may be, transmit it to its heirs» and
  • «is not an act of free will, since the suitor must submit his armories to design rules».
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Sigue por: Creation of your coat of arms.


Dr. Antonio Salmerón y Cabañas,
Paseo de la Castellana 135, 7th floor,
28046 Madrid, Spain.