Party per pale

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Alea Capital

Party per pale Sable and Or, two griffins' heads eraticted, and addorsed counterchanged.

Party per pale Sable and Or, two griffins' heads eraticted, and addorsed counterchanged.

Escudo partido de sable y oro, dos cabezas de grifo arrancadas y adosadas del uno en el otro.

Coat of arms emblazoned by me with a semi-circular shape, illuminated, and with a freehand finishing.

Blazon keywords: Party per pale, Sable, Or, Two, Head, Griffin, Erased, Addorsed and Counterchanged (side-by-side).

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Semi-circular, Illuminated and Freehand.

Classification: Socioeconomic, Created and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Alea Capital.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Amancier, lineage of Genevois

Gules, three bars per pale Or and Azure.

Blazon of the Amancier lineage of Genevois, Haute-Savoie, France.

Gules, three bars per pale Or and Azure.

Illuminated and a freehand finishing.

Its French blazon «de gueules, à trois fasces parties d'or et d'azur» can be found at [Rietstap, J. B.; 1861; page 40].

Any fess party per pale of metal and color or color and metal will always have a metal on metal or color on color conflict whether the field of the coat of arms is color or metal. There isn't conflict if the field of the coat of arms is also party per pale with metal under the color of the fess and with color under the metal of the fess or if the field is fur.

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Gules, Three, Fess, Party per pale, Or and Azure.

Style keywords: Freehand, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Semi-circular.

Classification: Interpreted, Lineage and Kingdom of France.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Avilés, J.; 1725b

J. Avilés, volume I, page 161 of the year 1725 and page 179 of the 1780, per pale

José de Avilés e Iturbide, Marquis of Aviles, member of the Supreme Council of War, «Ciencia heroyca, reducida a las leyes heráldicas del blasón: Ilustrada con exemplares de todas las piezas, figuras y ornamentos de que puede componerse un escudo de armas interior y exteriormente, Volume II», dedicated to Juan Bautista de Orendyn (Juan Bautista de Orendáin y Azpilicueta) of His Majesty's Council, printed by Juan Piferrer of the Ángel's Square, 404 pages, Barcelona, 1725.

I also usually consult Volume I of the edition [Avilés, J.; 1780b].

Contents of Volume Two

  • Cover page.
  • To the reader.
  • Errata sheet for each of the treatises.
  • Summary of the price.
  • Table of the treatises.
  • Plate index.
  • Warnings.
  • 319 pages for its 4 treatises: Treatise I with 6 chapters, Treatise II with 3 chapters, Treatise III with 4 chapters, and Treatise IV with 13 chapters.
  • 25 plates with hundreds of coats of arms and illustrative figures arranged at the end of each treatise, as follows: Plates 1 to 16 at the end of Treatise I, Plates 17 to 19 at the end of Treatise II, Plates 20 to 24 at the end of Treatise III, and Plate 25 at the end of Treatise IV.
  • Index of terms, words, and figures specific to blazonry.
  • Index of cities, titles, and families with coats of arms blazoned in this second volume.

Crown of count

Tomo II, helms and crowns

Bibliographical reference of century XVIII.

Classification: In black and white and Castilian language.

Author: Avilés e Iturbide, José.

Bibliographic reference mentioned in the following articles:

External resources:

Internal resources: AvilesJ1725.Tomo.II.pdf.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Balchin, Robert George Alexander

Quarterly: 1 and 4 Vert, a crescent within eight mullets in lozenge Or; 2 and 3 Azure, a chain fesswise throughout between three fleurs de lis, 2 and 1, all the links and fleurs de lis per pale Or and Argent; an inescutcheon Azure, bearing a crown of count, charged with an eagle displayed within a bordure Or.

Quarterly: 1 and 4 Vert, a crescent within eight mullets in lozenge Or; 2 and 3 Azure, a chain fesswise throughout between three fleurs de lis, 2 and 1, all the links and fleurs de lis per pale Or and Argent; an inescutcheon Azure, bearing a crown of count, charged with an eagle displayed within a bordure Or.

Coat of arms emblazoned by me with a pointed shape, illuminated, and with a watercolor finishing.

G0067, Chief Herald of Malta's grant of Robert George Alexander Balchin's arms, whose coat of arms has been emblazoned by me.

Blazon keywords: Quarterly, Vert, One, Crescent, Eight, Mullet, In lozenge, Or, Azure, Chain, Fesswise, Throughout, Between, Three, Fleur de lis, Ordered, Party per pale, Argent, Inescutcheon, Crest and mantling, Crown of Count, Crown, Charged, Eagle and Bordure.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Watercolor and Pointed.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Balchin, Robert George Alexander.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Bendel, Nathaniel

Party per pale Azure and Or, a tree eradicated and blasted between two starlings respectant all counterchanged.

Party per pale Azure and Or, a tree eradicated and blasted between two starlings respectant all counterchanged.

Escudo partido de azur y oro, un árbol arrancado y deshojado del uno al otro acompañado de dos estorninos afrontados del uno en el otro.

Coat of arms emblazoned by me with a ogee ended shape, illuminated, and with a leather finishing.

The Spanish blazon uses the unique term «afrontados» when 2 animals are facing each other looking at each other and in English 2 different heraldic terms are used:

Escudo de Castilla y León

Carlos Vidriales, his arms in my Exhibition at the International Lab

VidrialesC 35 InternationalLab 048_a jpg

Credits: Pablo Plaza is the author of the photograph and Antonio Salmerón y Cabañas is the author of the heraldic art of the coats of arms photographed.

Categories: Photographic, Coat of arms, Interpreted, Personal, Semi-circular, Illuminated, Outlined in sable, Party per pale, Argent, Cross, Sable, Bordure, Motto, Or, Thirteen, Hurt, Hurt, torteau, pellet, pomme and golpe, Azure, Three, In pale, Four, Five, Chief, Fleur de lis, Lineage, Conjoined in fess, Decoration, Suspended and Base (lower 1/3).

Root: Vidriales García y Bustamante, Carlos.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Castilla-La Mancha

Party per pale: 1 Gules, a castle triple-towered Or, port and windows Azure, masoned Sable; 2 Argent.

Party per pale: 1 Gules, a castle triple-towered Or, port and windows Azure, masoned Sable; 2 Argent.

Escudo partido: 1o de Gules, un castillo de oro, aclarado de azur, mazonado de sable; 2o de plata.

Coat of arms interpreted by me, illuminated with lights and shadows, contoured in Sable, with an ogee outer contour and with a leather finishing.

The coat of arms of Castilla-La Mancha emblazoned by me.

Blazon keywords: Gules, Argent, Or, Azure, Sable, One, Party per pale, Castle, Triple-towered, Port and windows and Masoned.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Ogee and Leather.

Classification: Civic, Interpreted, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Castilla-La Mancha.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Central Military Region with motto

Coat of arms (1984-1997 and 1997-2002) of the former Central Military Region, also called 1<sup>st</sup> Military Region, where I serve. I interpreted and emblazoned now this coat of arms with a semi-circular ended shape.

Party per pale: 1 Gules, a castle triple-towered Or, port and windows Azure, and masoned Sable; 2 Argent, a lion rampant Gules, crowned Or. Motto: «Región Militar Centro» over a scroll Or.

Coat of arms (1984-1997 and 1997-2002) of the former Central Military Region, also called 1st Military Region, where I serve. I interpreted and emblazoned now this coat of arms with a semi-circular ended shape.

Blazon keywords: Party per pale, Gules, One, Castle, Or, Port and windows, Azure, Masoned, Sable, Argent, Lion, Rampant, Crowned, Motto (identification) and Scroll.

Style keywords: Semi-circular, Illuminated, Outlined in sable and Metal beaten.

Classification: Interpreted, Military, Army and Navy, Coat of arms and Kingdom of Castile and Leon.

Bearer: Central Military Region.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


Party per pale: 1 Gules, in base a castle triple-towered Or, port and windows Azure, and masoned Sable; 2 Argent, in base a lion rampant Gules, crowned Or; overall a psi letter sable; a diminished bordure Or.

Party per pale: 1 Gules, in base a castle triple-towered Or, port and windows Azure, and masoned Sable; 2 Argent, in base a lion rampant Gules, crowned Or; overall a psi letter sable; a diminished bordure Or.

Escudo partido: 1o de gules, en punta un castillo de oro, aclarado de azur y mazonado de sable; 2o de plata, en punta un león rampante de gules, coronado de oro; brochante sobre la partición una letra psi de gules; una filiera de oro.

Arms depicted by me, illuminated with lights and shadows, contoured in Sable, with a semi-circular outer contour and with a iridescent finishing.

Coat of arms of Crepsi, military psychology, former Central Military Region, Kingdom of Spain, where I was stationed during my military service. These arms were designed by my lieutenant colonel and friend Miguel Angel Nuñez Amador, and in this image, they have been emblazoned by me. The Crepsi was a pioneer in its functions: a) the identification of soldiers at psychological risk, among tens of thousands of soldiers, using advanced information systems, including Artificial Intelligence (an area where I contributed during my service in 1989), and b) the evaluation and individualized attention of soldiers at risk through mobile units. The Crepsi has provided trained personnel and methods that are being used for the psychological care of troops deployed to conflict zones and for the psychological care of civilians in massive humanitarian disasters such as terrorist attacks or plane crashes with hundreds of affected people.

Design rationale

The psi letter of psychology and the arms of the Central Military Region: Party per pale: 1 Gules, a castle triple-towered Or, port and windows Azure, and masoned Sable; 2 Argent, a lion rampant Gules, crowned Or. These two fields, in turn, Gules and Argent, charged with a castle triple-towered and a crowned lion, originate from the Kingdom of Castile and León. The diminished bordure is for difference.

Blazon keywords: Gules, Argent, Or, Azure, Sable, Party per pale, In base, Castle, Triple-towered, Port and windows, Masoned, Lion, Rampant, Crowned, Overall, Letter and Diminished bordure.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Semi-circular and Iridescent.

Classification: Military, Interpreted, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Crepsi.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Crest and mantling of the family of Milos Dukat

Party per pale Azure and Gules, overall in chief two lions rampant, double queued Argent, armed, langued and crowned Or, and in base upon three wavy bars Argent, a ship Or, in full sail Argent. Crest: Upon a helm with a wreath Or, Azure and Gules, five ostrich feathers Argent, Azure, and Gules. Mantling: On the dexter Gules doubled Argent and on the sinister Azure doubled Argent.

Party per pale Azure and Gules, overall in chief two lions rampant, double queued Argent, armed, langued and crowned Or, and in base upon three wavy bars Argent, a ship Or, in full sail Argent. Crest: Upon a helm with a wreath Or, Azure and Gules, five ostrich feathers Argent, Azure, and Gules. Mantling: On the dexter Gules doubled Argent and on the sinister Azure doubled Argent.

Coat of arms devised by me, highlighted with lights and shadows, outlined in Sable, with a pointed outer contour and with a rough finishing.

Blazon keywords: Azure, Gules, Argent, Or, One, Two, Three, Party per pale, Overall, In chief, Lion, Rampant, Double queued, Armed, Langued, Crowned, In base, Upon, Wavy, Bar, Ship, Full sail, Crest and mantling, Crest, Upon (wreath), Helm, Wreath, Ostrich feathers, Mantling, Dexter, Doubled and Sinister.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Pointed and Rough.

Classification: Personal, Created, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Dukat, family of Milos.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Crown of the city of Bergamo

Party per pale Or and Gules. Crest: A mural crown Or.

Party per pale Or and Gules. Crest: A mural crown Or.

Coat of arms emblazoned by me, illuminated with lights and shadows, outlined in Sable, with an ogee outer contour and with a freehand finish.

The coat of arms of the city of Bergamo emblazoned by me. The shield is topped with a mural crown Or, displaying 8 towers, of which 5 are visible, this heraldic crown denotes Bergamo's status as a city.

Blazon keywords: Or, Gules, One, Party per pale, Crest, Mural crown and Crown.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Ogee and Freehand.

Classification: Civic, Interpreted, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Bergamo.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Dimidiation vs. impalement, comparative schema

Dimidiacion 12 Dimidiation Dimidiated jpg

Dimidiation~dimidiated vs impalement~impaled.


  • Azure, a lozenge Argent.
  • Argent, a fleur de lis Azure.
  • Dimidiated: 1 Azure, a lozenge Argent; 2 Argent, a fleur de lis Azure.
  • Party per pale: 1 Azure, a lozenge Argent; 2 Argent, a fleur de lis Azure.

Blazon keywords: Dimidiated, Party per pale, Azure, One, Lozenge, Argent and Fleur de lis.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable.

Classification: Schema and Coat of arms.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


My heraldic Discord wall is The Discord Roll of Arms # Antonio.

Antonio Salmeron Cabañas SHA, Discord

Categories: Technology, Social networks, Party per pale, Vert, One, Compass rose, Argent, Between, In chief, Ancient coronet, Crown, In base, Sun in splendour, Or, Sable, Overall (line of division), Spear, Shafted, Helm, Mantling, Doubled, Wreath, Lynx, Couchant, Proper, Langued, Azure, Motto and Giclée.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

España Herranz, Angel

Party per pale Gules and Vert, overall a chevron wavy Or between two plates in pale.

Party per pale Gules and Vert, overall a chevron wavy Or between two plates in pale.

Escudo partido de gules y sinople, brochante sobre el todo un cabrio ondado de oro acompañado de dos bezantes en palo de plata.

Coat of arms designed by me, illuminated with lights and shadows, outlined in Sable, and with a freehand finishing.

Design rationale

The first quarter of Gules with the dexter of the chevron Or are España, his surname. In the second quarter, the Vert is the green, the wavy chevron Or a bunker, and the two plates represent a ball and a hole of golf, his passion.

Blazon keywords: Gules, Vert, Or, Argent, One, Two, Party per pale, Overall, Chevron, Wavy, Between, Plate and In pale.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Created, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: España Herranz, Angel.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Family Ormazabal-Lazaro

Party per pale: 1 Sable, a tower with a turret Argent; 2 Argent, a wyvern erect Sable. Motto: «Res non verba».

Party per pale: 1 Sable, a tower with a turret Argent; 2 Argent, a wyvern erect Sable. Motto: «Res non verba».

Escudo partido: 1o de sable, una torre donjonada de plata; 2o de plata, un guiverno rampante de sable. Lema: «Res non verba».

Arms designed by me, highlighted with lights and shadows, outlined in Sable, with a semi-circular external shape and with a leather finish.

Design rationale

This coat of arms has been created by the family, combining the tower with a turret of the ancient arms of the lineage Ormazabal of the Basque Country, but with different tinctures, with a wyvern referring to the dragon issuing from the port of a castle in the ancient arms of the lineage Lazaro of Aragon. The Latin motto "«Res non verba» means «Deeds, not words» emphasizes the importance of actions over mere words.

Blazon keywords: Sable, Argent, One, Party per pale, Tower, With a turret, Wyvern, Erect and Motto.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Semi-circular and Leather.

Classification: Personal, Created, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Ormazabal-Lazaro, family.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Full achievement of Alessandro Giannelli and Mariana von Atzingen Gorga

Party per pale: 1 Azure, on two swords in saltire Argent, hilted Or, an oil lamp (oleum lucerna) Or, its eyelet Argent, enflamed of three flames proper; 2 Gules, at the nombril, a barbel naiant Argent between in chief a fleur de lis Or, and in base a trimount Vert. Crest: Upon a helm, befitting the husband’s degree, with a wreath Or and Gules, an arm vambraced proper grasping a cross tau of olive wood in pale proper. Mantling: Gules doubled Or. Motto: «Fac maiora ne ulla facies».

Party per pale: 1 Azure, on two swords in saltire Argent, hilted Or, an oil lamp (oleum lucerna) Or, its eyelet Argent, enflamed of three flames proper; 2 Gules, at the nombril, a barbel naiant Argent between in chief a fleur de lis Or, and in base a trimount Vert. Crest: Upon a helm, befitting the husband’s degree, with a wreath Or and Gules, an arm vambraced proper grasping a cross tau of olive wood in pale proper. Mantling: Gules doubled Or. Motto: «Fac maiora ne ulla facies».

Arms interpreted by me, illuminated with lights and shadows, contoured in Sable, with a pointed external shape and with a freehand finishing.

G0093, Chief Herald of Arms of Malta's grant for the arms of Alessandro Giannelli and Mariana von Atzingen Gorga. These arms have been emblazoned by me for such grant.

Blazon keywords: Azure, Argent, Or, Gules, Vert, Two, One, Party per pale, Sword, In saltire, Hilted, Oil lamp, Enflamed, Flame, Proper, At the nombril, Barbel, Naiant, Between, In chief, Fleur de lis, In base, Trimount, Upon (wreath), Helm, Wreath, Arm vambraced, Grasping, Cross tau, In pale, Mantling, Doubled and Motto.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Pointed and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Giannelli and Mariana von Atzingen Gorga, Alessandro.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Heidi Garcia-Bosch-de Morales-de Sola née Adriaensen

Party per pale: 1 Gules, a bend sinister debruised by an inescutcheon Or charged with a bend Azure charged with five fusils palewise Argent, in base on a triangle Argent the Sacred Heart of Jesus proper [for Adriaensen]; 2 Azure, a fleur de lis Argent above a doe sejeant proper surrounded by twelve mullets in orle Or [granted by Bourbon-Parma]. Crest: A crown of Noble. Motto: «Biche délicate»..

Party per pale: 1 Gules, a bend sinister debruised by an inescutcheon Or charged with a bend Azure charged with five fusils palewise Argent, in base on a triangle Argent the Sacred Heart of Jesus proper [for Adriaensen]; 2 Azure, a fleur de lis Argent above a doe sejeant proper surrounded by twelve mullets in orle Or [granted by Bourbon-Parma]. Crest: A crown of Noble. Motto: «Biche délicate»..

Coat of arms emblazoned by me with a lozenge shape, illuminated, and with a free hand finishing.

G0084, Chief Herald of Malta's grant of Heidi Garcia-Bosch-de Morales-de Sola née Adriaensen's arms, whose full achievement has been emblazoned by me for such grant.

Blazon keywords: Party per pale, Gules, One, Bend sinister, Or, In base, Triangle, Argent, Charged, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Heart enflamed, Heart, Enflamed, Proper, Overall, Inescutcheon, Bend, Azure, Five, Fusil, Palewise, Doe, Sejant, Above, Fleur de lis, Surrounded, Twelve, Mullet, In orle, Crest and mantling, Crown of Noble, Crown, Motto and Scroll.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Freehand and Rhombus.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted, Coat of arms, Latin language and Doctor.

Bearer: Garcia-Bosch-de Morales-de Sola née Adriaensen, Heidi.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Kevin Larkin, The Armorial Register

Iar 15 KevinLarkin TheArmorialRegister jpg

Registered by The International Register of Arms, 16th of June of 2022, Registration number 0640, Volume 4.

16th 2022. Registration No.

Categories: Armorial roll, Castle, Party per pale, Masoned, Port and windows, Between, In chief, In base, Fess, Wavy and Motto.

External link:

Root: The Armorial Register.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Lorena Correa

Party per pale: 1 quarterly: 1 Azure, a lion rampant Or, 2 Argent, a falcon rising, grasping in its paws a serpent Sable, 3 Or, a tower Azure, port, windows, and masoned Sable, 4 Gules, a fox passant Or, a chief Gules semé of mullets Argent; 2 Orange, a mullet of six points voided, interlaced Sable.

Party per pale: 1 quarterly: 1 Azure, a lion rampant Or, 2 Argent, a falcon rising, grasping in its paws a serpent Sable, 3 Or, a tower Azure, port, windows, and masoned Sable, 4 Gules, a fox passant Or, a chief Gules semé of mullets Argent; 2 Orange, a mullet of six points voided, interlaced Sable.

Coat of arms emblazoned by me with a shape ended with an ogee arch, illuminated, and its finishing is that seems leather.

The text «a mullet of six points voided, interlaced» could be written as «a star of David».

Blazon keywords: Party per pale, Quarterly, Azure, One, Lion, Rampant, Or, Argent, Falcon, Rising, Grasping, Claw, Serpent, Sable, Tower, Port and windows, Masoned, Gules, Fox, Passant, Chief, Semé, Mullet, Five, Base (lower 1/3), Orange, Six, Voided and Interlaced.

Style keywords: Ogee, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Leather.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Correa, Lorena.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Miguel Francisco Lanzagorta Escutia

Party per pale Vert and Azure, overall two cannons dismounted in saltire, between two seagulls volant in pale, and two fish naiant in fess Argent.

Party per pale Vert and Azure, overall two cannons dismounted in saltire, between two seagulls volant in pale, and two fish naiant in fess Argent.

Escudo partido de sinople y azur, brochante sobre el todo dos tubos de cañon en sotuer, acompañados de dos gaviotas volantes en palo y dos peces nadantes en faja, todo de plata.

Blazon keywords: Party per pale, Vert, Azure, Overall, Two, Cannon dismounted, In saltire, Between, Seagull, Volant, In pale, Fish, Naiant, In fess and Argent.

Style keywords: Semi-circular, Outlined in sable and Plain tincture.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Lanzagorta Escutia, Miguel Francisco.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


My personal Minds wall is

5000 subscribers, Minds
Antonio Salmeron Cabañas SHA, Minds

Categories: Technology, Social networks, Party per pale, Wavy, Azure, One, Dolphin, Naiant, Argent, Three, Escallop, Or, Stag, Gules, Attired, Bordure, Charged, Eight and Saltire.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Mogrobejo Zabala, E. de; 1991

The volumes cover an extensive range of surnames, providing a valuable resource.

Endika de Mogrobejo Zabala, «Blasones y Linajes de Euskalerria», 10 volumes, Volume I A-Alcerreca, Volume II Alciba-Angui, Volume III Angulo-Astu, Volume IV Astun-Bun, Volume V Busta-Elua, Volume VI Elus-Gorniz, Volume VII Gordu-Laca, Volume VIII Lacar-Merca, Volume IX Mere-Salez, Volume X Salinas-Z, edited by Editorial Amigos del Libro Vasco, printed by Grafo SA, ISBN of the complete work 84-7886-026-6, legal Deposit BI-469-1991, Bilbao, 1991.

Coats of arms of Aristegui lineage emblazoned by me: ancient and for Oñate y Chile.

Bibliographical reference of century XX.

Classification: De bibliotheca, Black and white with color plates and Castilian language.

The author is Mogrobejo Zabala, Endika de.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Motto of Carmen Giaimo di Prizzi

GiaimoPrizziC 24 Lema Piel jpg

Party per pale: 1 Vert, a Castle triple-towered Argent; 2 Gules, two bezants in pale Or. Motto: «In Fide et Devotione»

Blazon keywords: Party per pale, Vert, One, Castle, Argent, Gules, Two, Bezant and plate, Bezant, In pale and Motto.

Style keywords: Semi-circular, Leather and Outlined in sable.

Classification: Interpreted, Personal and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Giaimo di Prizzi, Carmen.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Nelson, Matthew

Party per pale Or and Gules, on a bend counterchanged three fleur de lis palewise counterchanged Argent and Sable between six martlets, 3 and 3 in pale, counterchanged Sable and Argent.

Party per pale Or and Gules, on a bend counterchanged three fleur de lis palewise counterchanged Argent and Sable between six martlets, 3 and 3 in pale, counterchanged Sable and Argent.

Escudo partido: 1o de oro, en la diestra de la punta tres marletas en palo de sable; 2o de gules, en la siniestra del jefe tres marletas en palo de plata; brochante sobre el todo una banda del uno al otro cargada de tres flores de lis puestas en palo, la primera de plata, la segunda partida de plata y sable y la tercera de sable.

Arms devised by me, illuminated with lights and shadows, outlined in Sable, with an ogee outer contour and with a watercolor finish.

Coat of arms of Matthew Nelson designed by him and me and emblazoned by me. Alternative blazon: «Party per pale: 1 Or, in the dexter of the base three martlets in pale Sable; 2 Gules, in the sinister of the chief three martlets in pale Argent; overall a bend counterchanged charged with three fleurs de lis palewise, the first Argent, the second per pale Argent and Sable, and the third Sable».

Design rationale

This design combines elements and tinctures from the arms of his lineages: Luttrell, Anglo-Irish, and Nelson from Ireland, along with personal details. The bend, martlets, Or, and Sable are from Luttrell. The fleurs-de-lis Argent, Sable, and per pale Argent and Sable are from Nelson. As personal elements, the layout includes the letter N from his surname, and the color Gules.

Blazon keywords: Or, Sable, Gules, Argent, One, Three, Party per pale, Dexter, Base, Martlet, In pale, Sinister, Chief, Overall, Bend, Counterchanged, Counterchanged (side-by-side), Charged, Fleur de lis and Palewise.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Ogee and Watercolor.

Classification: Personal, Created, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Nelson, Matthew.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Odysseus of Ithaca

Party per pale: 1 Vair; 2 Sable, a barn owl Argent, the eyes Sable, beaked and armed Or.

Party per pale: 1 Vair; 2 Sable, a barn owl Argent, the eyes Sable, beaked and armed Or.

Escudo partido: 1o de veros; 2o de sable, una lechuza de plata, encendida de sable, picada y armada de oro.

Blazon keywords: Party per pale, Argent, Azure, Vair, Sable, Or, Barn owl, The eyes, Beaked and Armed.

Style keywords: Rounded, Illuminated, Outlined in sable and Parchment.

Classification: Created, Imaginary, Coat of arms and Greco-Roman antiquity.

Imaginary bearer: Odysseus of Ithaca.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Peter Ferdinand Gummersbach, page of armorial

Party per pale: 1 Azure, an eagle displayed Or, charged on the chest with a Royal drum of Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom proper; 2 Or, on a fess Gules between two fleur de lis Azure, a rose Argent, seeded Or. Crest: A crown of the Sovereign and Most Noble Order of the Pomegranate. The shield is surrounded by the Grand Collar of the Sovereign and Most Noble Order of the Pomegranate.

Party per pale: 1 Azure, an eagle displayed Or, charged on the chest with a Royal drum of Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom proper; 2 Or, on a fess Gules between two fleur de lis Azure, a rose Argent, seeded Or. Crest: A crown of the Sovereign and Most Noble Order of the Pomegranate. The shield is surrounded by the Grand Collar of the Sovereign and Most Noble Order of the Pomegranate.

This is his coat of arms of emblazoned by me for the Roll of Arms of the Sovereign and Most Noble Order of the Pomegranate.

Blazon keywords: Party per pale, Azure, One, Eagle, Or, Charged, Chest, Drum, Royal, Proper, Fess, Gules, Rose, Argent, Seeded, Between, Two, Fleur de lis, In chief, In base, Crest and mantling, Crown, Pomegranate, Surrounded and Grand collar.

Style keywords: Ogee, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Leather.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted, Coat of arms, Armorial roll and Castilian language.

Bearer: Gummersbach, Peter Ferdinand.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Sancho of Castile, Infante

Party per pale: 1 Gules, a castle triple-towered Or, port and windows Azure, and masoned Sable; 2 Argent, a lion rampant Purpure, armed and langued Gules.

Party per pale: 1 Gules, a castle triple-towered Or, port and windows Azure, and masoned Sable; 2 Argent, a lion rampant Purpure, armed and langued Gules.

Escudo partido: 1o de gules, un castillo de oro, aclarado de azur, mazonado de sable; 2o de plata, un león rampante de púrpura, armado y lampasado de gules.

Arms interpreted by me, highlighted with lights and shadows, outlined in Sable, with an ogee outer contour and with a freehand finish.

Coat of arms of the Infante Sancho of Castile, 1233–1261, 8th offspring of the King Ferdinand III of Castile, 1199-1252, and the Queen Beatrice of Swabia, 1205–1235. Unlike his siblings, he does not use a quarterly shield but rather impaled arms of Castile and Leon.

Blazon keywords: Gules, Or, Azure, Sable, Argent, Purpure, One, Party per pale, Castle, Triple-towered, Port and windows, Masoned, Lion, Rampant, Armed and Langued.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Ogee and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Sancho of Castile, Infante.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Sealed arms of Kevin Larkin

Azure, a castle triple-towered per pale Argent and Or, masoned Sable, port and windows Azure, between in chief two bars wavy Argent, in base two bars wavy Argent. Motto: «Fortificado por el Sol».

Azure, a castle triple-towered per pale Argent and Or, masoned Sable, port and windows Azure, between in chief two bars wavy Argent, in base two bars wavy Argent. Motto: «Fortificado por el Sol».

Arms devised by me, highlighted with lights and shadows, outlined in Sable, with a semi-circular outer contour and with a sealed finishing.

The arms of Kevin Larkin from Ireland and Spain, designed, emblazoned, and sealed by me.

Design rationale

The creation of these arms has been guided by Kevin Larkin's life journey, connecting Ballinasloe, Dublin, London, and Alicante. Drawing inspiration from the heraldry of Ballinasloe, the armiger's hometown, and Alicante, his current residence, the design reflects significant elements from both places. Ballinasloe's arms feature a triple-towered castle, symbolizing the O Ceallaigh's historic stronghold and the area's legal traditions. Similarly, Alicante's arms prominently display a triple-towered castle, making it a natural unifying element for the design. The wavy lines represent the River Suck and River Shannon in Ireland above, and the Mediterranean Sea below. Adopting a traditional Spanish style for the arms aligns with Mr. Larkin's life in Spain, embracing its rich heraldic heritage and distinctive artistic symbolism.

Blazon keywords: Azure, Argent, Or, One, Two, Castle, Triple-towered, Party per pale, Masoned, Port and windows, Between, In chief, Bar, Wavy, In base and Motto.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Semi-circular and Sealed.

Classification: Personal, Created, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Larkin, Kevin.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

The Knights of Cristina

Party per pale Gules and Vert; overall a mermaid proper, holding in her dexter a sword Argent, hilted Or, and in her sinister a comb Or. Motto: «Knights of Cristina».

Party per pale Gules and Vert; overall a mermaid proper, holding in her dexter a sword Argent, hilted Or, and in her sinister a comb Or. Motto: «Knights of Cristina».

Escudo partido de gules y sinople; brochante sobre la partición una sirena al natural, teniendo en su diestra una espada de plata, guarnecida de oro, y en su siniestra un peine de oro. Divisa: «Knights of Cristina».

Coat of arms designed by me, highlighted with lights and shadows, contoured in Sable, and with a forge finish.

Blazon keywords: Gules, Vert, Argent, Or, One, Party per pale, Overall, Mermaid, Proper, Grasping, Dexter, Sword, Hilted, Sinister, Comb and Motto.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Forge.

Classification: Imaginary, Created, Boa and Coat of arms.

Imaginary bearer: Cristina, The Knights of.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Triana, Hacienda de

Party per pale: 1 Argent, a tree issuant from base Murrey; 2 Murrey; two annulets interlaced, in pale Or; in a chief Sable, three arches Argent.

Party per pale: 1 Argent, a tree issuant from base Murrey; 2 Murrey; two annulets interlaced, in pale Or; in a chief Sable, three arches Argent.

Escudo partido: 1o de plata, un árbol moviente de la punta de morado; 2o de morado, dos anilletes entrelazos, en palo de oro; en un jefe de sable, tres arcos de plata.

Coat of arms depicted by me, highlighted with lights and shadows, with a chasuble outer contour and with a watercolor finish.

The coat of arms of the Hacienda de Triana, Val’Quirico, Tlaxcala, Mexico, designed by Joaquin Haces Perdomo and me and emblazoned by me.

Blazon keywords: Sable, Argent, Murrey, Or, One, Two, Three, Party per pale, Tree, Issuant, Base, Annulet, Interlaced, In pale, Chief and Arch.

Style keywords: Illuminated, Chasuble and Watercolor.

Classification: Socioeconomic, Interpreted, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Triana, Hacienda de.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Val'Quirico, process of the coat of arms

Party per pale: 1 Azure, an angel Argent, crowned, crined and vested Or holding an open book Argent; 2 Or, three horses' heads couped, in pale Sable.

Outlined, plain coulours and metals, and finished.

Party per pale: 1 Azure, an angel Argent, crowned, crined and vested Or holding an open book Argent; 2 Or, three horses' heads couped, in pale Sable.

The internal estructure of this coat of arms is based on the following visual relations: the horses look the angel, the angel looks the book, the book looks at you, and if you look the horses then the cycle is closed.

Blazon keywords: Party per pale, Azure, One, Angel, Argent, Crowned, Crown, Crined, Vested, Or, Charged, Book, Open, Three, Head, Horse, Sable, Couped and In pale.

Style keywords: Freehand, Plain tincture, Illuminated, Rounded, Outlined in the field tincture and Outlined in sable.

Classification: Schema, Created and Socioeconomic.

Bearer: Club Ecuestre Val'Quirico.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Vaz, Rui J.

Party per pale Azure and Gules, overall a lion rampant Argent, winged Or, grasping in his dexter forepaw a sword erect Or.

Party per pale Azure and Gules, overall a lion rampant Argent, winged Or, grasping in his dexter forepaw a sword erect Or.

Escudo partido de azur y gules, brochante sobre el todo un león rampante de plata, alado de oro, teniendo en su garra diestra una espada alzada de oro.

Coat of arms interpreted by me, highlighted with lights and shadows, contoured in Sable, with a semi-circular external shape and with a leather finish.

Blazon keywords: Azure, Gules, Argent, Or, One, Party per pale, Overall, Lion, Rampant, Winged, Grasping, Dexter, Forepaw, Sword and Erect.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Semi-circular and Leather.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Vaz, Rui J..

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Vernoy, French family of Fr. Marc

Party per pale Vert and Sable, a sun in splendour Or issuant from the dexter chief.

Party per pale Vert and Sable, a sun in splendour Or issuant from the dexter chief.

Escudo partido de sinople y sable, un sol de oro moviente de la diestra del jefe.

Arms designed by me, illuminated with lights and shadows, contoured in Sable, and with a leather finishing.

Canting arms of the French family of Fr. Marc Vernoy designed by him and me and emblazoned by me. A field Vert and Sable ~ Vert Noir ~ Vernoy. This coat of arms plays on the pronunciation and meaning in both English and French: «Vert» is green in English, and «Noir» is black in French. Together, «Vert Noir» sounds phonetically similar to the surname «Vernoy». This play on words is reflected in the design: A field Vert (green) and Sable (black) ~ Vert Noir ~ Vernoy. French blazon by Hyacinthe de Keranrouë: Parti de sinople et de sable, au soleil d'or mouvant de l'angle dextre.

Blazon keywords: Vert, Sable, Or, One, Party per pale, Sun in splendour, Issuant from, Dexter and Chief.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Leather.

Classification: Personal, Created, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Vernoy, French family of Fr. Marc.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Vidriales, C. M.

Interpreted coat of arms: with a semi-circular shape; illuminated with metals argent and or and colors sable and azure; outlined with sable; and a freehand finish.

Interpreted coat of arms: with a semi-circular shape; illuminated with metals argent and or and colors sable and azure; outlined with sable; and a freehand finish.

Blazon keywords: Party per pale, Argent, Cross, Sable, Bordure, Motto, Or, Thirteen, Hurt, Hurt, torteau, pellet, pomme and golpe, Azure, Three, In pale, Four, Five, Chief, Fleur de lis, Label and Suspended.

Style keywords: Freehand, Semi-circular, Illuminated and Outlined in sable.

Classification: Coat of arms, Interpreted and Personal.

Bearer: Vidriales, C. M..

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Vidriales, M. P.

Interpreted coat of arms: with a semi-circular shape; illuminated with metals argent and or and colors sable and azure; outlined with sable; and a freehand finish.

Interpreted coat of arms: with a semi-circular shape; illuminated with metals argent and or and colors sable and azure; outlined with sable; and a freehand finish.

Blazon keywords: Party per pale, Argent, Cross, Sable, Bordure, Motto, Or, Thirteen, Hurt, Hurt, torteau, pellet, pomme and golpe, Azure, Three, In pale, Four, Five, Chief, Fleur de lis, Cantoned and Martlet.

Style keywords: Freehand, Semi-circular, Illuminated and Outlined in sable.

Classification: Coat of arms, Interpreted and Personal.

Bearer: Vidriales, M. P..

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Walker, Peter Edward

Party per pale Sable and Or semé of portcullises and three turreted towers all counterchanged.

Baron Walker of Worcester

Party per pale Sable and Or semé of portcullises and three turreted towers all counterchanged.

Escudo partido de sable y oro sembrado del uno al otro de rastrillos y torres tridonjonadas.

Illuminated with lights and shadows and with a metallic finish.

Coat of arms of Peter Edward Walker, Baron Walker of Worcester, emblazoned by me in 4 steps, notice that it is a double semé.


Blazon keywords: Party per pale, Sable, Or, Semé, Counterchanged, Portcullis, Tower, With a turret, Three and Turret.

Style keywords: Soft metal, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Pointed.

Classification: Interpreted and Schema.

Bearer: Walker, Peter Edward.


Dr. Antonio Salmerón y Cabañas,
Paseo de la Castellana 135, 7th floor,
28046 Madrid, Spain.