Party per fess Or and Gules dancetty of three full points and two half upwards.
Escudo cortado, encajado de tres piezas enteras y dos medias.
[Avilés, J.; 1780a; page 79], on the appropriate dimensions for outlining an indented shield, he explains that «encaxadas» or «emanchadas» refers to «the partitions of the shield, whose pieces fit into each other in the shape of thick and long triangles, which are regularly one-third of the length», that is, of the width of the shield for parted shields, «or of the height of the shield», that is, the height for fess shields, as in this example, «depending on the direction in which these figures are placed in the parted, fess, bend, and cut shields, etc. but being a Chief, they have half the base and the rest as point; and if it were a Fess, it is formed of alternating triangles, which fill it completely».
[Avilés, J.; 1780a; page 80], on which of the two components of an indented shield acts as the field and which as the piece, he clarifies that «the field of the partition is understood as the one occupying the upper part of the shield, with the lower part at the base considered the piece».
[Avilés, J.; 1780a; page 80], on how the blazon of an indented shield should be drafted, he establishes that «the number of whole and half triangles must be specified when there is more than one, and likewise, the direction in which the partitions are in the parted, fess, etc.», illustrating it with 2 examples that can also be seen in [Avilés, J.; 1725a; plate 8, illustrations 157 and 158].
Blazon keywords: Party per fess, Dancetty, Three and Two.
Style keywords: Semi-circular.
Classification: Schema.
Party per fess: 1 Gules, five Swords Argent, erect, in fess; Vairy or and gules gules and or.
Escudo cortado: 1o de gules, cinco espadas de plata, alzadas, en faja; 2o verado de oro y gules.
There are 6 swords raised to defend the truth, symbolised by the vairy fur, and no matter how much time passes, they will be proud and erect until the truth triumphs.
Blazon keywords: Party per fess, Gules, Or, Argent, Five, Sword, Vairy, Point upwards and In fess.
Style keywords: Pointed, Illuminated, Outlined in sable and Watercolor.
Classification: Created, Personal and Coat of arms.
Bearer: Martos García, Juan Carlos.
Party per fess: 1 Argent, a rose Gules, barbed and seeded proper; 2 Gules, two swords in saltire Argent, hilted Or. Supporters: Two bears Sable, the eyes, pizzled, langued, armed and gorged Gules, terraced Vert. Motto: «Ingenuus et fortis» Sable over a scroll Argent doubled Gules.
Blazon keywords: Party per fess, Argent, One, Rose, Gules, Leaved, Seeded, Two, Sword, In saltire, Hilted, Or, Proper, Terrace in base, Supporter (animal), Bear, Sable, The eyes, Pizzled, Langued, Armed, Collared, Motto and Scroll.
Style keywords: Semi-circular, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Leather.
Classification: Personal, Interpreted, Coat of arms and Latin language.
Bearer: Breu, Stephan Urs.
Blazon keywords: One, Cyclamor, Vert, Motto, Argent, Two, Cross-crosslet, Cross couped, Wreath, Gules, Griffin, Head, Party per fess, Beaked and Or.
Classification: Personal, Interpreted and Badge.
Bearer: Berry, Austin Charles.
Party per fess Azure and Sable, overall a four-towered castle Or, port and windows Sable. Crest: Upon a wreath Or and Azure, a raven's head Sable, charged upon the neck with three gouttes, 1 and 2, and holding in its beak an annulet Or.
Arms interpreted by me, highlighted with lights and shadows, outlined in Sable, with an ogee triple-pointed outer contour and with a leather finish.
Blazon keywords: Azure, Sable, Or, One, Party per fess, Overall, Four-towered, Castle, Port and windows, Crest, Wreath, Raven, Head, Charged, Neck, Grasping, Beak and Annulet.
Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Ogee Triple-Pointed and Leather.
Classification: Personal, Lineage, Interpreted, Boa and Coat of arms.
Bearer: Rawson, Lineage.
Party per fess: 1 Or, a tower Gules between in chief a crescent and a mullet of eight points Azure; 2 Azure, three demi-horses courant in bend sinister nascent from the ends of three bars wavy issuant from sinister Argent. Crest: A crown of the Soberana y Muy Noble Orden de la Granada.
Arms interpreted by me, highlighted with lights and shadows, outlined in Sable, with a rounded outer contour and with a leather finish.
Coat of arms of Francisco-José Bermejo Fernández-Briceño designed by Ignacio Koblischek and emblazoned by me.
Blazon keywords: Or, Azure, Gules, Argent, One, Three, Party per fess, Tower, Between, Chief, Crescent, Mullet, Demi, Horse, Courant, Bend sinister, Nascent, Bar, Wavy, Issuant, Sinister and Crown.
Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Rounded and Leather.
Classification: Personal, Interpreted, Boa and Coat of arms.
Bearer: Bermejo Fernandez-Briceño, Francisco Jose.
Party per fess wavy: 1 Azure, a dolphin naiant; 2 Argent, three escallops Azure. Crest: Upon a helm lined Azure with a wreath Argent and Azure, an owl Tenné, armed, beaked, membered, the eyes, and wearing a necklace with a pendant heart Or, grasping with its dexter foot a bluebonnet proper. Mantling Azure doubled Argent.
Arms interpreted by me, illuminated with lights and shadows, outlined in Sable, with a semi-circular external shape and with a leather finish.
Blazon keywords: Azure, Argent, One, Three, Or, Party per fess, Wavy, Dolphin, Naiant, Escallop, Crest, Upon (wreath), Helm, Lined, Wreath, Owl, Tenné, Armed, Beaked, Membered, The eyes, Collar, Heart, Grasping, Dexter, Talon, Bluebonnet, Proper, Mantling and Doubled.
Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Semi-circular and Leather.
Classification: Personal, Interpreted, Boa and Coat of arms.
Bearer: Santiago-Vazquez, Lory.
Party per chevron Gules and Vert, overall a chevron ermine between, in the dexter of the chief a dexter hand apaumée couped at the wrist, in the sinister of the chief a key palewise, ward to dexter chief, and in base a boar passant Argent.
Escudo mantelado en punta de gules y sinople, brochante sobre el todo un cabrio de armiño acompañado, en la diestra del jefe, de una mano diestra apalmada y cortada por la muñeca, en la siniestra del jefe, de una llave puesta en palo, con el dentado hacia la diestra del jefe, y en la punta, de un jabalí pasante de todo de plata.
Blazon keywords: Party per chevron, Gules, Vert, Overall, One, Chevron, Ermine, Between, Dexter, Chief, Hand, Appaumée, Party per fess, Wrist, Sinister, Key, Palewise, Key ward, Base (lower 1/3), Boar, Passant and Argent.
Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Pointed and Plain tincture.
Classification: Personal, Interpreted and Coat of arms.
Bearer: Byrne, Margaret.
Azure, between two palm fronds in pile reversed a Lady of Mercy grasping in her sinister hand a broken chain Argent, and charged on the chest with an escutcheon per fess, 1 Gules, a cross patty Argent, and 2 Or, four pallets Gules.
Escudo de azur, una Virgen de la Merced teniendo en su mano siniestra una cadena rota de plata, y cargada en su pecho de un escudete cortado, 1o de gules, una cruz patada de plata y 2o de oro, cuatro palos de gules, acostada de dos hojas palmas en pira.
Coat of arms devised by me, highlighted with lights and shadows, outlined in Sable, with a semi-circular external shape and with a freehand finishing.
This is the coat of arms of Sister Esperanza Vega Lanzagorta, designed by Juan Lanzagorta Vallin and painted by me. Usually, the English term «between» is translated into Castilian as «acompañado». However, when the 3 elements are elongated in the same direction, the appropriate term in Castilian is «acostado», which means lying down.
Credits: Juan Lanzagorta Vallin is the designer of the coat of arms.
Blazon keywords: Azure, Argent, Gules, Or, One, Two, Our Lady of Mercy, Grasping, Sinister, Hand, Broken, Chain, Charged, Chest, Escutcheon, Party per fess, Cross patty, Cross couped, Between, Palm frond and In pile reversed.
Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Semi-circular and Freehand.
Classification: Personal, Created, Boa and Coat of arms.
Bearer: Vega Lanzagorta, Sister Esperanza.
Party per pale: 1 Or, a Georgian dancer proper; 2 Gules, a church Or, ports and windows Azure.
Escudo partido: 1o de oro, un bailarín georgiano al natural; 2o de gules, una iglesia de oro, aclarada de azur.
Arms depicted by me, illuminated with lights and shadows, contoured in Sable, with an ogee outer contour and with a leather finish.
Coat of arms of Graziano Alu designed by Angelo Musa and emblazoned by me. The blazon in Italian is «Arma: Partito: 1o d'oro, un ballerino georgiano al naturale; 2o di rosso, una chiesa d'oro, finestrata e portata d'azzurro».
Blazon keywords: Or, Gules, Azure, One, Party per fess, Male figure, Proper, Church and Port and windows.
Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Ogee and Leather.
Classification: Personal, Interpreted, Boa and Coat of arms.
Bearer: Alu, Graziano.
Party per fess dancetty of three points Gules and Argent, in chief a winnowing fan reversed Or between two fleams addorsed Argent. Crest: Upon a helm befitting his degree issuant from a crown of Baron above the shield, with a wreath Argent and Gules, two arms embowed proper, vested Sable, cuffed Or, holding aloft a winnowing fan reversed Or. Mantling: Gules doubled Argent. Motto: «Ora et Labora». Supporters: Two lions passant, tails addorsed Sable, armed and langued Gules.
Arms painted by me, highlighted with lights and shadows, contoured in Sable, with a semi-circular outer contour and with a freehand finish.
G0129, Chief Herald of Arms of Malta's grant for the arms of Markus Hermann Frank, USA. These arms have been emblazoned by me for such grant.
Blazon keywords: Gules, Argent, Or, Sable, One, Two, Three, Party per fess, Dancetty, In chief, Winnowing fan, Reversed, Between, Fleam, Addorsed, Crest, Upon (wreath), Helm, Issuant, Crown of Baron, Crown, Above the shield, Wreath, Arm, Embowed, Proper, Vested, Cuffed, Grasping, Mantling, Doubled, Motto, Supporter (animal), Lion, Passant, Tail addorsed, Armed and Langued.
Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Semi-circular and Freehand.
Classification: Personal, Interpreted, Boa and Coat of arms.
Bearer: Frank, Markus Hermann.
Party per fess Argent and Or, in chief twenty one fleurs de lis Sable, 8, 7, and 6, in base, a stag passant Gules attired proper, holding in its mouth a sprig Vert, gorged with a wreath Argent and Or.
Escudo cortado de plata y oro, en jefe veintiuna flores de lis de sable, 8, 7 y 6, en punta un ciervo pasante de gules, ramado al natural, teniendo en su boca una ramita de sinople, colletado de un burelete de plata y oro.
Coat of arms depicted by me, illuminated with lights and shadows, contoured in Sable, with a pointed external shape and with a freehand finish.
G0130, Chief Herald of Arms of Malta's grant of the coat of arms of Michael Twist, Malta. This coat of arms has been emblazoned by me.
Blazon keywords: Argent, Sable, Or, Gules, Vert, Twenty one, One, Party per fess, In chief, Fleur de lis, Stag, Passant, Attired, Grasping, Sprig, Gorged and Wreath.
Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Pointed and Freehand.
Classification: Personal, Interpreted, Boa and Coat of arms.
Bearer: Twist, Michael.
Party per fess: 1 Sable, three mullets of eight points Argent, 1 and 2; 2 Azure, a ship in full sail Or.
Coat of arms designed by me, in plain tinctures, contoured in Sable, with a semi-circular external shape and with a texturized finish.
Coat of arms of the Sea of the Mediterrean designed and emblazoned by me as imaginary heraldry. This coat of arms is one of my very first heraldic designs.
Blazon keywords: Sable, Argent, Azure, Or, Three, Eight, One, Party per fess, Mullet, Disordered, Ship and Full sail.
Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Plain tincture and Semi-circular.
Classification: Imaginary, Created, Boa and Coat of arms.
Imaginary bearer: Mediterranean, Sea of the.
Party per fess: 1 Sable, three mullets of eight points Argent, 1 and 2; 2 Azure, three anchors Or, 2 and 1.
Escudo cortado: 1o de sable, tres estrellas de plata de ocho puntas, 1 y 2; 2o de azur, tres anclas de oro, 2 y 1.
Coat of arms designed by me, illuminated with lights and shadows, outlined in Sable, with a semi-circular outer contour and with a watercolor finish.
Blazon keywords: Sable, Argent, Azure, Or, Three, Party per fess, Mullet, Disordered, Anchor and Ordered.
Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Semi-circular and Watercolor.
Classification: Imaginary, Created, Boa and Coat of arms.
Imaginary bearer: Alborán, Sea of.
Registered by The International Register of Arms, 11th of May of 2022, Registration number 0627, Volume 4.
Categories: Armorial roll, Sun in splendour, Dexter, Chief, Hand, Party per fess, Wrist, Proper, Sinister, Base (lower 1/3), Party per chevron, Brach hound and Head.
External link:
Root: The Armorial Register.
José de Avilés e Iturbide, Marquis of Aviles, member of the Supreme Council of War, «Ciencia heroyca, reducida a las leyes heráldicas del blasón: Ilustrada con exemplares de todas las piezas, figuras y ornamentos de que puede componerse un escudo de armas interior y exteriormente, Tomo II», edition of Joaquín Ibarra, printer of his Majesty's Chamber, at the expense of the Company of Printers and Booksellers of the Kingdom, 440 pages, Madrid, 1780.
The first edition is [Avilés, J.; 1725b] and this edition is 14 years after the death of José de Avilés, that happened in 1766.
Bibliographical reference of century XVIII.
Classification: In black and white and Castilian language.
The author is Avilés e Iturbide, José.
Bibliographic reference mentioned in the following articles:
External resource:
Juan Mogrovejo de la Cerda, «Árbol de los Veras compuesto por Alonso López de Haro, Criado de Su Majestad y Ministro de su Real Consejo de las Órdenes y Cronista de los Reinos de Castilla y León», bound in original parchment, Milan, 1636.
The book contains a total of 66 main genealogical trees, each with an average of 28 nodes/persons, totaling over 1700 nodes. Additionally, it includes 41 lines of descent with approximately 1150 individuals. The content is composed of:
In the previous image, The canting arms of Juan Antonio de Vera y Zúñiga, Count of La Roca, in this book about his genealogy, are canting because «vair~veros~Vera».
The motto in the beak of his sable eagle is «Veritas Vincit», although some authors claim that not all his trees honor this motto [Vera-Ortiz, J.A.; 2009].
The colored version of the coat of arms in this image was painted by me. Blazon: Vair ancient, a bordure gules charged with eight saltires couped Or.
Bibliographical reference of century XVII.
Classification: De bibliotheca, In black and white and Castilian language.
Author: Mogrovejo de la Cerda, Juan.
Bibliographic reference mentioned in the following articles:
External link:
Internal resources: Physical book..
Blazon of the Vera lineage of Aragon.
Vair ancient, a bordure gules charged with eight saltires couped Or.
Escudo de veros antiguos, una bordura de Gules cargada de ocho sotueres cortados de oro.
Illuminated and with a glass finish.
It can be consulted in [Mogrovejo de la Cerda, J.; 1636; cover].
[Friar, S.; 1987; pages 156-157] says of the vair: «originates from the fur of a species of squirrel... which was popular in the Middle Ages as a lining for the garments of those not entitled to wear ermine. The animal was blue-grey on the back and white underneath. By sewing a number of these pelts together, with white and blue-grey alternating,... one which easily translated into the stylized armorial form of Vair and its variants».
Blazon keywords: Vair ancient, One, Bordure, Gules, Charged, Eight, Saltire, Party per fess and Or.
Style keywords: Freehand, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Semi-circular.
Classification: Interpreted, Lineage and Coat of arms.
Water, Eagle, Bald eagle, Eagle claw, Dorsal fin, Tail fin, Two hands clasped, Lark, Tree, Trunk, Rainbow, Atom, Barbel, Acorn, Arm, Owl, Vulture, Horse, Head, Camellia, Thistle, Merino ram, Kapok tree, Stag, Doe, Crescent, Increscent, Tail, Tail addorsed, Ermine spot, Heart, Roe deer, Neck, Roe deers' attires, Raven, Dolphin, Diamond, Tooth, Elephant, Emerald, Starling, Mullet, Mullet of four points, Star of David, Estoile, Male figure, Fleur de lis, Lotus flower, Hop cone, Puffin, Ash, Rooster, Claw, Talon, Goose, Heron, Seagull, Pomegranate, Sunflower, Falcon, Leaf, Boar, Goldfinch, Laurel, Barn owl, Lion, Lioness, Lion passant, Leopard, Lion rampant guardant, Lynx, Lily, Flame, Wolf, She-wolf, Moon, Bluebonnet, Hand, Apple, Apple tree, Martlet, Wing, Two wings in vol, Covert, Mount, Trimount, Fly, Wrist, Elm, Olive tree, Orbital, Bear, Palm frond, Palm tree, Dove, Poplar leaf, Paw, Forepaw, Peacock, Chest, Pelican, Pelican in her piety, Dog, Brach hound, Fish, Hoof, Beak, Quill, Cinquefoil, Quetzal, Branch, Sprig, Shamrock, Caboshed, Oak, Holm oak, Rose, Double rose, Savage, Serpent, Sun in splendour, Ray of the sun, Stem, Badger, Tyger, Wheat, Wheat spike, Bull, Tulip, Udder, Escallop and Fox.
Halberd, Plough share, Ace of spades, Anchor, Cyclamor, Torch, Arch, Harp, Non-classic artifact, Winnowing fan, Crozier, Pair of scales, Ship, Beret, Grenade, Ecclesiastical cap, Arm vambraced, Chain, Covered cup, Bell tower, Cannon dismounted, Carbuncle, Castle, Clarion, Nail, Cord, Dagger, Key ward, Turret, With a turret, Sword, Sabre, Parchment, Scroll, Arrow, Club, Garb, Gauntlet, Axe, Buckle, Polish winged hussar, Church, Oil lamp, Spear, Spear's head, Fleam, Letter, Book, Closed book, Open book, Bookmark, Page, Line, Key, Four crescents joined millsailwise, Hammer, Menorah, Mortar, Pestle, Number, Knot, Celtic Trinity knot, Water-bouget, Comb, Piano, Millstone, Millrind, Millwheel, Clay pot, Bridge, Cuffed, Hourglass, Chess rooks, Compass rose, Rosette of acanthus leaves, Mullet of six points pierced, Broken, Portcullis, Wheel, Wagon-wheel, Symbol, Sackbut, Drum, Tower, Trident, Trumpet, Double vajra and Anvil.
Angel, Heart enflamed, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Paschal lamb, Dragon, Wyvern, Phoenix, Garuda, Griffin, Sea-griffin, Winged hand, Our Lady of Mercy, Pegasus, Saint George, Mermaid, Trinity, Triton, Golden fleece, Unicorn and Ouroboros.
Port and windows, Between, Watercolor, Proper, Pointed, Armed, Azure, Bibliography, Boa, Bordure, Overall, Wreath, Head, Charged, Upon (wreath), Crest, Crown, Party per fess, Created, Cross couped, Outlined in sable, Disordered, Dexter, Doubled, Two, In black and white, In chief, Coat of arms, Mullet, Personal, Gules, Illuminated, Interpreted, Chief, Motto, Hand, Semi-circular, Eight, Or, Passant, Leather, Argent, Sable, Sinister, Vert, Grasping, Freehand, Three and One.
Dr. Antonio Salmerón y Cabañas,
Paseo de la Castellana 135,
7th floor,
28046 Madrid, Spain.