
Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Bosque, J. del; 1540

Main coat of arms of the Armory Book of the Kingdom of Navarre

Juan del Bosque, «Libro de Armería del Reino de Navarra», which is currently missing and whose subsequent copy, commissioned in 1572, is kept in the Royal and General Archive of Navarre, estimated year of creation 1540.

The origin of this armorial dates back to 1527, when the Navarrese Courts requested that the Royal Council and the Chamber of Comptos ~ Chamber of Accounts and Fiscal Control, record in a book the coats of arms of the kingdom of Navarre starting with that of the king of Navarre and the houses and lineages of the so-called «ricoshombres», Almorrabides, Guebara, Aybar, Baztanes, Urroz, Lete, Subiça, Rada, Vidaurre, Qasqante, Monteagudo, and Mauleón, also including the coats of arms of other manors, houses, valleys, towns, and nobles [Valverde Ogallar, P. B.; 2001; page 326].

According to [Martinena Ruiz, J. J.; 1982; page 35] the book was compiled around the year 1540, and this is the date I use for referencing this armorial.

This first manuscript created by Juan del Bosque was taken by the royal visitor Hernán Suárez de Toledo, under the pretext of taking it to Emperor Charles V, despite being requested back by the Navarrese Courts, it was never returned and was definitively lost. The armorial that has come down to us is a recreation commissioned in 1572 [Valverde Ogallar, P. B.; 2001; page 327].

According to [Menéndez Pidal de Navascués, F.; 1974; page 19] the recreation of this armorial was carried out based on certifications, such as those from the herald Azcárraga, and notes and partial copies of the stolen book, like the copy kept in the monastery of Leyre.

Another noteworthy bibliographic reference about this armorial, in addition to those previously mentioned, is [Martinena Ruiz, J. J.; Menéndez Pidal de Navascués, F.; 2001].

The image illustrating this bibliographic reference is the coat of arms of the king of Navarre, which I recreated based on the illustration in this armorial, on its first folio according to the numbering given to it in 1613.

Bibliographical reference of century XVI.

Author: Bosque, Juan del.

Here are the articles quoting this reference:


Dr. Antonio Salmerón y Cabañas,
Paseo de la Castellana 135, 7th floor,
28046 Madrid, Spain.