Legal disclaimer

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Ownership of blazons and coats of arms

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Blazons, coats of arms or other heraldic objects shown on, or any of its associated heraldry domains, belong to their respective owners, which are always identified on this site together with theses blazons or coat of arms or other heraldic objects. But the copyright and the intellectual property of the creation and/or the artistic rendering of these blazons, coats of arms and other heraldic objects belong to me for being the heraldic artist whose specific terms can be agreed with the person who has commissioned the heraldic service.


Only theses owner or their legal heirs could give you their authorization regarding the copy, use, reproduction, transformation, etc. of these blazons, coats of arms, or heraldic objects.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


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Dr. A. Salmerón

The copyright of the images, drawings, compositions or accompanying texts displayed on this site, or in its associated heraldry domains, and which are the product of the creation of new coats of arms or the interpretation of already existing coats of arms corresponds to its author Antonio Salmerón Cabañas who is, in turn, the proprietor

The copyright of each work is protected by its corresponding registration of intellectual property. Antonio Salmerón Cabañas is also the author of propiedad intelectual.

Antonio Salmerón Cabañas is also the author of:

all of which is protected and protected by the laws of intellectual and industrial property.

It is not allowed to copy, use or reproduce these images, drawings, compositions or texts without the express authorization of the author and, more importantly, always respecting the rights of the holders of the coats and blasons as specified in the article called ownership of blazons and coats of arms.

Kevin McLeod's music

Kevin MacLeod ( is the author of the musical compositions of some videos. He has the generosity to license it through «Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0» ( and both here and in the credits of all these videos this generosity is attributed. Although this license permits modification of the work, these soundtracks are the originals of Kevin MacLeod.

Fonts by Pia Frauss

The wonderful fonts shown in and some of its documents in PDF format have the rights of Dr. Marianne Steinbauer ( who personally authorized me to use them, from here my most sincere gratitude.

Historical documents

They can also be found in and in its associated heraldry domains images and compositions that contain parts or clippings of armorials, heraldic books, or heraldic pieces with centuries of antiquity and, therefore, already in public domain.

Credits of the articles

In addition to the copyrights mentioned in the previous sections, The following list shows the credits of the coats of arms, photographs or other heraldic objects that appear in some articles of

Although this list does not intend to be exhaustive, I try to maintain it the most updated and complete as possible and I will be happy to make the inclusions or appropriate modifications that are communicated to me.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


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All images of have been elaborated by Antonio Salmerón Cabañas either by the interpretation of existing blazons or by the creation of new blasons, coats of arms, heraldic objects or other artistic achievements.

In the hypothetical case that a holder of a coat of arms or coat of arms or an author of a plastic work or an author mentioned in the texts or in the bibliography will consider that, by mistake or omission, some content of this site, and which is identical to the one reproduced in its associated heraldry domains, could damage any of your rights, please do not hesistate to contact Antonio Salmerón Cabañas by e-mail or by means that he thinks fit to be able to remedy it as soon as possible.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Free content without guarantees

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The coat of arms, heraldic coats of arms, images, textual information, bibliographical references, quotes, etc. that are provided on this site, hereinafter «contenido», are available as a free service without any guarantees or responsibility for the owner of

I reject any guarantee and the implications that want to be associated with the content that is provided in or its associated heraldry domains and to the uses that are given to them, including the guarantees of ownership, legality, commerce and good adaptation for any particular objective and any geographical area of the planet.

The owner of is not liable for damages, direct, indirect, accidental, legal, mercantile, criminal that may occur for the use of the content that is provided in, even in case the owner has been warned of this possibility and it is remembered that for any use it must obtain the authorization of the holders of the blazons, coat of arms and the author of these contents.

The owner of is not responsible for the decisions taken or actions taken based on their content, nor for the damages caused to their users or third parties due to actions that have as one of their foundations the content obtained in, nor the damages produced in the computer equipment of the users or of third parties and that they are attributed to visit or to have visited sometime.

The access of users to or its associated domains associated heraldry domains does not imply an obligation on the part of the owner of to control the absence of viruses or any other harmful computer elements. It is up to the user to use their own and adequate tools for the detection and disinfection of harmful software.

In addition, the owner of, and in relation to this domain and its associated heraldry domains, states that:

  • is not responsible for the legality of other third party websites from which can be accessed,
  • nor is it responsible for the legality of other third party websites, which may be linked from,
  • reserves the right to make changes to, without prior notice, in order to keep updated its content.
Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

User access and acceptance of norms

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Acceptance of norms

Access to, or any of its associated heraldry domains, by users implies the acceptance of the usage rules expressed in both the legal disclaimer and in the privacy policy of

Freedom of navigation

As it is absolutely natural, no user is forced to visit or to use the heraldic site and if by his decision the users visit it and use it then we ask them to please attend and know these rules that are, on the other hand, the habitual ones of the prestige websites.

Do not hesitate to contact me

The owner of is absolutely careful and respectful with its users, if any user detects the slightest problem or inconvenience in the visit to please inform the owner through the email address in order to remedy this inconvenience.

Thanks in advance and we hope you enjoy the visit to as much as its owner with its elaboration.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Associated heraldry domains

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On the heraldic content and the rules

List of heraldic domains associated with which may have a similar content and who share the same legal disclaimer and privacy policy of

Sites about heraldry


Dr. Antonio Salmerón y Cabañas,
Paseo de la Castellana 135, 7th floor,
28046 Madrid, Spain.