Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Rodríguez de Lena, P.; Century XVI

Rodríguez de Lena, Pero, «Libro del passo honroso defendido por el excelente cavaliero Suero de Quiñones», chronicle, 26 centimeters, Leon, 1434.


It is a medieval chronicle written by the notary and chronicler Pero Rodríguez de Lena, documenting the chivalric deeds of Suero de Quiñones and his ten companions during the famous «Passo Honroso» at the bridge of Órbigo, León, in 1434.

From July 10 to August 9, 1434, Suero de Quiñones and 9 knights, the defenders, challenged any knight, the challengers, who wished to cross the bridge to a joust, an event that drew the attention of pilgrims traveling to the shrine of Santiago de Compostela.

The challenge of breaking 300 lances

Suero describes himself as being in prison for this virtuous lady, and he wore an iron collar every Thursday as a sign of this prison. His pledge to break 300 lances or defend the bridge, against all knights in the world who wished to cross it, for thirty days was a way to fulfill the conditions of this metaphorical imprisonment.

To fulfill his vow and prove his honor, Suero set the price for his rescue as the breaking of 300 lances in combat, each with a Milanese iron tip.

Nine other knights joined him in this noble defense at the Passo Honroso.


The original chronicle contains the full account of the 30 days of jousting, during which 164 jousts were held, along with the 22 rules governing the competition.

Suero and his companions vowed to break 300 lances in this chivalric endeavor but were forced to stop after 164 jousts, having fulfilled their oath to defend the bridge.

The chronicle also includes details of the knights who participated and the outcomes of each joust.

The 10 defenders

  • Suero de Quinones, broke 10 defenders' lances.
  • Lope de Estuñiga, broke 17 defenders' lances.
  • Diego de Bazan, broke 16 defenders' lances.
  • Pedro de Nava, broke 10 defenders' lances.
  • Aluaro, or Suero son of Alvar Gomez, broke 14 defenders' lances.
  • Sancho de Ravanal, broke 33 defenders' lances.
  • Lope de Aller, broke 12 defenders' lances.
  • Diego de Benavides, broke 10 defenders' lances.
  • Pedro de los Rios, broke 18 defenders' lances.
  • Gomez de Villacorta, broke 24 defenders' lances.

The 68 conquerors

The phrase «had his lance broken» indicates the number of times the conqueror's lance was broken during the jousts by Suero and his companions, the defenders.

  • Micer Arnaldo de la Floresta Bermeja, from Germany, rode in 6 courses and had his lance broken 2 times.
  • Mosen Juan Fabla, from Valencia, rode in 19 courses and had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Mosen Pero Fabla, from Valencia, rode in 5 courses and had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Rodrigo de Zayas, from Aragon, rode in 23 courses and had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Antón de Funes, aragonés, rode in 15 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Sancho Zapata, aragonés, rode in 19 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Fernando de Liñán, aragonés, rode in 14 courses, had his lance broken 1 time.
  • Francisco Muñoz, aragonés, rode in 16 courses, had his lance broken 2 times.
  • Mosen Gonzalo de Leori, aragonés, rode in 18 courses, had his lance broken 4 times.
  • Juan de Estamari, aragonés, rode in 8 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Jofre Jardín, aragonés, rode in 3 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Francisco de Faces, aragonés, rode in 27 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Mosen Per Davio, aragonés, rode in 23 courses, had his lance broken 2 times.
  • Mosen Francés Davio, aragonés, rode in 23 courses, had his lance broken 2 times.
  • Vasco de Varrionuevo, rode in 7 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Juan de Soto, rode in 24 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Diego de Mancilla, rode in 1 course, had his lance broken 1 time.
  • Rodrigo de Ulloa, rode in 7 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Juan Freyre de Andrada, rode in 3 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Lope de Mendoza, rode in 6 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Juan de Gamoz, catalán, rode in 9 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Mosen Bernal de Requesenes, catalán, rode in 8 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Pedro de Vesga, rode in 21 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Juan de Villalobos, rode in 8 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Gonzalo de Castañeda, rode in 5 courses, had his lance broken 2 times.
  • Alonso Quijada, rode in 12 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Bueso de Solís, rode in 11 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Juan de Castellanos, rode in 5 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Gutierre Quijada, rode in 4 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Rodrigo de Quijada, rode in 2 courses, had his lance broken 2 times.
  • García Osorio, rode in 8 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Diego Zapata, rode in 20 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Alonso de Cavedo, rode in 19 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Arnoa de Novalles, aragonés, rode in 20 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Ordeño de Valencia, rode in 10 courses.
  • Rodrigo de Xuara, rode in 17 courses, had his lance broken 2 times.
  • Juan de Merlo, rode in 3 courses, had his lance broken 2 times.
  • Alonso Deza, rode in 13 courses, had his lance broken 6 times.
  • Galaor Mosquera, rode in 4 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Pero Vázquez de Castilblanco, rode in 22 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Loque de la Torre, rode in 6 courses, had his lance broken 4 times.
  • Martín de Arneyda, rode in 14 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Gonzalo de León, rode in 18 courses, had his lance broken 2 times.
  • Juan de Soto, rode in 14 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Juan Vázquez de Olivera, rode in 19 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Pedro de Linares, rode in 16 courses, had his lance broken 1 time.
  • Antón Deza, rode in 5 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Juan de Carvallo, rode in 20 courses, had his lance broken 2 times.
  • Pedro Carnero, rode in 8 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Pedro de Torrecilla, rode in 4 courses.
  • Diego de San Román, rode in 9 courses, had his lance broken 2 times.
  • Pedro de Negrete, rode in 5 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Alvaro Cubel, rode in 5 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Pedro de Silva, rode in 12 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Juan de Quintanilla, rode in 4 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Gonzalo de Barros, rode in 4 courses, had his lance broken 2 times.
  • Martín de Guzmán, rode in 15 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.
  • Mosen Riembao de Cervera, catalán, rode in 1 course, had his lance broken 1 time.
  • Mosen Franci de Valle, catalán, rode in 1 course, had his lance broken 1 time.
  • Esberto de Claramonte, aragonés, the only one who died, rode in 9 courses, had his lance broken 1 time.
  • Micer Luis de Aversa, italiano, rode in 5 courses, had his lance broken 1 time.
  • Pero Gil de Abreo, portugués, rode in 4 courses, had his lance broken 1 time.
  • Arnao Bojué, bretón, rode in 2 courses, had his lance broken 2 times.
  • Sancho de Perrera, rode in 2 courses, had his lance broken 2 times.
  • Lope de Perrera, rode in 6 courses, had his lance broken 1 time.
  • Mosen Francés Perobaste, rode in 12 courses.
  • Don Juan de Portugal, rode in 2 courses, had his lance broken 1 time.
  • Fernando de Cardón, rode in 15 courses, had his lance broken 3 times.

The results

After 30 days, when the time limit was reached, the tournament of the «Passo Honroso» came to an end, which was recognized throughout Europe.

The defenders broke 166 lances against the conquerors, falling short of the established 300, but the judges counted the remaining 134 as broken, as the feat had been unparalleled. In 30 days, against 68 conquerors, the 10 defenders participated in 725 jousts, more than 70 per defender, more than 2 per day.

According to the numbers I provided earlier, it appears from the list of defenders that they broke 164 lances against the conquerors, and from the list of conquerors that they broke 166 lances. [Bravo Guarida, C.; 1934; page 50] reports similar numbers: 166 lances broken in 727 jousts. [Pineda, Juan d.; 1783; page 50] reports more than 166 lances broken and 727 jousts. In any case, all these numbers are fabulous.

The happy end

«...And to the sound of clarions and drums», Suero de Quiñones, «without his collar, surrenders before his lady, who says to him with a blushing face: Rise, noble Quiñones, you are my husband!» [Bravo Guarida, C.; 1934; page 49].

Bibliographical reference of century XVI.

Classification: Manuscript and Castilian language.

Author: Rodríguez de Lena, Pero.

Bibliographic reference mentioned in the following articles:

Separador heráldico
Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

GDLC; 1998

Various authors, «Gran diccionari de la llengua catalana», known as GDLC, Enciclopèdia Catalana, Diccionaris de l’Enciclopèdia, ISBN 84-412-2790-X Barcelona, 1998.

Bibliographical reference of century XX.

Classification: Dictionary and Catalan language.

Author: Various authors.

Bibliographical reference mentioned in the following article:

External resource:

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Cramer, R. de; 1913

René de Cramer, «Drapeaux, Bannières, Vlaggen en Wimpels», Universal and International Exhibition of Ghent 1913, La Vieille Flandre, published by Société Anonyme Belge d'Imprimerie, Brussels, 1913.

Bibliographical reference of century XX.

Classification: French language, Dutch language and Black and white with color plates.

Author: Cramer, René de.

Internal resources: CramerRde913.DrapeauxBannir.docx.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Friar, S.; 1987

Stephen Friar, «A Dictionary of Heraldry», first edition, illustrated by John Ferguson, Andrew Jamieson, and Anthony Wood, 384 pages, Harmony Books, ISBN.10 0-517-56665-6, New York, 1987.

This book is a comprehensive dictionary that explains the meanings of many heraldic symbols and discusses aspects of the history of heraldry. Stephen Friar, Director of The Society of Heraldic Arts, compiled this work with contributions from renowned heraldic illustrators. It is a valuable resource for anyone interested in heraldry, providing detailed descriptions and illustrations of heraldic terms and symbols.

Bibliographical reference of century XX.

Classification: Dictionary, English language and In color.

Author: Friar, Stephen.

The following articles cite this bibliographic reference:

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Pineda, Juan d.; 1783

Fray Juan de Pineda, «Libro del Passo Honroso, defendido por el excelente caballero Suero de Quiñones», compiled from an old handwritten book, second edition, 68 pages. printed by Antonio de Sancha, Madrid, 1783.

Fray Juan de Pineda, a Franciscan monk, compiled and abbreviated the original work by [Rodríguez de Lena, P.; Century XVI], in this edition, which is printed in a double-column format.

The book begins with the title «Comiénzase el libro del Passo Honroso: abreviado por fr. Juan de Pineda», which refers to the original work by Rodríguez de Lena. The main text recounts the heroic acts of Suero de Quiñones and his companions, detailing their 30-day defense of the Órbigo bridge against all challengers.

The book includes the full list of the 10 defenders, or maintainers, on page 67, and the 68 conquerors, or adventurers, on pages 67 and 68, and reports the results of the jousts for all of them.

Bibliographical reference of century XVIII.

Classification: Castilian language and In black and white.

The author is Pineda, Juan de.

The following article cites this bibliographic reference:

External resource:

Internal resources: PinedaJ1783.PassoHonroso.pdf PDF Format.

Separador heráldico
Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Durasov, V. A.; 1906

Vladimir Alexandrovich Durasov, «Heráldica de la Nobleza de toda Rusia», 279 páginas, San Petersburgo, 1906.


Esta obra, escrita por V. A. Durasov, es un registro heráldico completo de la nobleza rusa. Proporciona ilustraciones de los escudos de armas de las familias nobles a lo largo del Imperio Ruso.

El nombre completo del autor es Vladimir Alexandrovich Durasov, aunque en algunas fuentes, especialmente en versiones traducidas o abreviadas, puede aparecer como «W. Durasov» debido a problemas comunes de transliteración del ruso al alfabeto latino.

La obra se cita comúnmente como publicada en 1906, según se indica al inicio del libro; sin embargo, la fecha en la última página del libro es 1907.

Bibliographical reference of century XX.

Classification: Armorial roll, Russian language and Black and white with color plates.

Author: Durasov, Vladimir Alexandrovich.

Internal resources: DurasovVA1906.HeraldicaNoblezaRusa.pdf Formato PDF.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

The Heraldry Society; 2016

The Heraldry Society, «HeraldryForBeginners: Beasts, Banners and Badges», Baldock, Hertfordshire, 2016.

Bibliographical reference of century XXI.

Classification: In color.

Author: The Heraldry Society.

External resource:

Internal resources: TheHeraldrySociety2016.HeraldryForBeginners.pdf.

Separador heráldico

Sigue por: The Heraldry Society; 2018.


Dr. Antonio Salmerón y Cabañas,
Paseo de la Castellana 135, 7th floor,
28046 Madrid, Spain.