Banner Quarterly: 1 and 4 Gules, a castle triple towered Or, port and windows Azure, masoned Sable; 2 and 3 Argent, a lion rampant Purpure, armed and langued Gules, crowned Or.
Pendón cuartelado: 1o y 4o de gules, un castillo de oro, aclarado de azur, mazonado de sable; 2o y 3o de plata, un león rampante de púrpura, armado y lampasado de gules, coronado de oro.
Pendón interpretado por mí como: un rectángulo de proporción entre su ancho y su alto de 5x6; el campo está esmaltado de tintas planas gules y plata; los 2 castillos y los 2 leones están iluminados; el león y su corona están delineados del campo; el castillo está mazonado de sable; y el conjunto tiene un acabado apergaminado.
Puede consultarse en el armorial para la coronación de [Eduardo IV de Inglaterra; 1461; columna 2, fila 25] un pendón de estas características, la razón de ello era la aspiración de Eduardo IV a este reino, aspiración procedente de sus predecesores.
Este armorial fue realizado por diferentes artistas y al que le correspondió hacer el pendón de Castilla y León parece que pintó los leones de oro, si bien este oro no es tan amarillo como el que esmalta los castillos, castillo que tienen 2 ventanas mínimas y una puerta aclarada de azur. Por esta diferencia de tonos entre leones y castillos cabría plantearse la hipótesis de una degradación de un esmalte púrpura original en un ocre.
Al comienzo del armorial también aparecen estos leones en una representación ecuestre de Eduardo IV donde un tono rosa podría recordar a un púrpura original y, por tanto, apoyar la hipótesis de la degradación.
Finalmente, hay una tercera aparición de estos leones en otro pendón que combina las armas de Castilla y León con las de Inglaterra. Donde el color de los leones es más parecido al del pendón que al de la representación ecuestre.
Blazon keywords: Quarterly, Gules, Or, Azure, Sable, One, Castle, Port and windows, Masoned, Argent, Purpure, Lion, Rampant, Armed, Langued, Crowned, Crown and Open royal crown.
Style keywords: Illuminated, Rectangular and Old parchment.
Classification: Interpreted, Civic, Flag, Banner of arms, Kingdom of Castile and Leon and Canting.
Bearer: Castilla y León.
A unicorn salient, quarterly per saltire Or and Sable. Motto: «ASC» bendwise Sable, between the hoofs.
Badge created with: the unicorn and the motto painted with flat color sable and metal or; and the whole set with an old parchment finish.
The original design of this badge, along with other coats of arms and heraldic pieces, is registered as intellectual property in [Salmerón Cabañas, A.; 2015a; page 9]. Additionally this badge with a Unicorn per saltire Or and Sable, is used as what the Intellectual Property Registry calls a «pseudonym without anonymity» to sign documents.
Blazon keywords: Quarterly per saltire, Sable, Or, Unicorn, Salient, Motto (identification), Bendwise and Hoof.
Style keywords: Old parchment.
Classification: Badge, Created and Personal.
Bearer: Salmerón Cabañas, Antonio.
Water, Eagle, Bald eagle, Eagle claw, Dorsal fin, Tail fin, Two hands clasped, Lark, Tree, Trunk, Rainbow, Atom, Barbel, Acorn, Arm, Owl, Vulture, Horse, Head, Camellia, Thistle, Merino ram, Kapok tree, Stag, Doe, Crescent, Increscent, Tail, Tail addorsed, Ermine spot, Heart, Roe deer, Neck, Roe deers' attires, Raven, Dolphin, Diamond, Tooth, Elephant, Emerald, Starling, Mullet, Mullet of four points, Star of David, Estoile, Male figure, Fleur de lis, Lotus flower, Hop cone, Puffin, Ash, Rooster, Claw, Talon, Goose, Heron, Seagull, Pomegranate, Sunflower, Falcon, Leaf, Boar, Goldfinch, Laurel, Barn owl, Lion, Lioness, Lion passant, Leopard, Lion rampant guardant, Lynx, Lily, Flame, Wolf, She-wolf, Moon, Bluebonnet, Hand, Apple, Apple tree, Martlet, Wing, Two wings in vol, Covert, Mount, Trimount, Fly, Wrist, Elm, Olive tree, Orbital, Bear, Palm frond, Palm tree, Dove, Poplar leaf, Paw, Forepaw, Peacock, Chest, Pelican, Pelican in her piety, Dog, Brach hound, Fish, Hoof, Beak, Quill, Cinquefoil, Quetzal, Branch, Sprig, Shamrock, Caboshed, Oak, Holm oak, Rose, Double rose, Savage, Serpent, Sun in splendour, Ray of the sun, Stem, Badger, Tyger, Wheat, Wheat spike, Bull, Tulip, Udder, Escallop and Fox.
Halberd, Plough share, Ace of spades, Anchor, Cyclamor, Torch, Arch, Harp, Non-classic artifact, Winnowing fan, Crozier, Pair of scales, Ship, Beret, Grenade, Ecclesiastical cap, Arm vambraced, Chain, Covered cup, Bell tower, Cannon dismounted, Carbuncle, Castle, Clarion, Nail, Cord, Dagger, Key ward, Turret, With a turret, Sword, Sabre, Parchment, Scroll, Arrow, Club, Garb, Gauntlet, Axe, Buckle, Polish winged hussar, Church, Oil lamp, Spear, Spear's head, Fleam, Letter, Book, Closed book, Open book, Bookmark, Page, Line, Key, Four crescents joined millsailwise, Hammer, Menorah, Mortar, Pestle, Number, Knot, Celtic Trinity knot, Water-bouget, Comb, Piano, Millstone, Millrind, Millwheel, Clay pot, Bridge, Cuffed, Hourglass, Chess rooks, Compass rose, Rosette of acanthus leaves, Mullet of six points pierced, Broken, Portcullis, Wheel, Wagon-wheel, Symbol, Sackbut, Drum, Tower, Trident, Trumpet, Double vajra and Anvil.
Angel, Heart enflamed, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Paschal lamb, Dragon, Wyvern, Phoenix, Garuda, Griffin, Sea-griffin, Winged hand, Our Lady of Mercy, Pegasus, Saint George, Mermaid, Trinity, Triton, Golden fleece, Unicorn and Ouroboros.
Port and windows, Old parchment, Armed, Azure, Flag, Castilla y León, Castle, Crown, Open royal crown, Crowned, Created, Quarterly, Quarterly per saltire, Motto (identification), Personal, Gules, Illuminated, Badge, Interpreted, Langued, Lion, Masoned, Or, Canting, Banner of arms, Hoof, Argent, Civic, Bendwise, Purpure, Rampant, Rectangular, Kingdom of Castile and Leon, Sable, Salmerón Cabañas, Antonio, Salient, Unicorn and One.
Dr. Antonio Salmerón y Cabañas,
Paseo de la Castellana 135,
7th floor,
28046 Madrid, Spain.