
Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Which one is the single blazon?

Riddle323 10 TheSingleBlazon jpg

All these blazons are equal two by two, except one blazon without a partner.

Which one is the single blazon?

This is an heraldic riddle based on the arms of Vittorio Gifra, «Paly of six Azure and Or; over all a bend Azure.», painted the very first, row 1 and column 1.

Think before you move the cursor or click on the following link and see the solution.

Categories: Riddle, Semi-circular, Pointed, Triangular curved, Pointed and rounded, Rounded, Outlined in sable, Freehand, Paly, Six, Surmounted, Overall (deprecated), Bend, Azure, Vert and Or.

Root: Gifra, Vittorio.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

8 shields, but how many blazons?

In the following image there are painted 8 shields, but how many different blazons are there? First, think your answer, then write the different blazons and, finally, check if your initial answer was correct.

Riddle343 12 OpticalEffect HowManyBlazons jpg

Write the coats of arms and check your answer

Think before you move the cursor or click on the following link and see the solution.

Categories: Riddle, Gules, Or, Argent, Quarterly and Chequey.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Sable, three Towers Or

Riddle369 11 Sable 3Towers Or jpg

Think before you move the cursor or click on the following link and see the solution.

Categories: Riddle, Imaginary, Sable, Three, Tower and Or.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Five hurts and five pommes

Riddle369 32 Hurts Pommes Question jpg

Transform the blazon «Or» into «Or, five Pommes in saltire» and the blazon «Argent» into «Argent, five Hurts in saltire» moving the pommes and hurts through both metals, without breaking the rule of tinctures.

You can change one charge by another one, but only once.

For example, if you change «Sable, a Bend Argent» by «Sable, a Pale Argent», then the Pommes can arrive to «Or» blazon. However, this is not a solution, because the Hurts cannot walk to «Argent» blazon.

Think before you move the cursor or click on the following link and see the solution.

Categories: Riddle, Pointed and rounded, Outlined in sable, Freehand, Or, Argent, Vert, Azure, Gules, Sable, Hurt, torteau, pellet, pomme and golpe, Hurt, Pomme, In saltire, Fess, Saltire, Bend sinister, Cross, Pale and Bend.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

9 coats of arms in the ballroom

Riddle369 22 Fleurdelisee 9CoatsOfArms jpg

There is a series of nine coats of arms in the ballroom of the castle:

  • Or, three Fleurs de lis Azure.
  • Azure, a Bendsinister Or.
  • Or, a Fleur de lis Azure.
  • Azure, a Cross Or.
  • Or, five Fleur de lis Azure in saltire.
  • Azure, a Fess Or.
  • Or, two Fleur de lis Azure in bend.
  • Azure, a Saltire Or.
  • Or, four Fleur de lis Azure.

There are so many Fleurs de lis that everyone, except the joker, calls it the «fleurdelisée» room. Nobody knows the reason why the joker says there is none, do you?

Think before you move the cursor or click on the following link and see the solution.

Categories: Riddle, Or, Azure, Fleur de lis, One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Bend sinister, Cross, Fess and Saltire.


Dr. Antonio Salmerón y Cabañas,
Paseo de la Castellana 135, 7th floor,
28046 Madrid, Spain.