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Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Áncora de oro y la divisa enlace.

Heraldica Nova

The collaborative blog Heraldica Nova is an initiative of the Dilthey-Project «The Performance of Coats of Arms» of the University of Münster which aims to study medieval and early modern heraldry from the perspective of cultural history.

It was founded in 2013 by Torsten Hiltmann and it has been funded by the Volkswagen Foundation and Fritz Thyssen Foundation’s initiative «Focus on the Humanities».

We need your input: How did you learn to blazon? by Julia Ziegler
How did you learn to blazon? my contribution to this question

Categories: Link and Heraldry and heralds.

External resources:

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Áncora de oro y la divisa enlace.

Heralds International

Heralds International, parchment insignia of heraldic artists

Internet addresses:

I was honored with their announce of my incorporation to Heralds International, the announce was the following:

  • «Dr. Antonio Salmeron has recently joined Heralds International as a Member Artist and so we thought we would feature some of his work. A longer article will follow later but Dr. Salmeron has described his work thus»:
  • «My style as a heraldic artist is clear, symbolic and methodical. Clear because my work searches pieces which transmit energy and vital force to the owner, I think that a coat of arms should be a source of light and joy and an expression of freedom. Symbolic because coats of arms must be a representation of its bearer, his/her ideals, motivations, history and anything he/she might want to display. Methodical because heraldic art is founded on a science, the so called science of heraldry».
  • «We look forward to featuring more of his work very soon».
My artistic answer to a kind proposal of Heralds International

Categories: Link and Heraldry and heralds.


Dr. Antonio Salmerón y Cabañas,
Paseo de la Castellana 135, 7th floor,
28046 Madrid, Spain.