
Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León
Painting scheme of a Tree proper.

Category: Proper.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Antonio Ruiz Porras, The Armorial Register

Iar 14 AntonioRuizPorras TheArmorialRegister jpg

Registered by The International Register of Arms, 12th of May of 2022, Registration number 0628, Volume 4.

Categories: Armorial roll, Quarterly, Dolphin, Sunflower, Book, Diamond, Lark, Crest, Helm, Wreath, Quetzal, Tree, Branch, Proper, Leaved, Mantling and Motto.

External resource:

Root: The Armorial Register.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Aras Quirce, Manuel Maria

Or, an oak tree proper, fructed Or, with a boar supporting it Sable; on a chief Gules, three eagles displayed Or.

Or, an oak tree proper, fructed Or, with a boar supporting it Sable; on a chief Gules, three eagles displayed Or.

Escudo de oro, un roble al natural, frutado de oro, con un jabalí empinado de sable; en un jefe de gules, tres águilas de oro.

Escudo interpretado por mí, en tinturas planas, delineado de sable, con un contorno exterior medio punto y con un terminado texturizado.

Coat of arms of Manuel Maria Aras Quirce designed by Juan Lanzagorta Vallin and emblazoned by me.

Credits: Juan Lanzagorta Vallin is the designer of the coat of arms.

Blazon keywords: Or, One, Oak, Proper, Fructed, Boar, Supporting, Sable, Chief, Gules, Three and Eagle.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Plain tincture and Semi-circular.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Aras Quirce, Manuel Maria.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Badge of Tim Wilkins

A peacock in his splendour proper.

A peacock in his splendour proper.

Un pavo real ruante al natural.

Blazon keywords: Peacock, In his splendour and Proper.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted and Badge.

Bearer: Wilkins, Tim.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


Gules, a Royal drum of Bunyoro-Kitara proper.

Gules, a Royal drum of Bunyoro-Kitara proper.

Escudo de gules, un tambor real de Bunyoro-Kitara al natural.

Coat of arms emblazoned by me with a visica piscis shape, illuminated, and with a leather finishing.

Bunyoro Kitara is a Bantu kingdom located in Western Uganda. Its history begun in the 13th century. This kindowm is ruled by the King called Omukama of Bunyoro-Kitara. Now it is a subnational monarchy.

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Gules, One, Drum, Royal and Proper.

Style keywords: Vesica piscis, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Leather.

Classification: Civic, Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Bunyoro-Kitara.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Crest and mantling of the Milian family Milian

Tierced per bend: 1 vairy Or and Azure; 2 Azure, two ships in full sail, in bend Argent; 3 Or, four bars wavy Azure. Crest: Upon a helm, with a wreath Argent and Azure, a demi-red fox rampant proper, grasping dexter four wheat spikes Or. Mantling: Azure doubled Argent.

Tierced per bend: 1 vairy Or and Azure; 2 Azure, two ships in full sail, in bend Argent; 3 Or, four bars wavy Azure. Crest: Upon a helm, with a wreath Argent and Azure, a demi-red fox rampant proper, grasping dexter four wheat spikes Or. Mantling: Azure doubled Argent.

Arms designed by me, highlighted with lights and shadows, contoured in Sable, with a semi-circular external shape and with a rough finish.

The coat of arms of the Milian family, created by me following their suggestions.

Blazon keywords: Or, Azure, Argent, One, Two, Four, Tierced per bend, Vairy, Ship, Full sail, In bend, Bar, Wavy, Crest and mantling, Crest, Upon (wreath), Helm, Wreath, Demi, Fox, Rampant, Proper, Grasping, Dexter, Wheat spike, Wheat and Mantling.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Semi-circular, Rough and Ratio.

Classification: Personal, Created, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Milian, family.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Crest and motto of Ignacio Pérez de Bartolome

Gules, a lion rampant Or, charged with a pallet gemel chequey Argent and Sable. Crest: Upon a wreath Or and Gules, a demi-dragon Or, supporting with its sinister a goldfinch speaking proper. Motto: «Quem Timebo» depicted as Sable with initial letters Gules over a scroll Argent.

Gules, a lion rampant Or, charged with a pallet gemel chequey Argent and Sable. Crest: Upon a wreath Or and Gules, a demi-dragon Or, supporting with its sinister a goldfinch speaking proper. Motto: «Quem Timebo» depicted as Sable with initial letters Gules over a scroll Argent.

Arms devised by me, highlighted with lights and shadows, outlined in Sable, with an ogee outer contour and with a freehand finish.

Blazon keywords: Gules, Or, Argent, Sable, One, Lion, Rampant, Charged, Pallet, Gemel, Chequey, Crest, Upon (wreath), Wreath, Demi, Dragon, Perched, Sinister, Goldfinch, Speaking, Proper and Motto.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Ogee and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Created, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Pérez de Bartolome, Ignacio.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Crest of Antonio Ruiz Porras

Quarterly: 1 Argent, a dolphin haurient Azure; 2 Azure, a sunflower Or; 3 Azure, on a closed book Or a diamond Azure; 4 Argent, a lark Azure. Crest: Upon a wreath Argent and Azure a quetzal perched in tree branch proper, leaved Or.

Quarterly: 1 Argent, a dolphin haurient Azure; 2 Azure, a sunflower Or; 3 Azure, on a closed book Or a diamond Azure; 4 Argent, a lark Azure. Crest: Upon a wreath Argent and Azure a quetzal perched in tree branch proper, leaved Or.

Coat of arms interpreted by me, highlighted with lights and shadows, outlined in Sable, with a semi-circular outer contour and with a watercolor finishing.

Blazon keywords: Argent, Azure, Or, One, Quarterly, Dolphin, Haurient, Sunflower, Closed book, Book, Charged, Diamond, Lark, Crest, Upon (wreath), Wreath, Quetzal, Perched, Tree, Branch, Proper and Leaved.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Semi-circular and Watercolor.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Ruiz Porras, Antonio.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Crest of Guy Harold Power

Argent, two arrows points upwards in saltire Sable, barbed and feathered Gules, surmounted of a commando dagger point upwards in pale Gules, hilted and pommelled Sable; on a chief indented Sable, a label of three points Or. Crest: Upon a helm with a wreath Argent and Sable, a demi-man proper, wearing a beret Vert, grasping in his dexter hand a commando dagger point upwards Or, hilted and pommelled Sable. Mantling: Sable doubled Argent.

Argent, two arrows points upwards in saltire Sable, barbed and feathered Gules, surmounted of a commando dagger point upwards in pale Gules, hilted and pommelled Sable; on a chief indented Sable, a label of three points Or. Crest: Upon a helm with a wreath Argent and Sable, a demi-man proper, wearing a beret Vert, grasping in his dexter hand a commando dagger point upwards Or, hilted and pommelled Sable. Mantling: Sable doubled Argent.

Blazon keywords: Argent, Two, Arrow, Point upwards, In saltire, Sable, Barbed, Feathered, Gules, Surmounted, One, Dagger, In pale, Hilted, Pommelled, Chief, Indented, Label of three points, Or, Crest and mantling, Helm, Mantling, Wreath, Crest, Male figure, Demi, Proper, Beret, Vert, Grasping, Hand and Dexter.

Style keywords: Pointed, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Power, Guy Harold.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Crest of Marie Unicorn Sparkles

Party per chevron Azure semé of unicorns passant, and Argent, a rainbow throughout proper. Crest: Upon a wreath Argent and Azure a demi-unicorn Azure, horned, crined and semé of mullets Or.

Party per chevron Azure semé of unicorns passant, and Argent, a rainbow throughout proper. Crest: Upon a wreath Argent and Azure a demi-unicorn Azure, horned, crined and semé of mullets Or.

Credits: SkyL.designer and Antonio Salmerón y Cabañas is the author of the heraldic art.

Blazon keywords: Azure, Party per chevron, Argent, In chief, One, Semé, Unicorn, Passant, In base, Rainbow, Throughout, Proper, Wreath, Crest, Demi, Horned, Crined, Mullet and Or.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Pointed, Illuminated and Leather.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Sparkles, Marie Unicorn.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Crest of Rick Kasparek

Sanguine, a lion rampant, double queued Argent, tufted Or and langued Gules holding in its paws by the bows three keys fesswise bows interlaced wards to dexter facing downwards Or, in chief a mullet of eight points Or; all within a tressure Or. Crest: Upon a wreath Argent and Gules, a griffin segreant Argent langued Gules, beaked, armed, winged and tufted Or, supporting in its talons a rose Or, slipped and leaved proper.

Sanguine, a lion rampant, double queued Argent, tufted Or and langued Gules holding in its paws by the bows three keys fesswise bows interlaced wards to dexter facing downwards Or, in chief a mullet of eight points Or; all within a tressure Or. Crest: Upon a wreath Argent and Gules, a griffin segreant Argent langued Gules, beaked, armed, winged and tufted Or, supporting in its talons a rose Or, slipped and leaved proper.

Arms emblazoned by me, illuminated with lights and shadows, contoured in Sable, with an an ogee outer contour and with a freehand finishing.

Crest and coat of arms of Rick Kasparek emblazoned by me.

Blazon keywords: Sanguine, Argent, Or, Gules, One, Three, Eight, Lion, Rampant, Double queued, Tufted, Langued, Grasping, Paw, Key, Fesswise, Interlaced, In chief, Mullet, Tressure, Crest, Upon (wreath), Wreath, Griffin, Segreant, Beaked, Armed, Winged, Talons, Rose, Slipped, Leaved and Proper.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Ogee and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Kasparek, Rick.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Crest of Robert Sales

Azure, a carbuncle of twelve rays Argent; on a chief Or, a hop cone Vert between two apples Gules, slipped and leaved Vert. Crest: Upon a helm, with a wreath Argent and Azure, an eagle displayed Or, langued Gules, holding in his dexter talon an hourglass bendwise proper. Mantling: Azure doubled Argent.

Azure, a carbuncle of twelve rays Argent; on a chief Or, a hop cone Vert between two apples Gules, slipped and leaved Vert. Crest: Upon a helm, with a wreath Argent and Azure, an eagle displayed Or, langued Gules, holding in his dexter talon an hourglass bendwise proper. Mantling: Azure doubled Argent.

Blazon keywords: Azure, Carbuncle, Twelve, Argent, Chief, Or, Hop cone, Vert, Between, Two, Apple, Gules, Slipped, Leaved, Crest and mantling, Helm, Mantling, Wreath, Crest, Eagle, Langued, Grasping, Hourglass, Bendwise and Proper.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Pointed and Freehand.

Classification: Personal, Created and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Sales, Robert Edward.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Crest, mantling and motto of Reynaldo Romero

Azure, two arrows points upwards in saltire between, in chief a crescent Or, in base an open book Argent, garnished Or, the pages inscribed «Domus Virtus Felicitas» Sable. Crest: Upon a helm with a wreath Or and Azure, a bald eagle rising, wings addorsed and inverted proper. Mantling: Azure doubled Or. Motto: «Liberty Thru Industry».

Azure, two arrows points upwards in saltire between, in chief a crescent Or, in base an open book Argent, garnished Or, the pages inscribed «Domus Virtus Felicitas» Sable. Crest: Upon a helm with a wreath Or and Azure, a bald eagle rising, wings addorsed and inverted proper. Mantling: Azure doubled Or. Motto: «Liberty Thru Industry».

Arms interpreted by me, illuminated with lights and shadows, contoured in Sable, with a semi-circular outer contour and with a leather finish.

Blazon keywords: Azure, Or, Argent, Sable, One, Two, Arrow, Point upwards, In saltire, Between, In chief, Crescent, In base, Open book, Book, Page, Inscribed, Crest and mantling, Crest, Upon (wreath), Helm, Wreath, Bald eagle, Eagle, Rising, Wing, Addorsed, Proper, Mantling and Motto.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Semi-circular and Leather.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Romero, Reynaldo.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

David Ryan Shorey, diapered with Chinapieria

Sable, a dolphin naiant Or; a chief embattled Vert, fimbriated Or. Crest: Upon a helm, with a wreath Or and Vert, a cornish chough speaking proper, his dexter foot grasping the point of a mullet Gules. Mantling: Vert doubled Or. Motto: «Siempre Adelante».

Sable, a dolphin naiant Or; a chief embattled Vert, fimbriated Or. Crest: Upon a helm, with a wreath Or and Vert, a cornish chough speaking proper, his dexter foot grasping the point of a mullet Gules. Mantling: Vert doubled Or. Motto: «Siempre Adelante».

I have used my non-repetitive diapering for the inner Or of his mantling and wreath.

Blazon keywords: Sable, Dolphin, Naiant, Or, Chief, Embattled, Vert, Fimbriated, Crest and mantling, Helm, Mantling, Wreath, Crest, Speaking, Proper, Grasping, Mullet, Gules and Motto.

Style keywords: Pointed and rounded and Chinapieria.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted, Coat of arms and Castilian language.

Bearer: Shorey, David Ryan.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


My heraldic Discord wall is The Discord Roll of Arms # Antonio.

Antonio Salmeron Cabañas SHA, Discord

Categories: Technology, Social networks, Party per pale, Vert, One, Compass rose, Argent, Between, In chief, Ancient coronet, Crown, In base, Sun in splendour, Or, Sable, Overall (line of division), Spear, Shafted, Helm, Mantling, Doubled, Wreath, Lynx, Couchant, Proper, Langued, Azure, Motto and Giclée.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Eight-ball, heraldic poster

Or, a Billiard 8 ball proper.

Or, a Billiard 8 ball proper.

Escudo de oro, una bola 8 de billar al natural.

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Or, One, Non-classic artifact and Proper.

Style keywords: Semi-circular, Crystalline, Soft metal, Outlined in sable and Illuminated.

Classification: Created, Imaginary and Coat of arms.

Imaginary bearer: Bola 8.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Francisca Aras Quirce

Or, an oak tree proper, fructed Or, with a boar supporting it Sable; the whole debruised by a label of four points Azure with the second point Argent.

Or, an oak tree proper, fructed Or, with a boar supporting it Sable; the whole debruised by a label of four points Azure with the second point Argent.

Escudo de oro, un roble al natural, frutado de oro, con un jabalí empinado de sable; brisado de un lambel de cuatro pendientes de azur, el segundo pendiente de plata.

Coat of arms interpreted by me, in flat tinctures, outlined in Sable, with a semi-circular outer contour and with a texturized finish.

Coat of arms of Francisca Aras Quirce designed by Juan Lanzagorta Vallin and emblazoned by me.

Credits: Juan Lanzagorta Vallin is the designer of the coat of arms.

Blazon keywords: Or, One, Oak, Proper, Fructed, Boar, Supporting, Sable, Cadency, Label, Four, Azure and Argent.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Plain tincture and Semi-circular.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Francisca Aras Quirce.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Garcia-Bosch-de Morales-de Sola née Adriaensen, Heidi

Party per pale: 1 Gules, a bend sinister debruised by an inescutcheon Or charged with a bend Azure charged with five fusils palewise Argent, in base on a triangle Argent the Sacred Heart of Jesus proper [for Adriaensen]; 2 Azure, a fleur de lis Argent above a doe sejeant proper surrounded by twelve mullets in orle Or [granted by Bourbon-Parma].

Party per pale: 1 Gules, a bend sinister debruised by an inescutcheon Or charged with a bend Azure charged with five fusils palewise Argent, in base on a triangle Argent the Sacred Heart of Jesus proper [for Adriaensen]; 2 Azure, a fleur de lis Argent above a doe sejeant proper surrounded by twelve mullets in orle Or [granted by Bourbon-Parma].

Coat of arms emblazoned by me with a lozenge shape, illuminated, and with a free hand finishing.

G0084, Chief Herald of Malta's grant of Heidi Garcia-Bosch-de Morales-de Sola née Adriaensen's arms, whose coat of arms has been emblazoned by me.

Blazon keywords: Party per pale, Gules, One, Bend sinister, Or, In base, Triangle, Argent, Charged, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Heart enflamed, Heart, Enflamed, Proper, Overall, Inescutcheon, Bend, Azure, Five, Fusil, Palewise, Doe, Sejant, Above, Fleur de lis, Surrounded, Twelve, Mullet and In orle.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Freehand and Rhombus.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Garcia-Bosch-de Morales-de Sola née Adriaensen, Heidi.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Giovanni de Bella

Gules, a fess between, in chief a Maltese cross between two mullets of eight Argent, in base three bendlets Or. Crest: Upon a helm issuant from a crown of Noble above the shield a with a wreath Argent and Gules, a Cirneco dell’Etna hound passant proper, gorged of a collar of meanders motifs Azure and Argent. Mantling: Gules doubled Argent. Motto: «Pete ex Animo Sapientiam».

Gules, a fess between, in chief a Maltese cross between two mullets of eight Argent, in base three bendlets Or. Crest: Upon a helm issuant from a crown of Noble above the shield a with a wreath Argent and Gules, a Cirneco dell’Etna hound passant proper, gorged of a collar of meanders motifs Azure and Argent. Mantling: Gules doubled Argent. Motto: «Pete ex Animo Sapientiam».

Coat of arms emblazoned by me with a pointed shape, illuminated, and with a watercolor finishing.

G0053, Chief Herald of Malta's grant of Giovanni de Bella's arms, whose full achievement has been emblazoned by me for such grant.

Blazon keywords: Gules, One, Fess, Between, In chief, Eight-pointed cross, Cross couped, Two, Mullet, Argent, In base, Three, Bendlet, Or, Crest and mantling, Helm, Issuant, Crown of Noble, Crown, On, Mantling, Doubled, Wreath, Crest, Dog, Proper, Collared, Azure, Motto and Scroll.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Watercolor and Pointed.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted, Coat of arms, Latin language and Doctor.

Bearer: Bella, Giovanni de.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Hartemink, Ralf

Or, three puffins proper.

Or, three puffins proper.

Escudo de oro, tres frailecillos (Fratercula arctica) al natural.

Coat of arms emblazoned by me with a pointed shape, illuminated, and with a leather finishing.

He is the founder, owner, and webmaster of Heraldry of the World, since 1995, it is the most important resource for civic heraldry.

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Or, Three, Puffin and Proper.

Style keywords: Pointed, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Leather.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Hartemink, Ralf.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Kelly Kathleen Knox

Argent, a stag springing, in base an acorn leaved and slipped proper, on a chief invected Gules, a sabre fesswise, point sinister proper, debruised by a rose Or, leaved Vert. Motto: «Iustitia per Ministerium» Sable, with initial letters Gules, over a scroll Argent.

Argent, a stag springing, in base an acorn leaved and slipped proper, on a chief invected Gules, a sabre fesswise, point sinister proper, debruised by a rose Or, leaved Vert. Motto: «Iustitia per Ministerium» Sable, with initial letters Gules, over a scroll Argent.

Escudo de plata, un ciervo brincante, en punta una bellota frutada y hojada al natural; en un jefe acanalado de gules un sable puesto en faja, alterado al natural, resaltado de una rosa de oro, hojada de sinople. Lema: «Iustitia per Ministerium» de sable, con letras iniciales de gules, sobre una filacteria de plata.

Coat of arms designed by me, highlighted with lights and shadows, outlined in Sable, with a pointed external shape and with a rough finish.

Blazon keywords: Argent, Gules, Or, Vert, One, Stag, Springing, In base, Acorn, Leaved, Slipped, Proper, Chief, Invected, Sabre, Fesswise, Facing sinister, Debruised, Rose, Motto and Scroll.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Pointed and Rough.

Classification: Personal, Created, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Knox, Kelly Kathleen.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Laird Sky

Party per chevron Vert and Or, in chief a sackbut fesswise Or, in base a thistle slipped and leaved proper. Crest: Upon a helm, with a wreath Or and Vert, a bluethroat (Luscinia svecica) proper. Mantling: Vert doubled Or. Motto above the crest: «Less Is More».

Party per chevron Vert and Or, in chief a sackbut fesswise Or, in base a thistle slipped and leaved proper. Crest: Upon a helm, with a wreath Or and Vert, a bluethroat (Luscinia svecica) proper. Mantling: Vert doubled Or. Motto above the crest: «Less Is More».

Illuminated, an irisdiscent finishing, and the inner of the thistle is outlined in the metal Or of its field.

Blazon keywords: Vert, Party per chevron, Or, In chief, Sackbut, Fesswise, In base, Thistle, Leaved, Slipped, Proper, Motto, Crest and mantling, Helm, Mantling, Wreath and Crest.

Style keywords: Iridescent (nacar), Outlined in sable, Outlined in the field tincture, Illuminated and Pointed.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Sky, Laird.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Peter Ferdinand Gummersbach

Party per pale: 1 Azure, an eagle displayed Or, charged on the chest with a Royal drum of Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom proper; 2 Or, on a fess Gules between two fleur de lis Azure, a rose Argent, seeded Or.

Party per pale: 1 Azure, an eagle displayed Or, charged on the chest with a Royal drum of Bunyoro-Kitara Kingdom proper; 2 Or, on a fess Gules between two fleur de lis Azure, a rose Argent, seeded Or.

Coat of arms emblazoned by me with a shape ended with an ogee arch, illuminated, and its finishing is that seems leather.

This coat of arms was augmented with the Royal drum of the kingdom of Bunyoro-Kitara.

Blazon keywords: Party per pale, Azure, One, Eagle, Or, Charged, Chest, Drum, Royal, Proper, Fess, Gules, Rose, Argent, Seeded, Between, Two, Fleur de lis, In chief and In base.

Style keywords: Ogee, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Leather.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Gummersbach, Peter Ferdinand.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Rage from Discord, first version

Barry of ten Argent and Azure, overall a double-headed eagle displayed Sable, nimbed, beaked, and membered Or, grasping in each claw an elephant's tusk proper, and charged on its breast with a double vajra Argent.

Barry of ten Argent and Azure, overall a double-headed eagle displayed Sable, nimbed, beaked, and membered Or, grasping in each claw an elephant's tusk proper, and charged on its breast with a double vajra Argent.

Escudo fajado de diez piezas de plata y azur, brochante sobre el todo un águila bicéfala de Sable, nimbada, picada y membrada de oro, teniendo en cada garra un colmillo de elefante al natural y su pecho cargado de una vajra doble.

Coat of arms interpreted and emblazoned by me with different shapes and finishings.

Pointed Rounded

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Barry, Ten, Argent, Azure, Overall, One, Eagle, Double headed, Sable, Nimbed, Beaked, Membered, Or, Grasping, Claw, Tusk, Elephant, Proper, Chest, Charged and Double vajra.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Freehand, Rough, Rounded, Ogee and Pointed.

Classification: Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Rage from Discord.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Standard of Laurent Liu-Lecomble

Heraldic device devised by me, illuminated with lights and shadows, contoured in Sable, and with a leather finish.

Heraldic device devised by me, illuminated with lights and shadows, contoured in Sable, and with a leather finish.

This is the heraldic standard of Laurent Liu-Lecomble, designed by him and me, and emblazoned by me. Structure: coat of arms; from his badge, the two arms bendwise proper, grasping a sword bend sinisterwise; motto «Semper renascitur»; a leopard Or, armed and langued Azure; warcry «Mon dû»; from his badge, the two arms bendwise grasping a sword bend sinisterwise.

Blazon keywords: Azure, Argent, Gules, Or, One, Two, Three, Quarterly, Dexter, Hand, Appaumée, Sword, Point upwards, Between, Cross patty, Cross couped, Sinister, Eight-pointed cross, Plough share, Affronty, Disordered, Eagle claw, Inescutcheon, Charged, Fleur de lis, Arm, Bendwise, Proper, Grasping, Bend sinisterwise, Motto, Leopard, Passant, Armed, Langued and War cry.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Leather.

Classification: Personal, Created, Boa, Standard and Flag.

Bearer: Liu-Lecomble, Laurent.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Stephan Urs Breu with supports and motto

Party per fess: 1 Argent, a rose Gules, barbed and seeded proper; 2 Gules, two swords in saltire Argent, hilted Or. Supporters: Two bears Sable, the eyes, pizzled, langued, armed and gorged Gules. Motto: «Ingenuus et fortis» Sable over a scroll Argent doubled Gules.

Party per fess: 1 Argent, a rose Gules, barbed and seeded proper; 2 Gules, two swords in saltire Argent, hilted Or. Supporters: Two bears Sable, the eyes, pizzled, langued, armed and gorged Gules. Motto: «Ingenuus et fortis» Sable over a scroll Argent doubled Gules.

Blazon keywords: Party per fess, Argent, One, Rose, Gules, Leaved, Seeded, Two, Sword, In saltire, Hilted, Or, Proper, Supporter (animal), Bear, Sable, The eyes, Pizzled, Langued, Armed, Collared, Motto and Scroll.

Style keywords: Semi-circular, Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Leather.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted, Coat of arms and Latin language.

Bearer: Breu, Stephan Urs.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Supporters and crest of Nick Allen Rica II

Or, on a chevron, between three crosses flory Gules, three crescents Argent. Crest: Upon a helm, with a wreath Or and Gules, a pomegranate Proper, seeded Gules, slipped and leaved Vert. Mantling: Gules doubled Or. Supporters: Two Lions rampant Or, langued and armed Gules.

Or, on a chevron, between three crosses flory Gules, three crescents Argent. Crest: Upon a helm, with a wreath Or and Gules, a pomegranate Proper, seeded Gules, slipped and leaved Vert. Mantling: Gules doubled Or. Supporters: Two Lions rampant Or, langued and armed Gules.

Blazon keywords: Or, One, Chevron, Gules, Charged, Three, Crescent, Argent, Between, Cross, Flory, Crest and mantling, Helm, Mantling, Wreath, Crest, Pomegranate, Proper, Slipped, Leaved, Vert, Supporter (animal), Two, Lion, Rampant, Langued and Armed.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Pointed, Illuminated and Rough.

Classification: Personal, Created and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Rica II, Nick Allen.


Dr. Antonio Salmerón y Cabañas,
Paseo de la Castellana 135, 7th floor,
28046 Madrid, Spain.