
Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León
Acorn bendwise, draw it, paint it and give it lights and shadows.

Category: Acorn.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Ackerson - Akers, lineage

Sable, a Bend between three Acorns Or.

Ackerson and Akers lineages.

Sable, a Bend between three Acorns Or.

Illuminated and freehand finishing.

The coat of arms of Ackerson and Akers lineages emblazoned by me and extracted from [Burke, B.; 1989].

Unless the blazon specifies another layout, when a bend is between three charges, this charges are ordered, two in the chief and one in the base, as the three acorns do in this case.

[Rietstap, J. B.; 1861] escribe el blasón de «Ackers ou Akers» como «de sable, à une bande d'or, acc. de trois glands du mesme».

Blazon keywords: Sable, Bend, Between, Three, Acorn, Or and Ordered.

Style keywords: Freehand, Outlined in sable and Illuminated.

Classification: Interpreted.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Ackhurst, lineage

Argent, on a Bend Sable three Acorns Or.

Ackhurst lineage.

Argent, on a Bend Sable three Acorns Or.

Illuminated and freehand finishing.

The coat of arms of Ackhurst lineage emblazoned by me and extracted from [Burke, B.; 1989].

Unless the blazon specifies another direction, the charges in a bend follow the direction of their bend, as the acorns do in this case.

Blazon keywords: Argent, Bend, Sable, Three, Acorn, Or and Bendwise.

Style keywords: Freehand, Outlined in sable and Illuminated.

Classification: Interpreted.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Brim-DeForest, Brady

Party per chevron Gules and Argent, two Acorns slipped Or and in base a Fleur de lis Azure.

Party per chevron Gules and Argent, two Acorns slipped Or and in base a Fleur de lis Azure.

Illuminated and freehand finishing.

This coat of arms was granted by the Court of the Lord Lyon, in Scotland, in 2018. In the original blazon the term «Leaved» ~ «Hojado» does not appear, although sometimes, by default, acorns paint them leaved. I have painted so, in this case, following the instructions of the bearer. Although, in my version of this blazon in Castilian I have wrote «hojadas» to avoid possible doubts of the Castilian readers.

Blazon keywords: Gules, Party per chevron, Argent, In chief, Two, Acorn, Slipped, Leaved, Or, In base, One, Fleur de lis and Azure.

Style keywords: Freehand, Outlined in sable and Illuminated.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Brim-DeForest, Brady.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Certification of the ISCH for Brady Brim-DeForest

The Commoners' Certification of Arms for Brady Brim-DeForest arms granted by Lord Lyon and emblazoned by me.

BrimDeForestB 38 Isch Certification 263 jpg

Blazon keywords: Gules, Party per chevron, Argent, In chief, Two, Acorn, Slipped, Leaved, Or, In base, One, Fleur de lis and Azure.

Style keywords: Leather and Outlined in sable.

Classification: Certification, Flag, Badge and Interpreted.

Bearer: Brim-DeForest, Brady.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Crest and motto of Kelly Kathleen Knox

Argent, a stag springing, in base an acorn leaved and slipped proper, on a chief invected Gules, a sabre fesswise, point sinister proper, debruised by a rose Or, leaved Vert. Crest: Upon a wreath Argent and Gules, a bald eagle displayed proper. Motto: «Iustitia per Ministerium» Sable, with initial letters Gules, over a scroll Argent.

Argent, a stag springing, in base an acorn leaved and slipped proper, on a chief invected Gules, a sabre fesswise, point sinister proper, debruised by a rose Or, leaved Vert. Crest: Upon a wreath Argent and Gules, a bald eagle displayed proper. Motto: «Iustitia per Ministerium» Sable, with initial letters Gules, over a scroll Argent.

Coat of arms designed by me, illuminated with lights and shadows, outlined in Sable, with a pointed outer contour and with a rough finishing.

Design rationale

The main elements of her arms are the stag and the sabre. The stag symbolizes the reluctance to fight unless provoked. The sabre, resembling a Model 1902 US Army cavalry sabre, is chosen for its significance in both the US Army and the US Air Force. She is a combat veteran who served for 20 years, mostly in humanitarian and medical roles; therefore, the sabre is positioned with its tip towards the heraldic sinister in a non-aggressive attitude. Gules-red is chosen for its association with the military. She continued to serve her brother and sister veterans for another 25 years after her military retirement. Service is very important to her, and it is a value she wishes to pass down to her children and grandchildren, as her motto affirms, «Iustitia per Ministerium», Justice through Service. The yellow rose represents her home state of Texas. The acorn and its rounded leaves of the white oak tree represent Grandmother Oak, a connection with Mother Nature, and independence. Overall, a bald eagle displayed, the symbol of America, is placed on the crest of her arms.

Blazon keywords: Argent, Gules, Or, Vert, One, Stag, Springing, In base, Acorn, Leaved, Slipped, Proper, Chief, Invected, Sabre, Fesswise, Facing sinister, Debruised, Rose, Crest, Upon (wreath), Wreath, Bald eagle, Eagle, Displayed, Motto and Scroll.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Pointed and Rough.

Classification: Personal, Created, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Knox, Kelly Kathleen.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Crest, mantling and motto of Kelly Kathleen Knox

Argent, a stag springing, in base an acorn leaved and slipped proper, on a chief invected Gules, a sabre fesswise, point sinister proper, debruised by a rose Or, leaved Vert. Crest: Upon a helm, with a wreath Argent and Gules, a bald eagle displayed proper. Mantling: Gules doubled Argent. Motto: «Iustitia per Ministerium» Sable, with initial letters Gules, over a scroll Argent.

Argent, a stag springing, in base an acorn leaved and slipped proper, on a chief invected Gules, a sabre fesswise, point sinister proper, debruised by a rose Or, leaved Vert. Crest: Upon a helm, with a wreath Argent and Gules, a bald eagle displayed proper. Mantling: Gules doubled Argent. Motto: «Iustitia per Ministerium» Sable, with initial letters Gules, over a scroll Argent.

Coat of arms designed by me, illuminated with lights and shadows, contoured in Sable, with a pointed outer contour and with a rough finish.

Blazon keywords: Argent, Gules, Or, Vert, One, Stag, Springing, In base, Acorn, Leaved, Slipped, Proper, Chief, Invected, Sabre, Fesswise, Facing sinister, Debruised, Rose, Crest and mantling, Crest, Upon (wreath), Helm, Wreath, Bald eagle, Eagle, Displayed, Mantling, Motto and Scroll.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Pointed and Rough.

Classification: Personal, Created, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Knox, Kelly Kathleen.


Dr. Antonio Salmerón y Cabañas,
Paseo de la Castellana 135, 7th floor,
28046 Madrid, Spain.