Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Armytage, G. J.; Rylands, J. P.; 1909

Fitton of Carden, Clutton, and Chester, recorded in Pedigrees 1613

George J. Armytage and John Paul Rylands, «Pedigrees Made at the Visitation of Cheshire, 1613, taken by Richard Saint George, Esq., Norroy King of Arms and Henry Saint George, Gent., Bluemantle Pursuivant of Arms; and some other contemporary pedigrees», edited by Sir George J. Armytage, Bart., F. S. A. and John Paul Rylands, Esq., F. S. A., published by Mitchell, Hughes & Clark, printed for The Record Society, London, 1909.

[Goldstraw, M. S. J.; 2013b] is a color recreation of the coats of arms recorded in this book.

The coat of arms that illustrates this bibliographic reference is one of those recorded in this book, which contains only a few illustrations in black and white, and corresponds to the coat of arms of Fitton de Carden, Clutton y Chester.

Bibliographical reference of century XX.

Authors: Armytage, George J. and Rylands, John Paul.

The following article cites this bibliographic reference:

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Goldstraw, M. S. J.; 2013a

Martin S. J. Goldstraw author of The Heraldic Visitations of Cheshire 1533 to 1580

Martin S. J. Goldstraw, «The Heraldic Visitations of Cheshire 1533 to 1580», published by Martin S. J. Goldstraw, 338 pages, Cheshire, 22 August 2013.

Recreation by Martin S. J. Goldstraw of the book [Rylands, J. P.; 1882].

The coat of arms that illustrates this bibliographic reference is that of the book's author.

Bibliographical reference of century XXI.

Author: Goldstraw, Martin S. J..

The following article cites this bibliographic reference:

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Goldstraw, M. S. J.; 2013b

Martin S. J. Goldstraw author of The Heraldic Visitations of Cheshire 1613

Martin S. J. Goldstraw, «The Heraldic Visitations of Cheshire 1613», published by Martin S. J. Goldstraw, 335 pages, Cheshire, 24 August 2013.

Recreation by Martin S. J. Goldstraw of the book [Armytage, G. J.; Rylands, J. P.; 1909].

This bibliographic reference is illustrated with the coat of arms of the book's author.

Bibliographical reference of century XXI.

Author: Goldstraw, Martin S. J..

The following article cites this bibliographic reference:

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

King, D.; 1656

Delacres Abbey, interpretation of the shield represented in The Vale-Royal of England

Daniel King, «The Vale-Royal of England or, The County Palatine of Chester Illustrated, wherein is Contained a Geographical and Historical Description of that Famous County, with all its Hundreds and Seats of the Nobility, Gentry and Freeholders», edited and published by Daniel King, engraver, book sponsored by Peter Venables, Baron of Kinderton, Chester, Cheshire County, 1656.

The book includes around 520 coats of arms of Cheshire, with black and white illustrations, where the metals and colors are indicated by a letter code.

The coat of arms that illustrates this bibliographic reference is one of those recorded in this book and corresponds to the coat of arms of Abadía de Delacres, with the difference that here the crozier faces the right side of the shield, unlike the one represented in this book, which, like other croziers in this book, faces the left side of the shield.

Bibliographical reference of century XVII.

The author is King, Daniel.

External links:

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Langton, W.; 1876

William Langton, «The Visitation of Lancashire and a part of Cheshire, made in the twenty-fourth year of the reign of King Henry the Eighth, A.D. 1533, by special commission of Thomas Benolte (Benalt), Clarencieux», Chetham Society, Manchester, 1876.

In 1876 the first part of this book was published and in 1882 the second part. The cover of the book refers to «Thomas Benalt», but it might actually be «Thomas Benolte» or «Thomas Benolt»

Bibliographical reference of century XIX.

Author: Langton, William.

External links:

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Rylands, J. P.; 1882

Walkington, registered in The Visitation of Cheshire in the Year 1580

John Paul Rylands, «The Visitation of Cheshire in the Year 1580, Made by Robert Glover, Somerset Herald, for William Flower, Norroy King of Arms, with Numerous Additions and Continuations, Including those from The Visitation of Cheshire in the Year 1566, by the same Herald, with an Appendix Containing The Visitation of a Part of Cheshire in the Year 1533, William Fellows, Lancaster Herald, for Thomas Benolte, Clarenceux King Of Arms, And a Fragment of The Visitation of the City of Chester in the Year 1591, Made by Thomas Chaloner, Deputy to the Office Of Arms», edited by John Paul Rylands, F. S. A., published by The Harleian Society, London, 1882.

[Goldstraw, M. S. J.; 2013a] es una recreación a color de los escudos registrados en este libro.

El escudo que ilustra esta referencia bibliográfica es uno de los que se registran en este libro y corresponde al escudo de Tatton de Wythenshawe, con la diferencia que aquí no se ha incluido su timbre.

Bibliographical reference of century XIX.

Author: Rylands, John Paul.

The following article cites this bibliographic reference:

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Fortaleza de oro y mazonada de sable.

Norsk Heraldisk Forening

Norsk Heraldisk Forening, 2 axes with escutcheon Or at the nombril

Norsk Heraldisk Forening, in English, Nordic Heraldry Society, was founded on February 27, 1969, at the National Archives in Oslo, with the aim of promoting the study and knowledge of heraldry through meetings, lectures, excursions, and other dissemination methods, and additionally, to become an advisory body to resolve issues in matters of heraldry, flags, personal coats of arms, etc. Its first president was Dr. Philos Herman L. Løvenskiold.

Since then, these have remained the objectives of the Norsk Heraldisk Forening, and its membership count has remained between 150 and 200 members, and it cooperates with the Nordic Heraldry Society, «Societas Heraldica Scandinavica».

The website's address is, its content is available in both Norwegian and English, and they work systematically to expand it and provide greater and better information to both its members and those interested in heraldry.


Alex Maxwell Findlater described it in English, including its crest, in an article that was on their previous website under the title «About the society», as follows: «Gules issuant from base two battle-axes addorsed Argent shafted Or overall at the nombril point an escutcheon Or; for Crest between two axes of the arms a panache of three peacock feathers proper; Mantling Gules doubled Or». But given that «shafted» applies to weapons with a shaft and «hafted» to weapons with a handle, in the case of axes, I use «hafted» although both terms correspond to the Spanish «fustado».

Note how the axes are described as battle-axes, just as in the blazon of the Norwegian coat of arms, where its lion holds a battle-axe.

Coat of arms I attempted to interpret in the Norwegian style, all in flat tinctures, without Sable outlines, lighting or shading, and only with a simple rough finish.

Categories: Institution, Interpreted, Socioeconomic, Semi-circular, Plain tincture, Outlined in the field tincture, Rough, Coat of arms, Without divisions, Gules, Axe, Argent, Hafted, Or, Addorsed, Issuant from base, Overall, At the nombril and Escutcheon.

Separador heráldico

Sigue por: Norsk Heraldisk Forening, coat of arms.


Dr. Antonio Salmerón y Cabañas,
Paseo de la Castellana 135, 7th floor,
28046 Madrid, Spain.