
Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Angel España Herranz, plain tincture

Party per pale Gules and Vert, overall a chevron wavy Or between two plates in pale.

Party per pale Gules and Vert, overall a chevron wavy Or between two plates in pale.

Coat of arms designed by me, in flat tinctures, outlined in Sable, and with a texturized finishing.

Coat of arms of Angel España Herranz designed by him and me, and emblazoned by me.

Design rationale

The first quarter of Gules with the dexter of the chevron Or are España, his surname. In the second quarter, the Vert is the green, the wavy chevron Or a bunker, and the two plates represent a ball and a hole of golf, his passion.

Blazon keywords: Gules, Vert, Or, Argent, One, Two, Party per pale, Overall, Chevron, Wavy, Between, Plate and In pale.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable and Plain tincture.

Classification: Personal, Created, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: España Herranz, Angel.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Crepsi, comparation

Party per pale: 1 Gules, in base a castle triple-towered Or, port and windows Azure, and masoned Sable; 2 Argent, in base a lion rampant Gules, crowned Or; overall a psi letter sable; a diminished bordure Or.

Party per pale: 1 Gules, in base a castle triple-towered Or, port and windows Azure, and masoned Sable; 2 Argent, in base a lion rampant Gules, crowned Or; overall a psi letter sable; a diminished bordure Or.

Coat of arms of Crepsi, military psychology, former Central Military Region, Kingdom of Spain, emblazoned by me, where I was stationed during my military service. In the image: 1988, the original mold (1) with which the first 6 coats of arms were made; one of them is now in my office (2); the design of the badge for the 1st meeting of veterans (3), all of which were designed and made by my lieutenant colonel and friend Miguel Angel Nuñez Amador; and finally, the coat of arms of Crepsi emblazoned by me (4).

Blazon keywords: Gules, Argent, Or, Azure, Sable, Party per pale, In base, Castle, Triple-towered, Port and windows, Masoned, Lion, Rampant, Crowned, Overall, Letter and Diminished bordure.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated and Semi-circular.

Classification: Military, Compare, Interpreted, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Crepsi.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Crest and motto of the Lineage Rawson

Party per fess Azure and Sable, overall a four-towered castle Or, port and windows Sable. Crest: Upon a wreath Or and Azure, a raven's head Sable, charged upon the neck with three gouttes, 1 and 2, and holding in its beak an annulet Or. Motto: «Laus · Virtutis · Actio».

Party per fess Azure and Sable, overall a four-towered castle Or, port and windows Sable. Crest: Upon a wreath Or and Azure, a raven's head Sable, charged upon the neck with three gouttes, 1 and 2, and holding in its beak an annulet Or. Motto: «Laus · Virtutis · Actio».

Coat of arms painted by me, highlighted with lights and shadows, outlined in Sable, with an ogee triple-pointed external shape and with a leather finishing.

Blazon keywords: Azure, Sable, Or, One, Party per fess, Overall, Four-towered, Castle, Port and windows, Crest, Wreath, Raven, Head, Charged, Neck, Grasping, Beak, Annulet and Motto.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Ogee Triple-Pointed and Leather.

Classification: Personal, Lineage, Interpreted, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Rawson, Lineage.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Dukat, family of Milos

Party per pale Azure and Gules, overall in chief two lions rampant, double queued Argent, armed, langued and crowned Or, and in base upon three wavy bars Argent, a ship Or, in full sail Argent.

Party per pale Azure and Gules, overall in chief two lions rampant, double queued Argent, armed, langued and crowned Or, and in base upon three wavy bars Argent, a ship Or, in full sail Argent.

Escudo partido de azur y gules, sobre el todo en jefe dos leones rampantes, de cola horquillada de plata, armados, lampasados y coronados de oro, y en punta un barco de oro, con velas de plata, sostenido por tres burelas ondadas de plata.

Coat of arms devised by me, illuminated with lights and shadows, contoured in Sable, with a pointed external shape and with a rough finish.

Coat of arms of the family of Milos Dukat from Czechia and the Basque Country, designed by them and me, and emblazoned by me.

Blazon keywords: Azure, Gules, Argent, Or, One, Two, Three, Party per pale, Overall, In chief, Lion, Rampant, Double queued, Armed, Langued, Crowned, In base, Upon, Wavy, Bar, Ship and Full sail.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Pointed and Rough.

Classification: Personal, Created, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Dukat, family of Milos.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Heidi Garcia-Bosch-de Morales-de Sola née Adriaensen

Party per pale: 1 Gules, a bend sinister debruised by an inescutcheon Or charged with a bend Azure charged with five fusils palewise Argent, in base on a triangle Argent the Sacred Heart of Jesus proper [for Adriaensen]; 2 Azure, a fleur de lis Argent above a doe sejeant proper surrounded by twelve mullets in orle Or [granted by Bourbon-Parma]. Crest: A crown of Noble. Motto: «Biche délicate»..

Party per pale: 1 Gules, a bend sinister debruised by an inescutcheon Or charged with a bend Azure charged with five fusils palewise Argent, in base on a triangle Argent the Sacred Heart of Jesus proper [for Adriaensen]; 2 Azure, a fleur de lis Argent above a doe sejeant proper surrounded by twelve mullets in orle Or [granted by Bourbon-Parma]. Crest: A crown of Noble. Motto: «Biche délicate»..

Coat of arms emblazoned by me with a lozenge shape, illuminated, and with a free hand finishing.

G0084, Chief Herald of Malta's grant of Heidi Garcia-Bosch-de Morales-de Sola née Adriaensen's arms, whose full achievement has been emblazoned by me for such grant.

Blazon keywords: Party per pale, Gules, One, Bend sinister, Or, In base, Triangle, Argent, Charged, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Heart enflamed, Heart, Enflamed, Proper, Overall, Inescutcheon, Bend, Azure, Five, Fusil, Palewise, Doe, Sejant, Above, Fleur de lis, Surrounded, Twelve, Mullet, In orle, Crest and mantling, Crown of Noble, Crown, Motto and Scroll.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Freehand and Rhombus.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted, Coat of arms, Latin language and Doctor.

Bearer: Garcia-Bosch-de Morales-de Sola née Adriaensen, Heidi.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

ISCH Certification for Tomasz Arkadiusz Grzeszkowiak

GrzeszkowiakTA 36 Isch Certification 254 jpg

The Commoners' Certification of Arms for Tomasz Arkadiusz Grzeszkowiak, arms designed by Tomasz Steifer and emblazoned by me.

Gules, a base enarched Vert, overall a cross patty fitchy Or, piercing in base the head of a serpent nowed and facing sinister Sable, langued Gules. Crest: Upon a helm affronty, with a wreath Sable and Gules, in a front of three ostrich feathers alternately Sable and Gules a paschal lamb Argent, haloed Or and Gules, supporting a staff Or, flying a banner Argent charged with a cross Gules. Mantling: Gules doubled Sable. Motto: «Amor vincit omnia»

In the blazon of this certification, I wrote the expression «a Base enarched Vert», it is correct. But the expression «a Mount Vert» it is also possible. In the original expression in the Polish blazon is «na zielonym wzgórkuon» ~ «the green hill».

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Gules, One, Mount, Vert, Issuant from base, Overall, Cross patty fitchy, Cross couped, Piercing, Head, Serpent, Nowed, Facing sinister, Sable, Langued, Helm, Affronty, Two, Mantling, Doubled, Wreath, Three, Quill, Alternately, Debruised, Paschal lamb, Argent, Nimbed, Or, Grasping, Shafted, Charged, Cross and Motto.

Classification: Interpreted, Personal, Certification and Flag.

Bearer: Grzeszkowiak, Tomasz Arkadiusz.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Jean Mortés, schema 1x3

Azure, a tower Or, embattled and masoned Sable, overall a lion rampant barry Purpure and Argent.

Azure, a tower Or, embattled and masoned Sable, overall a lion rampant barry Purpure and Argent.

Coat of arms of Jean Mortes from Brittany, France, emblazoned by me. The image illustrates my process in 3 steps: delineation, plain colors and metals, and lights and shadows.

Blazon keywords: Azure, Or, Sable, Argent, Purpure, One, Tower, Embattled, Masoned, Overall, Lion, Rampant and Barry.

Style keywords: Outlined, Outlined in sable, Plain tincture and Illuminated.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted, Schema, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Mortés, Jean.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Margaret Byrne

Party per chevron Gules and Vert, overall a chevron ermine between, in the dexter of the chief a dexter hand apaumée couped at the wrist, in the sinister of the chief a key palewise, ward to dexter chief, and in base a boar passant Argent.

Party per chevron Gules and Vert, overall a chevron ermine between, in the dexter of the chief a dexter hand apaumée couped at the wrist, in the sinister of the chief a key palewise, ward to dexter chief, and in base a boar passant Argent.

Escudo mantelado en punta de gules y sinople, brochante sobre el todo un cabrio de armiño acompañado, en la diestra del jefe, de una mano diestra apalmada y cortada por la muñeca, en la siniestra del jefe, de una llave puesta en palo, con el dentado hacia la diestra del jefe, y en la punta, de un jabalí pasante de todo de plata.

Blazon keywords: Party per chevron, Gules, Vert, Overall, One, Chevron, Ermine, Between, Dexter, Chief, Hand, Appaumée, Party per fess, Wrist, Sinister, Key, Palewise, Key ward, Base (lower 1/3), Boar, Passant and Argent.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Pointed and Plain tincture.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Byrne, Margaret.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Nelson, Matthew

[ Party per pale: 1 Or, in the dexter of the base three martlets in pale Sable; 2 Gules, in the sinister of the chief three martlets in pale Argent; overall a bend counterchanged charged with three fleurs de lis palewise, the first Argent, the second per pale Argent and Sable, and the third Sable ] alternatively [ Party per pale Or and Gules, on a bend counterchanged three fleur de lis palewise counterchanged Argent and Sable between six martlets, 3 and 3 in pale, counterchanged Sable and Argent ].

[ Party per pale: 1 Or, in the dexter of the base three martlets in pale Sable; 2 Gules, in the sinister of the chief three martlets in pale Argent; overall a bend counterchanged charged with three fleurs de lis palewise, the first Argent, the second per pale Argent and Sable, and the third Sable ] alternatively [ Party per pale Or and Gules, on a bend counterchanged three fleur de lis palewise counterchanged Argent and Sable between six martlets, 3 and 3 in pale, counterchanged Sable and Argent ].

Escudo partido: 1o de oro, en la diestra de la punta tres marletas en palo de sable; 2o de gules, en la siniestra del jefe tres marletas en palo de plata; brochante sobre el todo una banda del uno al otro cargada de tres flores de lis puestas en palo, la primera de plata, la segunda partida de plata y sable y la tercera de sable.

Arms devised by me, highlighted with lights and shadows, contoured in Sable, with an ogee external shape and with a watercolor finishing.

Coat of arms of Matthew Nelson designed by him and me and emblazoned by me.

Design rationale

This design combines elements and tinctures from the arms of his lineages: Luttrell, Anglo-Irish, and Nelson from Ireland, along with personal details. The bend, martlets, Or, and Sable are from Luttrell. The fleurs-de-lis Argent, Sable, and per pale Argent and Sable are from Nelson. As personal elements, the layout includes the letter N from his surname, and the color Gules.

Blazon keywords: Or, Sable, Gules, Argent, One, Three, Party per pale, Dexter, Base, Martlet, In pale, Sinister, Chief, Overall, Bend, Counterchanged, Counterchanged (side-by-side), Charged, Fleur de lis and Palewise.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Ogee and Watercolor.

Classification: Personal, Created, Boa and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Nelson, Matthew.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Fortaleza de oro y mazonada de sable.

Norsk Heraldisk Forening

Norsk Heraldisk Forening, 2 axes with escutcheon Or at the nombril

Norsk Heraldisk Forening, in English, Nordic Heraldry Society, was founded on February 27, 1969, at the National Archives in Oslo, with the aim of promoting the study and knowledge of heraldry through meetings, lectures, excursions, and other dissemination methods, and additionally, to become an advisory body to resolve issues in matters of heraldry, flags, personal coats of arms, etc. Its first president was Dr. Philos Herman L. Løvenskiold.

Since then, these have remained the objectives of the Norsk Heraldisk Forening, and its membership count has remained between 150 and 200 members, and it cooperates with the Nordic Heraldry Society, «Societas Heraldica Scandinavica».

The website's address is Heraldikk.no, its content is available in both Norwegian and English, and they work systematically to expand it and provide greater and better information to both its members and those interested in heraldry.


Alex Maxwell Findlater described it in English, including its crest, in an article that was on their previous website under the title «About the society», as follows: «Gules issuant from base two battle-axes addorsed Argent shafted Or overall at the nombril point an escutcheon Or; for Crest between two axes of the arms a panache of three peacock feathers proper; Mantling Gules doubled Or». But given that «shafted» applies to weapons with a shaft and «hafted» to weapons with a handle, in the case of axes, I use «hafted» although both terms correspond to the Spanish «fustado».

Note how the axes are described as battle-axes, just as in the blazon of the Norwegian coat of arms, where its lion holds a battle-axe.

Coat of arms I attempted to interpret in the Norwegian style, all in flat tinctures, without Sable outlines, lighting or shading, and only with a simple rough finish.

Categories: Institution, Interpreted, Socioeconomic, Semi-circular, Plain tincture, Outlined in the field tincture, Rough, Coat of arms, Without divisions, Gules, Axe, Argent, Hafted, Or, Addorsed, Issuant from base, Overall, At the nombril and Escutcheon.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


Artificial Inteligence, Pixiv

My heraldic Pixiv wall is Dr.A.Salmeron @antoniosheraldry and pixiv.me/antoniosheraldry.

Pixiv is a Japanese online community for artists. I post in Pixiv 2 or 3 coats of arms per week. They use a strict form to post with many mandatory input fields. This week, they have added a new mandatory field «AI-generated work: Yes / No», AI ~ Artificial Intelligence. In the image, I have highlighted this new field in red.

Antonio Salmerón Cabañas SHA, Pixiv

Categories: Technology, Social networks, Quarterly, Gules, One, Chevron, Argent, Between, Three, Fleur de lis, Or, Five, Mullet, In saltire, Four, Escutcheon, In cross, Azure, Charged, Nine, Bezant and plate, Two, Flank, Fesswise, Center, Overall, Carbuncle, Cord, In orle, Knotted, Purpure, Overall (all), Sable, Mount, Issuant from base, Vert, On, Tower, Port and windows, Masoned, Wolf, Supporting, Enté en point, Fess, Wavy, Crown of the Sovereign and Most Noble Order of the Pomegranate, Crown and Motto.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Rage from Discord, first version

Barry of ten Argent and Azure, overall a double-headed eagle displayed Sable, nimbed, beaked, and membered Or, grasping in each claw an elephant's tusk proper, and charged on its breast with a double vajra Argent.

Barry of ten Argent and Azure, overall a double-headed eagle displayed Sable, nimbed, beaked, and membered Or, grasping in each claw an elephant's tusk proper, and charged on its breast with a double vajra Argent.

Escudo fajado de diez piezas de plata y azur, brochante sobre el todo un águila bicéfala de Sable, nimbada, picada y membrada de oro, teniendo en cada garra un colmillo de elefante al natural y su pecho cargado de una vajra doble.

Coat of arms interpreted and emblazoned by me with different shapes and finishings.

Pointed Rounded

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Barry, Ten, Argent, Azure, Overall, One, Eagle, Double headed, Sable, Nimbed, Beaked, Membered, Or, Grasping, Claw, Tusk, Elephant, Proper, Chest, Charged and Double vajra.

Style keywords: Outlined in sable, Illuminated, Freehand, Rough, Rounded, Ogee and Pointed.

Classification: Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Rage from Discord.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Standard of Rui J. Vaz

Heraldic device emblazoned by me, in plain tinctures, contoured in Sable, shown as tilted shield, with a semi-circular outer contour and with a leather finish.

Heraldic device emblazoned by me, in plain tinctures, contoured in Sable, shown as tilted shield, with a semi-circular outer contour and with a leather finish.

This is the heraldic standard of Rui J. Vaz's family, US, emblazoned by me. Structure: Coat of arms; Badge; 1st line of the motto «Audacia,Veritas»; Crest; 2nd line of the motto «et Libertas»; Badge.

Blazon keywords: Azure, Gules, Argent, Or, One, Six, Five, Party per pale, Overall, Lion, Rampant, Winged, Grasping, Dexter, Forepaw, Sword, Erect, Crest, Escutcheon, Quarterly, Garuda, Sejant, Castle, Triple-towered, Masoned, Pallet, Plate and Motto.

Style keywords: Tilted shield, Outlined in sable, Plain tincture, Semi-circular and Leather.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted, Boa, Standard and Flag.

Bearer: Vaz, Rui J..

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

The coat of arms of Miguel Francisco Lanzagorta Escutia outlined

Party per pale Vert and Azure, overall two cannons dismounted in saltire, between two seagulls volant in pale, and two fish naiant in fess Argent.

Party per pale Vert and Azure, overall two cannons dismounted in saltire, between two seagulls volant in pale, and two fish naiant in fess Argent.

Blazon keywords: Party per pale, Vert, Azure, Overall, Two, Cannon dismounted, In saltire, Between, Seagull, Volant, In pale, Fish, Naiant, In fess and Argent.

Style keywords: Semi-circular, Outlined in sable and Outlined.

Classification: Personal, Interpreted and Coat of arms.

Bearer: Lanzagorta Escutia, Miguel Francisco.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

The Heraldry Society, schema

Ratios, delineation, plain tincture, and lights and shadows.

The coat of arms of The Heraldry Society emblazoned by me in 4 steps: 1) ratios, 2) delineation, 3) plain tincture, and 4) lights and shadows. Blazon: Quarterly Azure and Gules; overall a leopard face, crowned Or, langued Gules, within a tressure flory Or.

Blazon keywords: Quarterly, Azure, Gules, Overall, Head, Leopard, Crowned, Or, Langued, Within, Tressure and Flory.

Style keywords: Pointed, Illuminated, Outlined in sable, Shaded and Freehand.

Classification: Interpreted, Socioeconomic, Coat of arms and Schema.

Bearer: The Heraldry Society.


Dr. Antonio Salmerón y Cabañas,
Paseo de la Castellana 135, 7th floor,
28046 Madrid, Spain.