Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

García Carraffa, A.; García Carraffa, A.; 1968

Alberto García Carraffa y Arturo García Carraffa, with the colaboration of Armando de Fluviá y Escorsa, «El Solar Catalán, Valenciano y Balear», 4 volumes, Volume I Abad-Cebrián, 443 pages, Volume II Celma-Malda, 449 pages, Volume III Malendric-Quirant, 425 pages, Volume IV Rabasa-Zenarbe y apéndice, 516 pages, 1st edition, Heraldic Collection, edited by Librería Internacional, San Sebastián, 1968.

First edition, Heraldic Collection, 1968

Bibliographical reference of century XX.

Classification: Castilian language and Black and white with color plates.

Authors: García Carraffa, Alberto and García Carraffa, Arturo.

Bibliographic reference mentioned in the following articles:

Internal resources: Paper book.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Anonymous; 1800a

Anonymous, «Armerías de España», 124 double pages, title in the page 9, provenance Duke of Osuna and Infantado, 1800.

Surnames Rondinos, Rojas - Roxas, Rozas, Ruas, Ruanes, Rubios, Ruedas


The book has no index and its content, written by hand, is as follows:

  • Pages 1 through 8 are blank.
  • On page 9, title, the letter A begins and surnames Abarca, Abendaño, Abeo, Ablitas and Abrego in large handwritten and the blazon in small handwritten (except for the end of the book on page 123, the unknown author seems to write more about surnames than about lineages).
  • On page 10, the surnames with the letter A continue and their blazon both in small handwritten.
  • On page 23, the letter B begins, its surnames and their blazons, for example, the Barrasas, in the page 25, «Or, six Lions proper, combatant».
  • On page 30, the letter C begins, it is followed by the letter Z on page 42, 29 surnames with Z was written before the letter D and Cocas and Cuacas, with the letter C, are inserted inside the letter Z.
  • It follows in alphabetical order of surnames from page 46, where the letter D begins, to page 97 with the letter S, including in the S the surname Sánchez on page 99, as a lineage will be included at the end of the book, and it follows with the letter S until the page 104.
  • On page 105 the letter T begins, surname Tabixas, Taboadas, Tafuxes, ...
  • On page 109 jump from the letter T to the letter V, with the surnames Vacas, Vadillos,... and skipping the letter U.
  • On page 119, it returns from letter V to U, in an unordered manner and without including the title with the capital letter U.
  • On page 120, begins the letter X and also the letter Y.
  • On page 122, the letter Z and only 3 additional surnames with Z, recall that the majority of the surnames with Z were included after the letter C.
  • On page 123 he returns to the surname Sánchez by testimony of Pedro de Soto owner of the books of Armory of Spain of Andreas Heredia, King of Arms, and finally the unknown author copies the text for the surname Sánchez, those who were «hijosdalgos, en Cangas de Gobadonga» ~ Covadonga of Asturias and ends with a poem of 8 verses. Andreas Heredia, also known as Andrés Heredia, was King of Arms during the reign of Philip III of Spain, [Nieto y Cortadellas, R.; 1957a; Page 4]
  • Beginning on page 124 are blank.

Bibliographical reference of century XVIII.

Classification: Manuscript, Armorial roll, In black and white and Castilian language.

Author: anonymous.

External links:

Internal resources: Osuna1800.ArmeriaEspaña.Manuscrito.pdf.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Juby, B.; 2019

Bernard Juby, «The Splendour of the Modern Heraldic Bookplate Artist», Modern-day, world-wide heraldic bookplate artists, their cv's and examples of their work, volume I, edited by White Rose-Ankh, DIN A4 size, black and white and full color, 130 pages, ISBN 5-8000136-242849, Church Crookham, Hampshire, England, 30th of november de 2019.

Modern-day, world-wide Heraldic bookplate artists

In the photo of page 61 there are 2 of my book plates for Mark Antony Hatsis, 1st row with the peacock in his pride, and Charles R. Peoples II, 2nd row with the lion with a bow.

Bibliographical reference of century XXI.

Classification: English language and Black and white and color illustrations.

The author is Juby, Bernard.

The following article cites this bibliographic reference:

External resource:

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Dr. Antonio Salmerón, book plates, pages 58-61

Bernard Juby has written an book about modern-day, world-wide heraldic bookplate artists, their cv's and examples of their work, and he include 7 illustrations of book plates created by me and my curriculum vitae, [Juby, B.; 2019; pages 51-53].

Bernard Juby, 2019, pages 59-60
Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Grothues, B.; 2019

Bernard Grothues, «Dr. Antonio Salmerón, heraldicus in Spanje. Een kijkje in het atelier van een heraldisch kunstenaar», Heraldisch Tijdschrift, volume 25, number 4, Periodiek voor wapen- zegel- en vlaggenkunde, Magazine for arms, stamp and flag studies, edited by NGV - Nederlandse Genealogische Vereniging, printed by Stipril - Driebergen, ISSN 1381-6675, Bunnik, Utrecht, Netherlands, July-August 2019.

Dr. Antonio Salmerón, heraldicus in Spanje
Online post: Dr. Antonio Salmerón, heraldicus in Spanje

Bibliographical reference of century XXI.

Classification: Article, Dutch language and Black and white and color illustrations.

Author: Grothues, Bernard.

The following article cites this bibliographic reference:

External link:

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Dr. Antonio Salmerón, heraldicus in Spanje

Heraldisch Tijdschrift is the bulletin of the Dutch Genealogical Society - Heraldic Division. Bernard Grothues, his heraldic copywriter, has written an article about me for the number 4 of July-August of 2019, and 3 coats of arms created by me and 3 emblazoned be me appear on its cover. [Grothues, B.; 2019; pages 51-53].

Magazine for arms, stamp and flag studies
Online post: Magazine for arms, stamp and flag studies
Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Pennick, N.; 2015

Nigel Pennick, «Pagan Magic of the Northern Tradition: Customs, Rites, and Ceremonies», edited by Simon and Schuster, publicado por Destiny Books, ISBN.13 9781620553909, ISBN.10 1620553902, alternative ISBN.13 9781620553893, 352 pages, New York, 21th of May of 2015

On page 119, Nigel Pennick wrote «According to Aristotelian precepts, each of the metals and tinctures», maybe he should have written heraldic term color, «possesses a spiritual virtue related to a particular planetary sphere. Or signifies and relates to the Sun; Argent, the Moon; Sable, Saturn; Azure, Jupiter; Gules, Mars; Vert, Venus; and Purpure, Mercury».

Bibliographical reference of century XXI.

The author is Pennick, Nigel.

External link:

Separador heráldico

Sigue por: Mogrobejo Zabala, E. de; 1991.


Dr. Antonio Salmerón y Cabañas,
Paseo de la Castellana 135, 7th floor,
28046 Madrid, Spain.