De bibliotheca

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Arco y García, F. del; 1996a

Fernando del Arco y García, «Introducción a la Heráldica», 142 pages, Collection Burgundy Pursuivant, edited by Prensa y Ediciones Iberoamericanas SL, printed by Gráficas Joma, Legal deposit M-5240, ISBN 84-86568-64-1, Madrid, 22nd of february of 1996.

2 pages about different kinds of mottos

In the image, you can see two pages of this book regarding his criteria on the war cry, the motto, and the legend. These criteria do not align with mine, as I follow [Sevilla Gómez, A.; 2000] and describe in Lema, divisa, mote y grito de guerra.

Bibliographical reference of century XX.

Classification: De bibliotheca, In black and white and Castilian language.

Author: Arco y García, Fernando del.

The following article cites this bibliographic reference:

Internal resources: Physical book on paper.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Arco y García, F. del; 1996b

Fernando del Arco y García, «Método de blasonar», 75 pages, Perseverant Burgundy Collection, edited by Ateneist Group of Vexilological, Heraldic and Genealogical Studies, printed by Gráficas Joma, Legal deposit M. M-5240, ISBN 84-606-2768-3, Madrid, 1996.

Fernando del Arco y Garcia, The method of writing blazons, 1996

Bibliographical reference of century XX.

Classification: De bibliotheca, In black and white and Castilian language.

Author: Arco y García, Fernando del.

Internal resources: Physical book on paper.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Argote de Molina, G.; 1588

Gonzalo Argote de Molina, «Nobleza de Andalucía», dedicated to King Philip II of Spain, with about 500 coat of arms engraved, printed by Fernando Díaz, Seville, 1588.

There are other editions, for example, the edition by Francisco López Vizcaíno, 799 pages, Jaen, 1867, or facsimile edition by Riquelme y Vargas Ediciones SL, Jaén, 1991, my copy is the number 1268.

Argote de Molina, pages 168 and 168, edition of 1991.
Portocarrero, Gonzalo Argote de Molina, edition of 1991

Bibliographical reference of century XVI.

Classification: De bibliotheca, Castilian language and In black and white.

The author is Argote de Molina, Gonzalo.

Here are the articles quoting this reference:

External links:

Internal resources: ArgoteMolinaG1588.22.NoblezaAndalucia.Madrid.pdf is the edition of the year 1588 in PDF digital format, ArgoteMolinaG1588.23.Bne.Baja.resolucion.R10805.pdf is the edition of the year 1588 in PDF digital format and low resolution, ArgoteMolinaG1588.24.Bne.Alta.resolucion.R26842.pdf is the edition of the year 1588 in PDF digital format and hight resolution, ArgoteMolinaG1588.25.NoblezaAndalucia.1867.pdf is the edition of the year 1866 in PDF digital format for Adobe Reader only and a facsimile edition as a physical book on paper.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Atienza y Navajas, J. de; 1959

Julio de Atienza y Navajas, Baron of the Cobos de Belchite, «Nobiliario Español: Diccionario Heráldico de Apellidos y Títulos», 1st edition, edited by Aguilar, 1,712 pages, 2 volumes, Madrid, 1959.

1<sup>st</sup> edition of 1959

It is a monumental work that includes a heraldic dictionary and blazons of Spanish lineages and noble titles, along with the history and genealogy of thousands of Spanish families.

2 volumes, 1959

Bibliographical reference of century XX.

Classification: Castilian language, In black and white and De bibliotheca.

The author is Atienza y Navajas, Julio de.

Internal resources: Physical book on paper, 2 volumes.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Fox-Davies, A. C.; 1909

Arthur Charles Fox-Davies of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister-at-Law, «A Complete Guide to Heraldry», author of «The Art of Heraldry», illustrated by nine plates in colour and nearly 800 other designs, mainly from drawings by Graham Johnston, Herald Painter to the Lyon Court, edited by T. C. & E. C. Jack, 16 Henrietta Street, W.C., and Edinburgh, editor of «Armorial Families», London, 1909.

Arthur Charles Fox-Davies, pages 198 and 199.
Arthur Charles Fox-Davies, pages 208 and 209.

Bibliographical reference of century XX.

Classification: De bibliotheca, In black and white and English language.

Author: Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles.

The following articles cite this bibliographic reference:

Internal resources: FoxDaviesAC1909.CompleteGuideToHeraldry.712pages.pdf in PDF format 712 pages, FoxDaviesAC1909.CompleteGuideToHeraldry.387pages.pdf in PDF format 387 pages, FoxDaviesAC1909.CompleteGuideToHeraldry.353pages.pdf in PDF format 353 pages, FoxDaviesAC1909.CompleteGuideToHeraldry.epub in ePub format and Physical book on paper.

Separador heráldico
Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Gauci, C. A.; 2023

Dr. Charles A. Gauci, Chief Herald of Arms of Malta, «The Way Forward», a two-part work with appendices, edited by Annabelle Grech and Godwin Vella, design by Cherise Micallef, photography by Pierre Balzia, acknowledgements to George Agius and Russell Muscat, published by Heritage Malta Publishing, printed by Print It Printing Services Ltd, ISBN 978-9918-619-52-8, 172 pages, hardcover, Valletta, 2023.

Dr. Charles A. Gauci, cover and a coat of arms emblazoned by me.


This two-part analytical commentary by Dr. Charles A. Gauci, Chief Herald of Arms of Malta, explores the future of heraldry in Malta.


  • Part 1, «The Quirks and Nuances of Hereditary Honours in Malta - A Consolidation of Certain Aspects of Malta’s Intangible Cultural Heritage»: In the first part, which includes over 260 footnotes, the author addresses the task of debunking generationally-accumulated erroneous conclusions regarding Malta's nobility, which have significantly influenced the composition and inheritance of local coats of arms.
  • Part 2, «A System of Maltese Heraldry»: The second part provides a brief history of heraldry in Malta, explains basic concepts, and details the main features of a coat of arms, applying heraldic norms in a proper Maltese context with consideration of national laws and historical shifts.
  • General Appendix: This appendix cites the legal basis for the Office of the Chief Herald of Arms of Malta, including the 2021 amendment to the Culture Heritage Act, Cap 445, and the Heraldry and Genealogy Regulations, 2021, enacted in January 2022.

Honoring the Arms of Baron Michele Tollis Olivari

In this book by Dr. Charles A. Gauci, Chief Herald of Arms of Malta, the arms of Baron Michele Tollis Olivari, which were emblazoned by me, are featured on page 156. It has been an immense honor for me.

Bibliographical reference of century XXI.

Classification: De bibliotheca, English language and In color.

The author is Gauci, Charles A..

Internal resources: Physical book on paper.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Halkosaari, H.; Prica, D.; 2023

Heikki Halkosaari, heraldic artist, Dimitri Prica, editor, «Aspilogia Discordiae 2022, A collection of armorial bearings from the Heraldry Community», 64 pages, A4 dimensions, 8.27 x 11.69 inches, 210 x 297 milimeters, even pages in black and white for blazons and odd pages in color for coats of arms, hardcover, 2023.


This book collects a wide variety of armorial bearings from the Discord Heraldry Community. Although titled 2022, the book was officially published on the 12th of February of 2023. It features the contribution of many collaborators, including heraldic designs, layout, and editorial coordination.

One of the final sections includes a comprehensive list of contributors, such as:

  • Loggail, Heikki Halkosaari: Artist, Legend
  • Dilan Nunes: Archivist, Wizard
  • Michael Plasom-Scott: Layout, Complimentary Art
  • Novov: Data Wrangling, Light in the Darkness
  • Gel Gems: Outreach, Scambot
  • Jacques: Coordination, Production research
  • John Morales: Coordination, Production Research
  • Zaberqiq: Blazon Gathering
  • M-I-K-E: Blazon Gathering, Introduction
  • Al-Shamshoon: Blazon Gathering, Production Research
  • Imperial: Blazon Gathering, Coordination
  • Benjolicious: Blazon Gathering
  • CleihCarp: Blazon Gathering
  • Edward Teather: Blazon Gathering
  • Quentin Lamb: Blazon Gathering
  • Pierre Scheips: Blazon Gathering
  • Quentin Peacock: Complimentary Art
  • Fritz Jahn: Complimentary Art
  • Björn Friden: Complimentary Art
  • Aaron Mitton: Print Consultant
  • Kevin Haelterman: Patron
  • Jan Bobor: Patron
  • Matt: Map Coordination and Realization
  • Dimitri Prica: Editor in Chief
Page 41 includes my coat of arms, second in the first row.

Bibliographical reference of century XXI.

Classification: De bibliotheca, English language, Black and white with color plates and Armorial roll.

The 2 authors are Halkosaari, Heikki and Prica, Dimitri.

External link:

Internal resources: AspiologiaDiscordiae.Book.26.Laminas.pdf PDF with 26 color plates, AspiologiaDiscordiae.Book.Part01.pdf First part in PDF, AspiologiaDiscordiae.Book.Part02.pdf Second part in PDF and Physical book on paper.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Huidobro Moya, J. M.; 2024

José Manuel Huidobro Moya, «La Heráldica Desconocida», 332 pages, Vision Libros, ISBN-13 978-8410039704, Madrid, May 9, 2024.

Cover, 332 pages.

I’m currently enjoying reading «La Heráldica Desconocida» by José Manuel Huidobro Moya. It’s a remarkable exploration of how heraldry, far from being outdated, remains a relevant and dynamic art form today. The author masterfully delves into the unexpected uses of heraldry in modern society, from luxury brands to institutions, proving that heraldry is still very much alive and ever-evolving. Highly recommended for anyone passionate about history, design, and the lasting significance of heraldry.

I am honored that my interpretation of the coat of arms of the Universidad de Politécnica de Madrid has been included on page 231 of this book. It is a privilege to have made my small contribution to this a meaningful work.

Bibliographical reference of century XXI.

Classification: De bibliotheca, Castilian language and In color.

The author is Huidobro Moya, José Manuel.

Internal resources: Physical book on paper.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Liñán y Eguizábal, J. de; 1911

José de Liñán y Eguizábal, Count of Doña Marina, «Armorial of Aragon», printed by Establecimiento Tipográfico de L. Pérez, Huesca, 1911.

José de Liñán y Eguizábal, 1911, Armorial of Aragon

This book is part of a collection that also includes: «Heraldic Mottos» and «Heraldic Dictionary».

A facsimile edition exists, edited by Guillermo Redondo Veintemillas and Alberto Montaner Frutos, published by Institución Fernando el Católico, Zaragoza, 1994.

Bibliographical reference of century XX.

Classification: De bibliotheca, Armorial roll, Dictionary, In black and white and Castilian language.

The author is Liñán y Eguizábal, José de.

External link:

Internal resources: LinanEguizabalJ1911.ArmorialDeAragon.Color.pdf PDF version scanned in color, although the book is in black and white, it looks more natural, LinanEguizabalJ1911.ArmorialDeAragon.BN.pdf PDF version scanned in black and white, it looks less natural and Facsimile edition in physical paper format.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Martinena Ruiz, J. J.; Menéndez Pidal de Navascués, F.; 2001

Rada, Bosque, J. del; 1540, page one of the 1613 numbering

Juan José Martinena Ruiz and Faustino Menéndez Pidal de Navascués, «Book of Armory of the Kingdom of Navarra», Published by the Institución Príncipe de Viana, Directorate-General for Culture, Government of Navarra, 484 pages, ISBN-13 978-84-235-2166-1, ISBN-10 84-235-2166-4, Pamplona, 2001.

Reproduction and transcription of the manuscript armorial [Bosque, J. del; 1540], that is, the copy of the «Book of Armory of the Kingdom of Navarra», preserved in the General Archive of Navarra.

The coat of arms accompanying this bibliographic reference is that of Rada de Navarra following Juan del Bosque.

Both authors had already written and published, separately, about the armorial [Bosque, J. del; 1540], an example of the first is [Martinena Ruiz, J. J.; 1982] and an example of the second is [Menéndez Pidal de Navascués, F.; 1974].

Book of Armory of the Kingdom of Navarra, cover
Book of Armory of the Kingdom of Navarra, interior

Bibliographical reference of century XXI.

Classification: De bibliotheca.

Authors: Martinena Ruiz, Juan José and Menéndez Pidal de Navascués, Faustino.

The following article cites this bibliographic reference:

External resources:

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Mogrobejo Zabala, E. de; 1991

The volumes cover an extensive range of surnames, providing a valuable resource.

Endika de Mogrobejo Zabala, «Blasones y Linajes de Euskalerria», 10 volumes, Volume I A-Alcerreca, Volume II Alciba-Angui, Volume III Angulo-Astu, Volume IV Astun-Bun, Volume V Busta-Elua, Volume VI Elus-Gorniz, Volume VII Gordu-Laca, Volume VIII Lacar-Merca, Volume IX Mere-Salez, Volume X Salinas-Z, edited by Editorial Amigos del Libro Vasco, printed by Grafo SA, ISBN of the complete work 84-7886-026-6, legal Deposit BI-469-1991, Bilbao, 1991.

Coats of arms of Aristegui lineage emblazoned by me: ancient and for Oñate y Chile.

Bibliographical reference of century XX.

Classification: De bibliotheca, Black and white with color plates and Castilian language.

Author: Mogrobejo Zabala, Endika de.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Mogrovejo de la Cerda, J.; 1636

Juan Mogrovejo de la Cerda, «Árbol de los Veras compuesto por Alonso López de Haro, Criado de Su Majestad y Ministro de su Real Consejo de las Órdenes y Cronista de los Reinos de Castilla y León», bound in original parchment, Milan, 1636.


The book contains a total of 66 main genealogical trees, each with an average of 28 nodes/persons, totaling over 1700 nodes. Additionally, it includes 41 lines of descent with approximately 1150 individuals. The content is composed of:

  • Title page with the coat of arms of the Veras.
  • Errata and additions.
  • Dedication.
  • Warnings and introduction by Juan Mogrovejo de la Cerda, folios 1 to 4.
  • Tree of the Veras, folios 6 to 66, with 61 genealogical trees.
  • Eulogies of five Christian princes known for their virtue and valor, with trees of their descendants up to the Count of La Roca, folios 67 to 72.
  • Linear trees of descent from Don Fernando Carlos Antonio de Vera, Doña María Antonia de Vera y Tovar, and Doña Catalina de Vera, folios 73 to 114, with 41 trees.
  • Limitations of the work on folio 115.
  • Indexes with handwritten corrections, folios 116 to 122.
  • Additions to the edition, including a genealogical tree of Don Luis Francisco de la Cerda Sandobal y Rojas, Marqués de Alcalá.
  • Additional handwritten documents attached but not bound.
Title page, Árbol de los Veras, Milan, 1636

In the previous image, The canting arms of Juan Antonio de Vera y Zúñiga, Count of La Roca, in this book about his genealogy, are canting because «vair~veros~Vera».

The motto in the beak of his sable eagle is «Veritas Vincit», although some authors claim that not all his trees honor this motto [Vera-Ortiz, J.A.; 2009].

The colored version of the coat of arms in this image was painted by me. Blazon: Vair ancient, a bordure gules charged with eight saltires couped Or.

Bibliographical reference of century XVII.

Classification: De bibliotheca, In black and white and Castilian language.

Author: Mogrovejo de la Cerda, Juan.

Bibliographic reference mentioned in the following articles:

External link:

Internal resources: Physical book..

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Moncreiffe, I.; Pottinger, D.; 1953

Iain Moncreiffe of Easter Moncreiffe, Advocate, Kintyre Pursuivant of Arms, Don Pottinger, Herald Painter Extraordinary to the Court of the Lord Lyon King of Arms, «Simple Heraldry», first edition, edited by Thomas Nelson and Sons, 63 pages, color illustrations, 25 centimeters, hardcover, Edinburgh, 1953.

Iain Moncreiffe, Don Pottinger, cover.

My edition has been published 1993 by The Promotional Reprint Company Limited exclusively for Bookman Ltd, Desford Road, Enderby, Leicester, LE9 5AD, Coles in Canada, Barnes & Noble in America, and Treasure Press in Australia, ISBN 1 85648 115 8, Printed and bound in Hong Kong.

Bibliographical reference of century XX.

Classification: De bibliotheca, In color and English language.

Authors: Moncreiffe, Iain and Pottinger, Don.

Internal resources: Physical book on paper.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Neubecker, O.; 1976

Ottfried Neubecker, Member, Governing Board International Academy Of Heraldry «Heraldry: Sources, Symbols and Meaning», with contributions by J. P. Brooke-Little, Richmond Herald Of Arms, designed by Robert Tobler, first published in Great Britain in 1977 original graphic concept by Emil Buhrer, edition by Floyd Yearout, managing Editor Francine Peeters, editor of the original in German Corinna Reich, illustrations by Franz Coray and Werner Luzi, picture acquisition by Edith Burgler, production manager Franz Gisler, translator of German text Nicholas Fry, copy editor and proofreader Daryl Sharp, composition by Hertig & Co. AG, Biel, Switzerland, photolithography by Kreienbuhl AG, Lucerne and Actual, Biel, Switzerland, printed by Polygraphische Gesellschaft, Laupen, Switzerland, bound by Webb Son and Company Limited, copyright 1976 by McGraw-Hill Book Co, UK Limited, Maidenhead, England, a McGraw-Hill Co-Publication, 294 pages, ISBN 0 354 04157 6, by Macdonald and Jane's Publishers, 8 Shepherdess Walk, London, 1976.

Ottfried Neubecker, 1976, pages 212 and 213.

Bibliographical reference of century XX.

Classification: De bibliotheca, In color and English language.

The author is Neubecker, Ottfried.

Internal resources: Physical book on paper.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Piferrer, F.; 1858

Francisco Piferrer, «Treatise on Heraldry and Blazonry», illustrated by José Asensio y Torres, 292 pages, revised, corrected, and expanded by the same author, printed by Antonio Espinosa, Madrid, 1858.

Francisco Piferrer, Treatise on Heraldry and Blazonry, 1858

Francisco Piferrer was a 19th-century Spanish writer and historian, specialized in heraldry and genealogy. He was a prominent figure in the dissemination of nobiliary and heraldic history in Spain. Among his most notable works is this «Treatise on Heraldry and Blazon» published in 1858, a fundamental work that is still considered a reference in the field today. His work is valued for its meticulous documentation and for laying the foundations for other heraldic studies in Spain.

Bibliographical reference of century XIX.

Classification: De bibliotheca, Castilian language and In black and white.

Author: Piferrer, Francisco.

External resources:

Internal resources: PiferrerF1858.22.TratadoHeraldicaBlason.UGr.B-014-074_2.pdf is the 1858 edition scanned into a digital PDF format by the University of Granada and A facsimile edition as a physical book on paper.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Porny, M. A.; 1765

Mark Anthony Porny, French Master at Eton College, «The Elements of Heraldry», 198 numbered pages and an unnumbered dictionary of 38 pages, illustrated with 23 plates, 8vo, octavo, printed for J. Newbery, in Saint Paul's Church-Yard, London, 1765.

Plate XVII, The Elements of Heraldry, Mark Porny, 1765.

Contents according to the author's description

  • A clear definition and concise historical account of that ancient, useful, and entertaining science.
  • The origin, antiquity, and diverse kinds of coats of arms, with their essential and integral parts considered separately.
  • The several sorts of escutcheons, tinctures, charges, and ornaments used for coats of arms.
  • The marks whereby bearers of the same coat of arms are distinguished from each other.
  • Charges formed of ordinaries, celestial figures, animals, birds, fishes, vegetables, artificial, and chimerical figures.
  • The laws of heraldry, practical directions for marshalling coats of arms, and the order of precedence.
  • To which is annexed, a dictionary of the technical terms made use of in heraldry.

Bibliographical reference of century XVIII.

Classification: De bibliotheca, English language and In black and white.

Author: Porny, Mark Anthony.

Internal resources: Physical book on paper.

Separador heráldico
Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Sarandeses Pérez, F.; 1994

Francisco Sarandeses Pérez, of the Institute of Asturian Studies and of the International Institute of Genealogy and Heraldry, «Heraldry of Asturian Surnames», 408 pages, 89 color plates, black and white illustrations, 27 centimeters, includes bibliography and indexes. prologue to the facsimile edition by Dolores Duque de Estrada Castañeda and Fernando Alós Merry del Val, facsimile edition published by the Royal Institute of Asturian Studies of the José María Quadrado Trust, Superior Center for Scientific Research, printed by Eujoa Artes Gráficas, ISBN 84-87212-26-3, Legal Deposit AS.-1.309/94, Oviedo, 1994.

Illustration of a coat of arms in the 1994 facsimile edition.

Reference to the original edition of 1966

The facsimile edition faithfully reproduces the original 1966, [Sarandeses Pérez, F.; 1966], published by the Provincial Council of Oviedo, with a foreword by H.R.H. The Duke of Calabria, prologue by The Hon. Mr. Julio de Atienza, Baron of Cobos de Belchite, and photographs by Mr. Jesús González-Galatea.

Bibliographical reference of century XX.

Classification: De bibliotheca, Castilian language and Black and white with color plates.

The author is Sarandeses Pérez, Francisco.

Internal resources: A facsimile edition as a physical book on paper.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Williams, N.; 2017

Nicholas Williams, «Irish Heraldry: A Brief Introduction», written and illustrated by the author, 234 pages, published by Evertype, 72 Woodgrove, Portlaoise, R32 ENP6, Ireland, first edition, ISBN.10 1-78201-192-7, ISBN.13 978-1-78201-192-7, typeset in JansonText and Ceanannas by Michael Everson, cover design by Michael Everson and Nicholas Williams, printed by LightningSource, Portlaoise, 2017.

Backcover, Irish Heraldry: A Brief Introduction.


Also published in Irish by Evertype, ISBN 978-1-78201-139-2, copyright by Nicholas Williams, edited by Michael Everson Portlaoise, 2017.


  • List of figures, page viii.
  • Heraldry, page 1.
  • When did the Gaelic chieftains adopt heraldry?, page 4.
  • Native symbolism, page 13.
  • Heraldic terminology, page 16.
  • The heraldic achievement, page 19.
  • Tinctures, page 22.
  • The field, page 26.
  • The ordinaries, page 31.
  • Ornamental lines, page 38.
  • The cross, page 40.
  • The subordinaries, page 44.
  • Animals, page 49.
  • Birds, page 58.
  • Fish, reptiles, and insects, page 62.
  • Heraldic monsters, page 66.
  • Human figures, page 70.
  • Plants, page 73.
  • Further charges, page 78.
  • Blazon, page 91.
  • The crest, etc., page 94.
  • Supporters, page 99.
  • The motto, page 102.
  • The arms of women and the marshalling of arms, page 105.
  • Differencing, page 111.
  • The arms of Ireland and of the Provinces, page 119.
  • Arms of towns and cities in Ireland, page 126.
  • The arms of some famous people, page 134.
  • Ecclestical heraldry, page 138.
  • The Heralds, page 142.
  • Heraldic jurisdiction in the modern world, page 149.
  • Unauthorized arms, page 155.
  • Miscellany, page 158.
  • Abbreviations, page 163.
  • Bibliography, page 164.
  • Index of illustrations, page 166.
  • General index, page 171.
  • Plates, page 185 to 234.

Bibliographical reference of century XXI.

Classification: De bibliotheca, In color and English language.

The author is Williams, Nicholas.

The following article cites this bibliographic reference:

Internal resources: Physical book on paper.


Dr. Antonio Salmerón y Cabañas,
Paseo de la Castellana 135, 7th floor,
28046 Madrid, Spain.