Escudo de Castilla y León

Sable, three Towers Or

Riddle369 11 Sable 3Towers Or jpg

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Categories: Riddle, Imaginary, Sable, Three, Tower and Or.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Salmerón Cabañas, A.; 2017b

Coat of arms and heraldic creation, January 2017 - November 2017

Antonio Salmerón Cabañas, «Coat of arms and heraldic creation between January 2017 and November 2017», paintings registered in the Intellectual Property Registry of Madrid, 116 pages with 474 color illustrations of coats of arms and other heraldic objects, request code M-008097/2017, registration number 16/2018/2136, Madrid, 18th of December of 2017.

In this collection, I showcase a range of my unique heraldic designs, each embodying a distinct narrative and artistic vision. My works demonstrate my expertise in blending traditional heraldry with contemporary aesthetics, highlighting my commitment to preserving the artistry of heraldry while infusing it with modern creativity.

Bibliographical reference of century XXI.

Author: Salmerón Cabañas, Antonio.

IntelectualP 27 Registro Propiedad Intelectual jpg

Registration and coats of arms of the 2nd page

IntelectualP 27 The Coat of arms of Pages 113 114 jpg

Coat of arms of the pages 113 and 114

IntelectualP 27 The Coat of arms of Pages 115 116 jpg

Coat of arms of the pages 115 and 116

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León Libro abierto, hojas de plata, filo de oro, guardas de gules, tapas de sable.

Burke, B.; 1989

Sir Bernard Burke, C. B., LL. D., Ulster King of Arms, «The General Armory of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales; Comprising a Registry of Armorial Bearings from the Earliest to the Present Time», edited by Heraldry Today, printed by Redwoods Books, 1185 pages and an initial supplement with 130 pages, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, 1989.

edited by Heraldry Today, printed by Redwoods Books

Its first edition was [Burke, B.; 1842].

Bibliographical reference of century XX.

Classification: In black and white and English language.

Author: Burke, Bernard.

Here are the articles quoting this reference:

Internal resources: Paper edition.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


Gules, a Saint George nimbed Or, riding a Horse trampling upon a crawling Dragon, Argent.

Gules, a Saint George nimbed Or, riding a Horse trampling upon a crawling Dragon, Argent.

Interpreted coat of arms: with a rounded and pointed shape; illuminated with metals or and argent and color gules; outlined with sable; and a Watercolor finish.

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Gules, Saint George, Nimbed, Or, Horse, Dragon and Argent.

Style keywords: Pointed and rounded, Illuminated, Outlined in sable and Watercolor.

Classification: Coat of arms, Interpreted, Civic and State of Georgia.

Bearer: Georgia.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


Azure, a Menorah between two olive branches Argent; in base the legend <br /> «ישראל» Argent.


Azure, a Menorah between two olive branches Argent; in base the legend
«ישראל» Argent.

Interpreted coat of arms: with a rounded and pointed shape; illuminated with metal argent and color azur; outlined with sable; and a Watercolor finish.

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Azure, One, Menorah, Argent, Accosted, Two, Branch, Olive tree and Motto (identification).

Style keywords: Pointed and rounded, Illuminated, Outlined in sable and Freehand.

Classification: Coat of arms, Interpreted, Civic and State of Israel.

Bearer: Israel.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


Azure, a Tryzub Or.


Azure, a Tryzub Or.

Interpreted coat of arms: with a rounded and pointed shape; illuminated with metals or and color azure; outlined with sable; and a Watercolor finish.

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Azure, Trident and Or.

Style keywords: Pointed and rounded, Illuminated, Outlined in sable and Freehand.

Classification: Coat of arms, Interpreted, Civic and State of Ukraine.

Bearer: Ukraine.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Ukraine, pointed

Azure, a Tryzub Or.

Azure, a Tryzub Or.

Escudo de azur, un tryzub de oro.

Interpreted coat of arms: with a pointed shape; illuminated with metals or and color azure; outlined with sable; and an iridescent finish for the field and metallic of the tryzub.

Blazon keywords: Without divisions, Azure, Trident and Or.

Style keywords: Pointed and rounded, Illuminated, Outlined in sable, Iridescent (nacar) and Soft metal.

Classification: Coat of arms, Interpreted, Civic and State of Ukraine.

Bearer: Ukraine.

Separador heráldico

Sigue por: Uhagón y Guardamino, F. R.; 1904.


Dr. Antonio Salmerón y Cabañas,
Paseo de la Castellana 135, 7th floor,
28046 Madrid, Spain.