Technology and communication

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Associated heraldry domains

SalmeronA 34 Insignia TrazoAlzado jpg

On the heraldic content and the rules

List of heraldic domains associated with which may have a similar content and who share the same legal disclaimer and privacy policy of

Sites about heraldry

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


My heraldic Discord wall is The Discord Roll of Arms # Antonio.

Antonio Salmeron Cabañas SHA, Discord

Categories: Technology, Social networks, Party per pale, Vert, One, Compass rose, Argent, Between, In chief, Ancient coronet, Crown, In base, Sun in splendour, Or, Sable, Overall (line of division), Spear, Shafted, Helm, Mantling, Doubled, Wreath, Lynx, Couchant, Proper, Langued, Azure, Motto and Giclée.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Edmund Leighton, 1901, The Accolade

FbFan 22 A3 TheAccolade Spanish jpg

I swear by the 1st rule of heraldry I will never emblazon again an eagle Sable on a field Gules.

The heraldic rule of tinctures: «a colour cannot go on top of another colour and a metal cannot go on top of another metal».

This coat of arms is similar to the arms of Henry VI the Good, Prince of Silesia and Duque of Wroclaw, blazon: «Gules, an eagel displayed Sable».

If it was Edmund Leighton's intention to paint Henry VI, then the justification would be that Silesia is located in Poland and in the Polish heraldic tradition, the sable is considered a neutral tincture, that is neither color nor metal, so they can put the sable on the color gules. But I doubt that the Prince of Silesia and Duke of Wroclaw would have needed to be knighted.

Categories: Technology, Social networks, Colour on colour, Eagle, Sable and Gules.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


Antonio Salmeron Cabañas SHA, Facebook

My personal Facebook wall is

Categories: Technology and Social networks.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Google Plus

I also had a heraldic wall in Google+ the social network created and closed by Google. Google + taught us that we should not put all our efforts into a single social network.

Tres torres ordenadas de oro, imagen para Google +

Categories: Technology, Social networks, Tower, Ordered, Or, Port and windows and Azure.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Heraldic Artists Appreciation Society

I am the administer of the Facebook group Heraldic Artists Appreciation Society.

Primitive, Heraldic Artists Appreciation Society
Metal, Heraldic Artists Appreciation Society
Parchment, Heraldic Artists Appreciation Society
Facebook, Heraldic Artists Appreciation Society


Bienvenida, Heraldic Artists Appreciation Society
Bienvenida, Heraldic Artists Appreciation Society
Bienvenida, Heraldic Artists Appreciation Society

Rules of the group

Reglas, Heraldic Artists Appreciation Society

Society of Heraldic Arts, SHA, anuncios

Advertisements to promote the Society of Heraldic Arts among heraldic artists of this Facebook group.

SHA, Society of Heraldic Arts
SHA, Society of Heraldic Arts

Categories: Technology, Social networks, Diapered, Ermine, Blacksmith, Anvil, Hammer, Clarion, Lozengy, Estoile, Grand collar, Golden fleece, Inescutcheon, Enflamed, In orle, Flame, Irradiated, Line and Throughout (all sides).

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


My personal Instagram wall is

3000 followers, Instagram
Instagram, Antonio Salmeron Cabañas SHA

Categories: Technology and Social networks.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


The Commoners' Roll of Arms 2023 Full Edition, 260 pages featuring 401 coats of arms for people and 8 for entities, 92 badges, 69 standards, 30 flags, 299 written blazons, 68 heraldic artists, 36 heralds, 46 heraldic jurisdictions, 43 authorities, certificators and registers cited, 192 issued certifications for people and 7 for entities.

I am editor of «The Commoners' Roll of Arms» of the International Society of Commoners Heraldry and I have edited 145 biweekly editions from 2017 to 2023.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


My channel in English in LinkedIn isón-b4b63a4.

Dr. Antonio Salmeron, LinkedIn, Genealogical Society of Ireland

Categories: Technology, Social networks and Republic of Ireland.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


My personal Minds wall is

5000 subscribers, Minds
Antonio Salmeron Cabañas SHA, Minds

Categories: Technology, Social networks, Party per pale, Wavy, Azure, One, Dolphin, Naiant, Argent, Three, Escallop, Or, Stag, Gules, Attired, Bordure, Charged, Eight and Saltire.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


My heraldic NFTs in Objkt

Dr. Antonio Salmeron, Objkt, Manuel of Castile

These historical coats of arms, emblazoned by me in order to be minted as unique Non-Fungible Tokens, are only available in this NFT format. By buying them you acquire an unrepeatable signed piece for your collection.

Categories: Technology, Social networks, NFT, Quarterly, Argent, One, Lion, Rampant, Purpure, Armed, Langued, Gules, Winged hand, Grasping, Sword and Or.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


My heraldic NFTs in OpenSea

Dr. Antonio Salmeron, OpenSea, mural crown

These historical coats of arms, emblazoned by me in order to be minted as unique Non-Fungible Tokens, are only available in this NFT format. By buying them you acquire an unrepeatable signed piece for your collection.

Categories: Technology, Social networks, NFT, Gules, Halberd, Issuant from base and Argent.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


My heraldic Patreon wall is

Antonio Salmerón Cabañas SHA, Patreon

Categories: Technology and Social networks.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León

Pinterest, heraldry and coats of arms

Pinterest, board of heraldry and coats of arms

I introduce my heraldic style and coats of arms in with the following description: «My style as a heraldic artist is clear, simbolic and methodic. Clear because my work searches pieces which transmit energy and vital force to the owner, I think that a coat of arms should be a source of light and joy and an expression of freedom. Symbolic because coats of arms must be a representation of its bearer, his/her ideals, motivations, history and anything he/she might want to display. Methodical because heraldic art is founded on a science, the so called science of heraldry».

The blazons in English are in the following Pinterest's board:

Categories: Technology and Social networks.

Root: Pinterest.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


Artificial Inteligence, Pixiv

My heraldic Pixiv wall is Dr.A.Salmeron @antoniosheraldry and

Pixiv is a Japanese online community for artists. I post in Pixiv 2 or 3 coats of arms per week. They use a strict form to post with many mandatory input fields. This week, they have added a new mandatory field «AI-generated work: Yes / No», AI ~ Artificial Intelligence. In the image, I have highlighted this new field in red.

Antonio Salmerón Cabañas SHA, Pixiv

Categories: Technology, Social networks, Quarterly, Gules, One, Chevron, Argent, Between, Three, Fleur de lis, Or, Five, Mullet, In saltire, Four, Escutcheon, In cross, Azure, Charged, Nine, Bezant and plate, Two, Flank, Fesswise, Center, Overall, Carbuncle, Cord, In orle, Knotted, Purpure, Overall (all), Sable, Mount, Issuant from base, Vert, On, Tower, Port and windows, Masoned, Wolf, Supporting, Enté en point, Fess, Wavy, Crown of the Sovereign and Most Noble Order of the Pomegranate, Crown and Motto.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


My heraldic NFTs at Rarible

Dr. Antonio Salmeron, Rarible, mural crown

These historical coats of arms, emblazoned by me in order to be minted as unique Non-Fungible Tokens, are only available in this NFT format. By buying them you acquire an unrepeatable signed piece for your collection.

Categories: Technology, Social networks, NFT, Gules, Halberd, Issuant from base and Argent.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


My heraldic channel on Satellite was, but sadly, this social network didn't evolve properly.

City of Ceuta, Dr. Antonio Salmeron, Satellite

Categories: Technology, Social networks, Without divisions, Argent, Five, Escutcheon, In cross, Azure, Charged, Bezant and plate, Plate, In saltire, Bordure, Gules, Seven, Castle, Or, Two, In chief, One, In each flank, Three, In base, Crown of Marquis and Crown.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


Blazons' Podcast

Heraldic channel

My heraldic channel at Spotify with podcasts about blazons is

Dr. Antonio Salmerón, Spotify, blazons

Categories: Technology and Social networks.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


My heraldic channel at Telegram is

Dr. Antonio Salmeron, Telegram, City of Ceuta

Categories: Technology, Social networks, Without divisions, Argent, Five, Escutcheon, In cross, Azure, Charged, Bezant and plate, Plate, In saltire, Bordure, Gules, Seven, Castle, Or, Two, In chief, One, In each flank, Three, In base, Crown of Marquis and Crown.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


Heraldry videos

Heraldic channel

My heraldic channel @antoniosheraldry at TikTok is

Dr. Antonio Salmeron, TikTok, wolf, flag, and schema

Categories: Technology, Social networks, Without divisions, Argent, Five, Escutcheon, In cross, Azure, Charged, Bezant and plate, Plate, In saltire, Bordure, Gules, Seven, Castle, Or, Two, In chief, One, In each flank, Three, In base, Crown of Marquis and Crown.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


My heraldic channel @ntoniosalmeron at Twitter is

Dr. Antonio Salmeron, Twitter, castle

Categories: Technology, Social networks, Castle, Or, Port and windows, Azure, Masoned and Sable.

Separador heráldico
Escudo de Castilla y León


Heraldry videos

Heraldic channel

Antonio Salmeron SHA FGSI, YouTube

My heraldic channel at YouTube is

Dr. Antonio Salmeron, YouTube

Categories: Technology, Social networks, Cross, Argent, Pomegranate, Bridge, Tower, Escutcheon, Tree, Fish, Bordure, Compony, Eagle, Lion, Pale, Castle, Bell tower, Plough share, Ship, Semé and Fleur de lis.


Dr. Antonio Salmerón y Cabañas,
Paseo de la Castellana 135, 7th floor,
28046 Madrid, Spain.