Index of bibliographical references, mainly of heraldry,
arranged alphabetically by authors:
Académie internationale d'héraldique:
Adams, Arthur:
Ailes, Adrian:
- [Ailes, A.; 1982]: The Origins of the Royal Arms of England: Their Development to 1199.
Alfonso X of Castile:
Alonso Gamo, José María:
Arco y García, Fernando del:
Argote de Molina, Gonzalo:
Armorial Register, The:
- [Armorial Register, T.; 2020]: International Register of Arms, Volume Three, a Selection of Coats of Arms Conforming to the Laws of Heraldry and Recorded in the Private Register Held by The Armorial Register Limited.
Armytage, George J.:
- [Armytage, G. J.; Rylands, J. P.; 1909]: Pedigrees Made at the Visitation of Cheshire, 1613, taken by Richard Saint George, Esq., Norroy King of Arms and Henry Saint George, Gent., Bluemantle Pursuivant of Arms; and some other contemporary pedigrees.
Atienza y Navajas, Julio de:
Avilés e Iturbide, José:
- [Avilés, J.; 1780a]: Ciencia heroyca, reducida a las leyes heráldicas del blasón: Ilustrada con exemplares de todas las piezas, figuras y ornamentos de que puede componerse un escudo de armas interior y exteriormente, Volume I.
- [Avilés, J.; 1780b]: Ciencia heroyca, reducida a las leyes heráldicas del blasón: Ilustrada con exemplares de todas las piezas, figuras y ornamentos de que puede componerse un escudo de armas interior y exteriormente, Tomo II.
- [Avilés, J.; 1725a]: Ciencia heroyca, reducida a las leyes heráldicas del blasón: Ilustrada con exemplares de todas las piezas, figuras y ornamentos de que puede componerse un escudo de armas interior y exteriormente, Volume I.
- [Avilés, J.; 1725b]: Ciencia heroyca, reducida a las leyes heráldicas del blasón: Ilustrada con exemplares de todas las piezas, figuras y ornamentos de que puede componerse un escudo de armas interior y exteriormente, Volume II.
Avilés, Tirso de:
Bakala, Krzysztof:
- [Bakala, K.; 2010]: Historia symboliczna: znakiem, herbem i barwa pisana : podreczny slownik.
Bascapé, Giacomo Carlo:
Becher, Charlotte:
Bessero-Lagarde, Anne-Sophie:
Blanchard, Jean-Christophe:
Bosque, Juan del:
Brault, Gerard J.:
Bravo Guarida, Clemente:
- [Bravo Guarida, C.; 1934]: El Paso Honroso de Don Suero de Quiñones: Célebre Caballero Leonés en el Puente de Órbigo, en 1434.
Burke, Bernard:
- [Burke, B.; 1989]: The General Armory of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales; Comprising a Registry of Armorial Bearings from the Earliest to the Present Time.
- [Burke, B.; 2009]: The General Armory of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales; Comprising a Registry of Armorial Bearings from the Earliest to the Present Time.
- [Burke, B.; 1842]: The General Armory of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales; Comprising a Registry of Armorial Bearings from the Earliest to the Present Time.
Burke, John:
- [Burke, J.; 1836]: A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland: Enjoying Territorial Possessions or High Official Rank; but Uninvested with Heritable Honours.
Bécquer, Gustavo Adolfo:
Cadenas y Vicent, Vicente de:
Calvo, Pedro:
Catullus, Gaius Valerius:
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de:
Chaparro D'Acosta, Lino:
Clemmensen, Steen:
Col, José Juan del:
Conway, Deanna D. J.:
Costa y Turell, Modesto:
- [Costa y Turell, M.; 1858]: Tratado completo de la ciencia del blasón, o sea, Código heráldico-histórico; acompañado de una estensa noticia de todas las órdenes de caballería existentes y abolidas.
Cox, Noel:
- [Cox, N.; 2009]: The principles of international law governing the Sovereign authority for the creation and administration of Orders of Chivalry.
Cramer, René de:
Cátedra de Emblemática Barón de Valdeolivos:
de Pando Villarroya, José Luís Patricio Vicente:
Domínguez García, J.:
Durasov, Vladimir Alexandrovich:
Edward IV of England:
Fearon, Oliver:
Febrer, Jaime:
Fernando II de León:
Fernández-Xesta y Vázquez, Ernesto:
Ferrari, Matteo:
Ferrer i Vives, Francesc d'A:
Finas, Fromageries:
Fox-Davies, Arthur Charles:
Friar, Stephen:
Froger, Michel:
Gaio da Legnago, Antonio del:
Gamber, Ortwin:
Garaycoa Raffo, Lorenzo:
García Carraffa, Alberto:
García Carraffa, Arturo:
García-Mercadal y García-Loygorri, Fernando:
Garvie, Francisca:
Gauci, Charles A.:
Gentile, Luisa:
Gifra, Vittorio:
Gil, Marc:
Godinho, António:
- [Godinho, A.; 1521]: Livro da nobreza e da perfeição das armas dos reis cristãos e nobres linhagens dos reinos e senhorios de Portugal.
Goldstraw, Martin S. J.:
González Echegaray, Maria del Carmen.:
Gorino-Causa, Mario:
Gough, Henry:
Gourdon de Genouillac, Henri:
Greaves, Kevin:
Grothues, Bernard:
- [Grothues, B.; 2019]: Dr. Antonio Salmerón, heraldicus in Spanje. Een kijkje in het atelier van een heraldisch kunstenaar.
Grünenberg, Konrad:
Guimera López, Coriolano:
Hablot, Laurent:
Halkosaari, Heikki:
Herrera Casado, Antonio:
Hiltmann, Torsten:
Huidobro Moya, José Manuel:
Humphery-Smith, Cecil:
Husenbeth, Frederick Charles:
Iguiniz, Juan B.:
- [Iguiniz, J. B.; 1920]: The National Coat of Arms: A Documented and Illustrated Historical Monograph.
Ingeram, Hans:
Jones, Tanja:
João do Cró:
Juby, Bernard:
- [Juby, B.; 2019]: The Splendour of the Modern Heraldic Bookplate Artist.
King, Daniel:
- [King, D.; 1656]: The Vale-Royal of England or, The County Palatine of Chester Illustrated, wherein is Contained a Geographical and Historical Description of that Famous County, with all its Hundreds and Seats of the Nobility, Gentry and Freeholders.
Kleisner, Tomáš:
Labandeira Fernández, Amancio:
Lainé, J. J. L.:
- [Lainé, P. L.; Lainé, J. J. L.; 1828]: Archives généalogiques et historiques de la noblesse de France, ou, Recueil de preuves, mémoires et notices généralogiques, servant à constater l'origine, la filiation, les alliances et lés illustrations religieuses, civiles et militaires de diverses maisons et familles nobles du royaume; Avec la collection des nobiliaires généraux des provinces de France.
Lainé, P. Louis:
- [Lainé, P. L.; Lainé, J. J. L.; 1828]: Archives généalogiques et historiques de la noblesse de France, ou, Recueil de preuves, mémoires et notices généralogiques, servant à constater l'origine, la filiation, les alliances et lés illustrations religieuses, civiles et militaires de diverses maisons et familles nobles du royaume; Avec la collection des nobiliaires généraux des provinces de France.
Langton, William:
- [Langton, W.; 1876]: The Visitation of Lancashire and a part of Cheshire, made in the twenty-fourth year of the reign of King Henry the Eighth, A.D. 1533, by special commission of Thomas Benolte (Benalt), Clarencieux.
Le Juge De Segrais, René:
Lindsay, David:
- [Lindsay, D.; 1822]: Facsimile of an Ancient Heraldic Manuscript Emblazoned by Sir David Lyndsay of the Mount, Lyon King of Arms, 1542.
Liñán y Eguizábal, José de:
Lupescu, Radu:
Lutzelbourg, Nicolas de:
Marecki, Józef:
Mareckiego, Józefa:
Marshal, Lord:
Martinena Ruiz, Juan José:
Martín Fuertes, José Antonio:
Martínez de Aguirre Aldaz, Javier:
Mayer, Leo Aryeh:
Mayoralgo y Lodo, José Miguel de:
Medél, Ramon:
- [Medél, R.; 1846]: The Spanish Blazon or Heraldic Science, Coats of Arms of the Different Kingdoms into which Spain has been divided, and of the Noble Families thereof.
Menestrier, Claude-François:
- [Menestrier, C. F.; 1750]: La Nouvelle Methode Raisonnée du Blason pour l'Aprendre d'une Maniere Aisée: Reduite en Leçons par Demandes, Et par Réponses.
- [Menestrier, C. F.; 1659]: Le veritable art du blason et la pratique des Armoiries depuis leur Institution.
Menéndez Pidal de Navascués, Faustino:
- [Menéndez Pidal de Navascués, F.; 2018]: Los sellos en nuestra Historia.
- [Menéndez Pidal de Navascués, F.; 2014a]: Los emblemas heráldicos: novecientos años de historia.
- [Menéndez Pidal de Navascués, F.; 1982]: Medieval Spanish Heraldry I: The Royal House of Leon and Castile.
- [Martinena Ruiz, J. J.; Menéndez Pidal de Navascués, F.; 2001]: Book of Armory of the Kingdom of Navarra.
- [Menéndez Pidal de Navascués, F.; 1963]: A Leónese Heraldic Embroidery: the Carbuncle in Medieval Coats of Arms.
- [Menéndez Pidal de Navascués, F.; 1974]: Book of Armory of the Kingdom of Navarra: Transcription and Study.
- [Menéndez Pidal de Navascués, F.; 1985]: Rare and Ambiguous Charges of Spanish Heraldry.
- [Menéndez Pidal de Navascués, F.; 1999]: Lions and Castles: Heraldic Emblems in Spain.
- [Menéndez Pidal de Navascués, F.; Martínez de Aguirre, J.; 2000]: The Coat of Arms of Navarra.
- [Menéndez Pidal de Navascués, F.; 1988]: Spanish Heraldic Panorama: Epochs and Regions in the Medieval Period.
Merrigan, Michael:
Messía de la Cerda y Pita, Luis:
Mogrobejo Zabala, Endika de:
Mogrovejo de la Cerda, Juan:
- [Mogrovejo de la Cerda, J.; 1636]: Árbol de los Veras compuesto por Alonso López de Haro, Criado de Su Majestad y Ministro de su Real Consejo de las Órdenes y Cronista de los Reinos de Castilla y León.
Molino, Miguel del:
Moncreiffe, Iain:
Moreno de Vargas, Bernabé:
Márquez de la Plata, Vicenta María:
Neubecker, Ottfried:
Nieto y Cortadellas, Rafael:
Nisbet, Alexander:
- [Nisbet, A.; 1722]: System of Heraldry Speculative and Practical: With the True Art of Blazon.
- [Nisbet, A.; 1816]: System of Heraldry Speculative and Practical: With the True Art of Blazon.
Onida, Gian Carlo:
Paradin, Claude:
Parker, James:
- [Parker, J.; 2010]: A Glossary of Terms Used in Heraldry, a New Edition with one Thousand Illustrations.
- [Parker, J.; 1971]: A Glossary of Terms Used in Heraldry, a New Edition with one Thousand Illustrations.
- [Parker, J.; 1970]: A Glossary of Terms Used in Heraldry, a New Edition with one Thousand Illustrations.
- [Parker, J.; Gough, H.; 1966]: A Glossary of Terms Used in Heraldry, a New Edition with one Thousand Illustrations.
- [Parker, J.; 1894]: A Glossary of Terms Used in Heraldry, a New Edition with one Thousand Illustrations.
Parker, James Henry:
- [Parker, J. H.; 1847]: A Glossary of Terms Used in British heraldry, with a chronological table illustrative of its rise and progress.
Parsons, Robert John:
Pastoureau, Michel:
Pedro IV de Aragón:
- [Pedro IV de Aragón; 1353]: Ordinance made by the very high and excellent Prince and Lord Lord Don Pedro the third King of Aragon, on the manner in which the Kings of Aragon will be consecrated and they themselves will be crowned.
Pennick, Nigel:
- [Pennick, N.; 2015]: Pagan Magic of the Northern Tradition: Customs, Rites, and Ceremonies.
Petra Sancta, Silvester:
Piferrer, Francisco:
Pineda, Juan de:
- [Pineda, Juan d.; 1783]: Libro del Passo Honroso, defendido por el excelente caballero Suero de Quiñones.
Porny, Mark Anthony:
Portolés, Jerónimo:
Pottinger, Don:
Prica, Dimitri:
Pérez de Vargas, Juan:
Rabbow, Arnold:
- [Rabbow, A.; 1999]: The Origin of the Royal Arms of England - a European Connection.
Raber, Vigil:
Redakcja, Pod:
Riesco de Iturri, Miren Begoña:
Rietstap, Johannes Baptista:
Rio, Martino del:
- [Rio, M. del; 1608]: Disquisitionum Magicarum Libri Sex: Quibus continetur accurata curiosarum artium et vanarum superstitionum confutatio, utilis Theologis, Jurisconsultis, Medicis, Philologis.
Riquer y Morera, Martin de:
Rodríguez de la Vega, Alonso:
Rodríguez de Lena, Pero:
Roland, Martin:
Rotter, Lucyny:
Rowling, Joanne:
Rumor, Sebastiano:
Rylands, John Paul:
- [Armytage, G. J.; Rylands, J. P.; 1909]: Pedigrees Made at the Visitation of Cheshire, 1613, taken by Richard Saint George, Esq., Norroy King of Arms and Henry Saint George, Gent., Bluemantle Pursuivant of Arms; and some other contemporary pedigrees.
- [Rylands, J. P.; 1882]: The Visitation of Cheshire in the Year 1580, Made by Robert Glover, Somerset Herald, for William Flower, Norroy King of Arms, with Numerous Additions and Continuations, Including those from The Visitation of Cheshire in the Year 1566, by the same Herald, with an Appendix Containing The Visitation of a Part of Cheshire in the Year 1533, William Fellows, Lancaster Herald, for Thomas Benolte, Clarenceux King Of Arms, And a Fragment of The Visitation of the City of Chester in the Year 1591, Made by Thomas Chaloner, Deputy to the Office Of Arms.
Salazar y Mendoza, Miguel de:
Salmerón Cabañas, Antonio:
- [Salmerón Cabañas, A.; 2024b]: Interpretation of Six Family Coats of Arms from the Southern Indies Granted between 1538 and 1540.
- [Salmerón Cabañas, A.; 2024a]: Coat of arms and heraldic creation between December 2017 and December 2023.
- [Salmerón Cabañas, A.; 2017b]: Coat of arms and heraldic creation between January 2017 and November 2017.
- [Salmerón Cabañas, A.; 2016a]: Coat of arms and heraldic creation between April 2015 and December 2016.
- [Salmerón Cabañas, A.; 2015a]: Coat of arms and heraldic creation between April 2014 and March 2015.
- [Salmerón Cabañas, A.; 2014b]: The Book of the Coat of Arms of Wolves Sable and Unicorns Argent.
- [Salmerón Cabañas, A.; 2014a]: Design of the coats of arms o-XI, o-IX, o-XX with their crest, supporters, flags, seals and blazons.
- [Salmerón Cabañas, A.; 2008]: Automatic painting 1991/2004, 210 paintings with ink, watercolor and other media.
Sanz Lacorte, Jesús:
Sarandeses Pérez, Francisco:
Savorelli, Alessandro:
Scott-Giles, C. W.:
Selvester, Guy W.:
Sevilla Gómez, Antonio:
Shakespeare, William:
Stalins, Gaston:
Stock, Elliot:
- [Stock, E.; 1895]: The Antiquary, A Magazine Devoted to the Study of the Past.
Stodart, Robert Riddle:
Ströhl, Hugo Gerard:
Stych, F. S.:
Sánchez Albornoz, C.:
Tejero de Rojas y Sandoval, Juan Francisco:
The Heraldry Society:
Toral y Fernández de Peñaranda, Enrique:
Torres, Avelino V.:
Tosta, María Luisa:
Uhagón y Guardamino, Francisco Rafael:
Valero de Bernabé y Martín de Eugenio, Luis:
- [Valero de Bernabé, L.; 2012a]: El Hombre en la Heráldica.
- [Valero de Bernabé, L.; 2012b]: Las Figuras Humanas en la Heráldica.
- [Valero de Bernabé, L.; 2014]: El Bestiario Heráldico Balear.
- [Valero de Bernabé, L.; Márquez de la Plata, V. M.; 2003]: Simbología y diseño de la heráldica gentilicia galaica.
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- [Valero de Bernabé, L.; 2009a]: Los Castillos en la Heráldica Española.
- [Valero de Bernabé, L.; 2010]: El Lobo, singularidad de la heráldica hispana.
Valverde Ogallar, Pedro Blas:
Various authors:
- [GDLC; 1998]: Gran diccionari de la llengua catalana.
Vega, Pedro José de:
- [Vega, P. J. de; 1702]: Compendio de la Maior Parte Ð los Blassones, Armas, e Ynsignias Ð las Ylustres Casas, Familias, y Apellidos del Reyno Ð Navarra i Parte Ð la Provincia de Gvipvzcoa, Segvn las Vsan y Traen los Svccesores Ðellas.
Vera-Ortiz, Jorge A.:
- [Vera-Ortiz, J.A.; 2009]: Linaje emeritense de don Juan Antonio de Vera y Zúñiga, un pícaro conde genealogista y una creencia muy arraigada.
Vicente Cascante, Ignacio:
Vivar del Riego, José Antonio:
Wade, William Cecil:
- [Wade, W. C.; 1898]: The symbolisms of heraldry or A treatise on the meanings and derivations of armorial bearings.
Wijnbergen, Anonymous:
Williams, Nicholas:
Winkler, Pavel Pavlovich von:
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Zajic, Andreas H.: